DANGEROUS LOVE: Chapter 21-30

? Dangerous Love ?

? Chapter 25?

Written by: Tamara Blair

A week later,

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

I watched how Nicole was playing with Dwayne,she really likes him.

“You know what i think?” I asked as i sat beside her.


She kssed Dwayne’s cheek making him giggle.

“I think you are going to be a good mother”

“What makes you say that?”

“The way you are with Dwayne, he’s not even your child and you take care of him so well”

“He’s just so cute and hard to resist,he makes me happy”

“Don’t i make you happy?”i said feigning sadness.

“Aww,babe,you know you make me extra happy”

“I love you”

“Love you too”

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??
I and Brandon were about to kiss when my phone rings.

“Well,talk about bad timing” he said grousely, while i chuckled.

I checked the caller ID and it was Bella.

“Hey,babe” I said while she giggled.

“So everything’s ready for tomorrow”

“Great,i can’t wait to see the look on her face”

“Yeah,so get ready”

“Okay,bye” i said and hanged up.

“Was that Bella?” Brandon asked as he carried Dwayne in his arms.

“Yeah,she was just informing me about something”

Get ready, Clarissa Johnson

? Clarissa’s P.o.v?
“I told you your plan won’t work, they love each other like crazy” Sasha said making me more angry.

“Will you shut up,am trying to think,i can’t let Nicole have Brandon”

“She already has Brandon to herself,he loves her so much that he would anything for her”

I picked up a vase beside me and threw at the wall making it break to pieces.

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??

It was a Tuesday morning and i was waiting for Clarissa to arrive.

“Where the h.ell is the btch?”Bella asked making me laugh.

Jason, Micheal, Brandon and Zach walked over to us.

“So what do you want to tell us?” Zach asked.

“You will know very soon”

“Clary is here” Bella said excitedly.

“Hey, Clarrissa,how are you and how is Dwayne?” I asked as she walked over to us.

“He’s fine”

“Look, Clary,we have a surprise for you”

“What’s the surprise?” She asked looking around.

“Attention, Students of Xavier high,can i have your attention?”

Students started to gather around us.

“Thanks,i would like to say something about my beautiful friend called Clarrissa Johnson over her, She and i met at a party i went with my dad.

We became close friends, so she decided to visit me a few weeks ago,i thought she came as a friend not knowing she actually came to steal my boyfriend away,she claimed to have a child with Brandon”

Students started to murmur, Clarissa was getting nervous.

“I would be lying if i said i wasn’t devastated by the news,i mean how would you feel if the person you loved had a child with someone else,she said Brandon was the father of her child”

“Because he is the father of my child” Clarrissa said,i and Bella laughed.

“What’s so funny?” She asked.

“The fact that you think we are so stupid to believe that trash” Bella said.

“Clarissa,you are so dumb,did you really think that i would accept the fact that you said Brandon was the father of Dwayne without checking”

Bella brought out a paper.

“What it says in his paper is that Brandon os not the father of Brandon” Bella siad and everyone gasped in surprise

“I knew she was a b*tch” Zach said.

“You two are lying, it’s a fake DNA test” Clarissa yelled.

“Oh, shut up, Clary, the reason I didn’t suggest for a DNA test was because i knew you would bribe the doctor into manipulating the result so i decided to do it myself witg the help of my very good friend,Bella.

That’s why i told you i wanted to take care of Dwayne,you stupidly gave him to me,so i took a strand of his hair and a strand of Brandon’s hair,it wasn’t so hard to get Brandon’s hair,he is always with me

You are a btch, Clarissa Johnson and a d.umb one”

Clarrissa tried to lunge at me, Bella grabbed her and sl@pped her so hard ahe fell down.
I grabbed her by the hair so that she could face me.

“You were never pregn@nt for Brandon,you ugly wtch”

“What?” Brandon said.

“Yeah,she was never pregn@nt for you,she only did that so that she could have you but since you said you said you would take responsibility for the child,she got nervous and left”

I sla.pped her hard on the face,Bella turned her around to face her,she sl.apped her again.

We kept taking turns in sl@pping her,the students were taking videos.

The Principal arrived.

“What in the world is happening here? Nicole and Bella, you are bu.llying a student”

“Sir,she ‘s not a student”

“Well,you bullied her on the school’s property, Nicole Norman and Bella Throne,you two have to leave the school premises and come back tomorrow”

“I needed a rest from the beating anyway,so thanks Principal” Bella said making everyone laugh.

“Me too,i also need to change my nails” i said.

“Let’s go, Nikky, bye Clary” Bella said.

We carried our bag and left,we started laughing as we got outside.

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

“That was epic” Zach said.

“And really funny” Micheal said and we all laughed.

“At Least, Clarissa is off our back” i said.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Nicole so i decided to go see her but first i had to stop over at my house to get something.

“Babe,you are here?” I asked as i saw Nicole resting on my bed.

“Yeah,i couldn’t go home,Mrs Smith will see and ask me questions and if she finds out that i got sent home for beating a student, she’s definitely going to tell my dad”

I pulled her closer from the wa!st and kssed her forehead.

“Thanks for what you did today,you got Clary off my back”

“She was trying to steal you away from me and i didn’t want that to happen”

“Nicole,am all yours,no one can take me away from you”

“I know, i have ro admit Dwayne was really cute,i liked him”

“I liked him too but he’s not my son and he needed to go , the only son i want to have,i want it to come from you” i said while she giggled.

“Are you serious about that?”

“Yeah,for you to be the mother of kids”

“Brandon, having children is starting a family,are you sure you will be ready for that?”

“Of course,i will,we will finish high school, then college,get jobs,become so successful, then get married”

“Ohh,i would love that”

“As long as we stay together and face any difficulty that comes our way”

We kssed each other, then hugged.

Six Months later,

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??

“Babe,i can’t believe we have been dating for a year now” i said as i kssed his forehead.

“Yeah,me too, even though we fight,we still settle our differences”

He kssed me softly on the l!ps before pulling away.

“Brandon,can i ask you a question?”


I sat on his lap,facing him.

“Don’t you think it’s time?”

“Time for what?” He asked confused.

“You know what am talking about, you know for us to finally do it”

“You need to be ready”

“Am so ready”

“Babe i don’t want to hurt you”

“It’s my first time, it’s gonna hurt anyway or don’t you want me?”

“How can you say that,you know everytime you wear things that show your cu.rves, i go cr.azy,i always control myself from grabbing you” he said making me giggle

I kssed him immediately and he responded so fast,my hands went into his hair while his hands were in my wa!st.

He rolled us over making him on top of me,we were on the couch in my house.

He tried to remove my top when the front door opened.

“What the h.ell is going on here?”

We turned and it was my dad looking so angry,am so dead.

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