



Sha Ron

Chapter 34

“I thought as much!” Alex smiled when he saw Skyler seated on the driver’s seat when they got into the car.

The rest of the drive to the military zone was totally silent. Nobody dared say anything, they were all aware that whatever they say inside the car will be heard by the people in the computer lab because there’s a voice recording device in the car not to mention their earplugs.

Alex could see the rage and despised looks in the eyes of Stella, Celina and Gena as they stole glances at Sophia who kept looking out the window. The trio were careful not to let their body touch hers as they all shared a seat in the truck that has long seats facing each other.

If eyes were gun, Alex was sure they would have mvrdered Sophia even before they started the journey.

When the car reached the front of the base’s first gate, Skyler parked a few feets away from the main entrance to avoid notice and pulled over.

It was too dark to be seen. They all wore their gloves, took their guns and jumped out one after the other.

“The sun is shining, it’s so bright outside!” Their ears vibrated from the order a voice issued to them.

They all exchanged looks, nodded signals and dispersed to the different locations they were told to post.

Sophia climbed the roof with ease because she was already taught how to jump high fences and walk on a rooftop with an easy graze and quick monitored steps to avoid making a noise and end up being caught.

She watched the soldiers on patrol all armed. Two of them were around the gate facing the South and another two at the one facing East. Eight of the soldiers walked around. Making a total of eleven soldiers on guard.

She signaled the others to come forward while she distracted them. She saw a cage that three security dogs were locked in, and threw a stone in front of it to arouse them.

They started barking and howling, bringing the attention of five of the soldiers to them. Alex, Celina and Stella went inside without notice while the soldiers checked to see what was wrong with the dogs.

They swiftly damaged every camera they came across. The other soldiers too moved about to see what was the problem when she threw another stone at another cage.

That really distracted them enough for the trio to disperse into the offices they were directed to carry out their missions. Gena was right behind her all the while without her notice, she hid in the dark instead of guarding the entrance as she was ordered to do.

“What is going on there?” One of the generals asked in a disturbed tone from one of the windows.

“Nothing sir! I think a rat passed by and the dogs barked, everything is alright!!” One of the soldiers on patrol replied and saluted.

“Better make sure!” The high ranked general closed his window and his light went off.

Sophia did not know what went wrong, but a gvnshot erupted from one of the offices and everything got worse as Alex and Stella ran out and exchanged bvllets with the soldiers.

She was told that they were to kll without being noticed, silently of course, but she can’t tell who released a bvllet and the reason why the person took the risk and put all of them in danger.

She raised her gvn to shoot one of the soldiers that aimed at Alex and was shot from behind. Sophia fell on the roof and rolled down into a dirty bush at the back of the military zone.

Alex and Stella were able to escape first, they ran into the car and Skyler was almost driving off when Gena ran to stand in front of the truck to stop him.

She ran into the car immediately and Skyler sped off as two military cars chased after them and shot towards their direction.

“Where’s Sophia? Gena, I saw you climbing the walls, where is she?!” Alex grasped.

“I don’t know, she was on top of the roof just now and I heard someone grunt in pain as if being shot, I could have checked to see if it was her, but the bvllets were flying towards me!” She said sharply.

“Gosh! I think Celina got shot too. I’m becoming scared of this type of job, I don’t want to die. I wonder what went wrong!!” Stella cursed when her gvn stuck.

The car abruptly came to a halt when the bvllets hit the tyres. They were lucky a road sign’s pole hooked the car and saved it from tumbling. They all scampered for safety.

“Where are the fking voices that were said to be telling us of the dangers ahead through this shit of a thing!” Skyler muttered under his breath as he ran for his dear life.



“Someone sold us out!” Mrs. Smith said angrily, pvnching her palms.

She was informed from the computer lab that something went wrong. They weren’t able to get any signal when immediately the guys stepped into the military zone.

It was cut off somewhere and that is the work of a spy. Mrs Smith knew there was a spy, but she had hoped to catch the person through this mission, but there seems to be not just one spy.

They are two different people, one is working for Mr. Smith and the other sold out their information about the hit to the military.

“Mom, what happened? I heard you from my room” Justin asked worriedly. He has been very restless ever since the a$sassins left.

“We should wait until we see the Special A$sassins, they are in a better position to answer that question!” She replied and stormed out.

Justin followed her, there is no way he is quietly waiting while Sophia is in danger.

Alex, Stella and Gena ran in first. They told her the little they knew about the failure of the mission. Skyler was nowhere to be found all through the night.

Picked For You:  WHEN THE FORBIDDEN HAPPENS: Episode 21 – The End

Everyone was really upset about what happened and they felt sad about Sophia and Celina, but there is nothing they could do but wait to see what happens next because they are as good as handicapped and Mrs. Smith really hated it.



*Next Morning*

“Wake the fool!” Mr Smith spat on Fred.

The plan yesterday was for Fred to come to the Mountain side hotel to look for Miss Lola and Cynthia as he might have called him to give him information about Mr. Smith.

Frederick had fallen into their trap like a mouse and they had knocked breath out of his lungs and carried him to the storage room.

They Miss Lola to pulp and hung her upside down at the roof right in front of Fred so he would see the spiteful sight when he opened his eyes.

His men had used Cynthia to have fun and play with for the whole of last night and she was better off beaten than being taken turn after then by eleven men. She can’t even blink an eye and Mr Smith doesn’t care if she is surviving, dead or just alive for the sake of living.

Flying Dragon poured a half of cold bottle water on Fred’s face and he woke up. He almost screamed when he saw Miss Lola’s condition, but he has seen more in his life to make a fuss about this one, just that he pities the girl and he feels guilty for putting her in that condition.

Mr Smith brought his face closer to Fred’s to mock him, but the arrogant young man $pat on his face.

“You animal!” Mr Smith howled and struck Fred on his head.

“Why don’t you go on and kll me! I dare you to do that!!” Fred screamed. He was tied to a chair, so he rocked the chair around like an angry lion.

“This man doesn’t understand, someone help me teach him how to be humble and respect his elders!” Mr Smith said and gave room for Lee to hit Fred.

Lee lifted the iron cane he had been heating on the fire, it was all red colored and spared only the handle that he held it. He fIogged Fred with it on his bare back and made sure each of the fIog rlpped off his skin.

“Aaaaaaahhhh!” Fred cried whenever the twine touched his body.

Lee didn’t stop until he was ordered to by Mr Smith and that came after twelve lash of the cane on his body.

Fred thought he was going to die immediately, he even wished for d.eath because the pains were unbearable, but he remembered that he made a promise to Angelina.

He wasn’t able to look up at his enemy again as if he was the sinner, bI.ood oozed out of his mouth and nose.

What came into his mind at that very moment was Angelina and his kids. Fate wanted to have mercy on him when he tried starting all over again to make sure he stays with his family, but what did he do?

He pushed Angelina’s happiness aside and threw away everything they have shared for years and even his adorable children to fight on a case that doesn’t concern him in any way! Isn’t he an a$shole?

“I’m a scumbag, please, forgive me, Angela” he muttered.

“Tell me, who sent you? Why are you digging an already closed and forgotten case? Why? Talk to me now or I will peel off your skin bit by bit and give you to eat!” Mr Smith barked.

“What are you waiting for? Cut off my head and do whatever you want with me, but you will never get any information from me! I have already sent screenshots of the documents to all the American attorneys I know and you know there’s no way you will get to all of them and stop them from spreading the news until you get caught except by me. It is useless klling me, you know that,” Fred laughed.

Well, that is a good lie, an act of deception to get the man at seat’s edge and know if he will be spared, but the truth will still surface because he had dropped by his friend’s house and left his briefcase at his place before coming to the hotel.

He has spied on many criminals and dug many dangerous or scandalous cases for a greater part of his life to know what to do and say at times like this. He only hopes this tactic works for him because he can’t can’t bear to see Angelina hurt.

She will probably die if the news of his demise is broken to her and she will find it really hard to try and convince their kids that Daddy is not coming back ever again.

“You think so? Flying Dragon, plug the electric iron to heat. Lee, take him to the tank, now!” Mr Smith commanded and his men set to work immediately.

Flying Dragon got busy with heating the electric iron and fixing other cables that will be used to t®rture the man and force the truth out of his mouth.

Lee untied him from the chair and tied only his hands to his back and dragged him to the tank full of stinky water at a farther end of the enormous storage room.

“Let us see how long you will last, Mr. Frederick! Dip!!” He mocked and ordered Lee to dip Fred’s head into the tank full of stinky water.

Lee pushed Fred’s head into the water and held him still as he struggled to get away. Flying Dragon had to come help pin him down when he almost pushed Lee off him.

“Release!” Mr. Smith said after thirty minutes. “Are you willing to talk or suffer because of a piece of information that doesn’t have anything to do with you?!” He demanded.

“Go to h’ll! Fk you!!” Fred grasped.


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