CHILDHOOD CRUSH : Episode 1 – 10

?Childhood Crush?

?Written by Authoress Kamara

Episode 5

?Elsa POV?
I noticed Kimberly and her friends smirking, even Kyle was giving his friends side glances. Something must be wrong.

I wanted to stand up and move to another seat but Kyle forced me back on the chair.

He placed his hand on my thigh rubbing it smoothly.

“Don’t even think about standing up or else”. He said harshly.

I took a deep breath and shoved his hand away glaring at him.

He looked surprised by what I did. I knew other girls in school will kill for him to touch them but not me.

Kyle may be my Childhood Crush but that doesn’t mean I’ll let him do whatever he wants. I was kinda scared by what he said, what does he mean by what else?

The Biology teacher kept on talking but I wasn’t even listening a bit. I was thinking of what to do when this class finishes. Run.

I shouldn’t have retorted at Sapphire earlier this morning, maybe Beverly was right. I should try and keep my big mouth shut.

“Miss Reyes!!”. I heard the teacher call.

I jerked back to reality. “Yeah?”.

“Pay attention”. He warned.

I nodded in response.

“Now class, today we are going to learn about the inner organs of amphibians”. The teacher said and the class groaned in disgust.

I have a bad feeling about this, i was irritated by anything disgusting and an example is inner organ of an amphibian. How could this day get any worse?

“I hope you don’t puke. Elsa”. Kimberly said and all her gang laughed.

I looked back at them, i was tempted to say something but I held it back. Beverly looked at me with a sorry expression on her face, She mouthed sorry to me again. Okay this is weird.

I faced my table and Carl winked at me, i smiled back at him.

“Hey, we haven’t officially met, I’m Carl”. He said stretching his hand forward across the table.

I took his hand. “Elsa Reyes”.

We shook hands and Oh My Gosh, his hands were really soft and warm which gave me a tingling feeling.

“Nice to meet you”. He said removing his hand.

“Do you use hand moisturizer?”. I asked curious.

He chuckled. “Why do you say so?”.

“Your hand is kinda soft and really smooth”. I replied.

“Thanks, no one has said that to me before”. He smiled at me.

“Really? Or are you just saying that”.

He chuckled. “I’m actually serious, you are the first__”.

“Enough of the chitchat”. Kyle interrupted.

I was surprised by what happened, if he can’t notice me at least Carl did.

“So can I have your number so we can__”.

Kyle cut him off. “I said chitchat over”.

Carl rested back on his chair glaring at Kyle who frowned in return. I was literally confused.

“So a section of an amphibian will be placed in each group”. The teacher said spreading white clothed material on each table.

A dead frog, i presume was placed on our table and we were supposed to bisect it.

I turned a little green seeing frog’s internal stuck out.

“Elsa, You okay?”. Carl asked me.

I gagged feeling somehow, i immediately puked at once. Gosh!! I’m not so good at this at all.

My eyes felt drowsy and everything went blank.

^^Hours later^^
I woke up feeling nauseate and disgust, i looked around. I was in a bed in a sickbay, i noticed someone next to me.


I sat up and saw Gabriella.

Gabby sighed. “Finally you are awake”.

“The smell of that stinking frog is still in my nostrils”. I made a face.

She smiled. “Sorry about that”.

I fell back on the bed. “At least thats all gone”.

“I’m not so sure”. She showed me her phone.

I took it from her. “Whats this?”.

“School blog, Kimberly had posted that video of you earlier. I saw it while in class so I quickly came here”. She explained.

I clicked on the video and watched it, i removed it after just 5 seconds and gave the phone back to Gabriella.

“Sorry”. She said. “They are really evil”.

“Who brought me here?”. I asked sadly.


My eyes lightened up. “Kyle? Really?”.

“He only brought you here because he’s the school president. Thats all”.

I wiped my cheeks. “This is really hurting”.

“Let me give you some advice, don’t go close to them. I learned my lesson the hard way”. Gabby said.

I looked at her. “What?!!”.

Tears fell from her eyes. “He’s the worst person ever, what he did to me was unforgivable”.

“Gabriella”. I soothed her. “Thanks for staying beside me”.

She quickly wiped her tears. “I really need to get to class. Bye Elsa”. She left hurriedly.

I wondered what really happened to her. Is Kimberly and Sapphire really that bad?

Later the nurse came in and allowed me to go when it was time to leave. I was really glad that school was over for today.

I walked through the school’s hallway clinging to my backpack aware of the stares most students were giving me. I got to my locker silently.


I turned to see Sapphire. Can’t she leave me alone for once?

“What do you want?”. I said impatiently.

She scoffed. “Seriously? You have the guts to talk to me?”.

“Last time i checked, we are the same”. I told her off.

“Fuck!’, you and I can never be the same. Girls did you hear what she said?”. Sapphire said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at her outburst.

“Hey Babe. Whats wrong?”.

Kyle walked over slinging his hand over Sapphire’s shoulder casually.

I was sad by the display before me. The fact that Kyle doesn’t notice me was really hurting me.

Sapphire whispered into Kyle’s ear and he glanced at me.

“Elsa, this will be the last time you ever talk back at Sapphire, got it?”. Kyle fired at me.

Beverly came over. She looked at all of us before facing me. “What happened?”.

“Come on, Beverly lets go home”. I said.

“Beverly”. Kyle called.

“I’m so sorry, Elsa, i’ll see you later”. She said.

She too? She really has changed.

I held on to my backpack tightly running through the school hallway then out of the buildings. I went over to the school’s parking lot and saw Tristan waiting for me.

I wiped my tears and went over to him.

I unlocked the door. “Come on, lets go”. I said hastily.

“Elsie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”. He asked staring at me.

Tears rolled down my eyes. “Nothing okay”.

I got into the car and he entered. I hit the steering wheel multiple times crying.

“Elsie, sorry about what happened. You don’t need to cry about that”. Tristan soothed me.

I stopped and looked at him. “How did you find out?”.

“I’m a freshman in SpringCity Senior High and the video is currently trending in the school blog”. He explained.

“My life is ruined”.

“Then how did you get that hot guy?”.

“What guy?”. I asked confused.

“Bryan Stark. He kinda asked after you but he couldn’t wait so he left”. He told him.

Bryan asked of me? He’s really nice and caring. I smiled as I remembered his face.

“Whats with the smile? You crushing?”. Tristan teased me.

I laughed. “Stop it”.

“You are no longer into that Kyle?”. He asked.

I crossed my arms. “I don’t know, Tristan, he really changed”.

“Well my advice is that you get me home”.

I stared at him unbelievably. I thought he was gonna give me some good advice.

“What? I’m starving”. He said innocently.

I rolled my eyes and started the car driving off out of the school parking lot.

We got to our house and we met Mum already ready to leave.

“I need food”. Tristan yelled and rushed off to the Kitchen.

My Mum laughed. “Whats up with him?”.

I shrugged. “Looks like he had a great day at school”.

“So how was your first day?”. Mum asked.

I sat on the couch. “Worst day ever”.

“But you’ve always wanted to come back to SpringCity”.

I sighed. “Yeah but it was not what I expected”.

My mum came close to me. “People change, sweetie, its up to you to decide if you are going to follow the change or stay who you really are”.

“I really wanted to come back to SpringCity to see Kyle but he’s already in a relationship”.

“Well he can’t be the only guy you will ever have a crush on. There must be others”.

I smiled remembering Bryan. How nice he was to me, how he defended me from Mason.

“My baby is smiling”. My Mum mocked.


“I thought you said you had a worst day but why are you smiling right now?”.

Kyle’s words immediately flashed through my mind and Gabriella’s words rang in my ears. Gosh!! I’m so scared, i really don’t want to make enemies with Sapphire, Kimberly and their crew.

“Mum, I wanna go back with you to Las Vegas”.

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