DANGEROUS LOVE: Chapter 21-30

? Dangerous Love ?

? Chapter 29?

Written by: Tamara Blair

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

“He did this to you?” Micheal asked as the nurse was cleaning my wounds.

After Nicole’s dad ordered guys to beat me up,he called an ambulance for me.

“Then he called an ambulance because Nicole broke up with me”

“She broke up with you?” Zach asked surprised.

“Yeah but by force,she didn’t do it on purpose”

“But why does her dad have to be so strict on you?” Zach asked.

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??

I couldn’t stop thinking of how Brandon was coping and i couldn’t stop crying.

I really don’t know why my dad has to be like this with Brandon.

I was still crying when the door of my room opened.

“Honey,you know am doing this for your own good” my dad said.

I faced him angrily and wiped my tears with the back of my palm.

“What good,uh? What good,dad? I love Brandon, don’t you understand,i love him so much”

“No,you don’t love him,you are infatuated by his looks, that’s all,you are too young to understand”

“Am 19 for Pete’s sake,i will soon be through with high school,i remember very clear that you and mom got married when you both were 18,so why’s mine different?

I wonder if you ever loved mom”

“Don’t you say that,your mom was my everything”

“Then if you loved mom,you would realize how much i love Brandon and he loves me too.

I am ready to spend the rest of my life with him, instead of you to support me,you forced me to break up with him,you beat him up so bad and I have no idea if he’s okay at the moment”

“Forget about Brandon,Nathan is..


“Ever since mom died,you have never made an effort to help me move on from her death,instead you always make me wish you died instead of her” I said and backed him.


“Dad, leave,i want to sleep”

He walked out and shut the door.

? Gerald’s P.o.v?
I went downstairs to the living room and i met Elias with a cup and bottle of whiskey.

“I heard everything” He said and i sighed.

I took the bottle and drank straight from it.

“She reminds me of her mom everytime,so stubborn”

“She also looks exactly like her”

“I don’t know how to tell her that if she keeps dating that boy,she stands a chance of dying”

“She loves him”

” I know, it’s so clear and he also loves her,out of all the guys around,she had to fall for him”

“That’s how life is”

“Then life’s a btch” i said took a gulp of the whiskey.

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??

It was the day of the stupid party and the make up artists were already done and i was already to go.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed, the door opened and Mrs Smith walked in.

“You look extremely g0rgeous” She said but i scoffed.

“I hate everything,all i want is to be with my Brandon,i don’t even know if he’s okay”

“Well,to put your mind at rest,after the guards beat him up,your dad called an ambulance for him,so he’s probably okay”

“Really?” I beamed.

“Yeah” she said and i sighed in relief,i was up all night thinking about him.

“Aunt,can i ask you for a favour?”


“Can i use your phone to call Bella,i really need to speak with her”

“Okay,but be fast”

She gave me her phone,i quickly dialed Bella’s number.

“Hello,who is this?”

“Bella, it’s me, Nicole”

“Nikky,oh goodness,how are you?”

“Am good but how’s Brandon?”

“Brandon’s fine, he’s still at the hospital but where are you?”

“About to go to the governor’s party but help me tell Brandon that i love him so much and that i will find a solution to our problem”

“Okay,no problem”

“I have to go”

I hanged up and handed her phone back.

“Come on, it’s time to go”

I walked downstairs to see Nathan leaning on his car waiting for me.

“Wait,i thought i was going with my dad?”

“No,babe, your dad is in a meeting but he said he will join us, so let’s go, beautiful”
We finally arrived at the party, Nathan held me by the waist.
All through the ride,he kept staring at me which was making me uncomfortable.

A lot of important people were present and the girls kept drooling over Nathan.

“Look,you see how girls want me so bad” Nathan said.

“Am not like those dumb heads,am different”

“I know,that what makes me want you more”

He tried to touch my th!ghs but i sl@pped his hand off.

“Touch me one more time and i will disgrace you here”

After a few hours,i was getting so bored,i decided to use the bathroom.

I tried to stand up but Nathan held my hands.

“Where are you going?”


I stood up to walk away.

“Nice a$$” Nathan said and i rolled my eyes,then walked away.

I got to the bathroom,did my business,as i was washing my hands,the door opened.
“What the h.ell are you doing in the Ladies restroom?” I said as Nathan walked in smirking.

“I want you, I want you so bad,Nikky,am getting a h.ard 0n just staring at your b0dy”

“Well,if you are so turned on,go meet one of your sl.uts, my b0dy is for someone else”

I tried to walk away but he dragged me back and pulled me closer to him.

“Let me go,you idi0t”

“Ever since we were little,i was always wanted to have a ta$te of you and i will get it”

I sl@pped him so hard,he staggered back.

I turned to open the door but it was locked, then i heard him laughing.

“You aren’t going anywhere,you can also scream all you want,this place is soundproof” he said smirking.

What have i gotten myself into?

“Nathan, open the door or i will…

“You will what? Nicole, you can’t do anything”

He dragged me closer and r!pped part of my g0wn 0ff revealing my cle@vage,he licked his lips.

“Fk, you are so s*xy”

He tried to kss me but i kept struggling. We continued struggling until suddenly the door opened.

Nathan was pu.nched severely,he started b.leeding, the person kept p.unching,i couldn’t see his face becausehe was wearing a hood.

The hood fell off amd i was surprised.


He kept pu.nching Nathan that he was bl.eeding so bad.

“Brandon, that’s enough”

I hugged him from the back to calm him down which worked,Nathan was already unconscious.

“That’s for trying to mess with my woman”

We hugged each other so tight.

“I came here immediately Bella told me you went with this idi0t”

“Let’s go”

? Brandon’s P.o.v?

I drove Nicole to a quiet place,we stayed in the car and cuddled each other.

“He tried to r@pe me” She said.

“He’s such a j.erk” i said and kssed her forehead.

“Thank goodness, you came on time”

“I didn’t trust that Nathan at all”

She looked at me and i immediately claimed her l!ps.

She kssed me back,The kss was slow and so p@ssionate.

“I love you” i said as I pulled away.

“I love you too”

We hugged each other.

“Okay, time to go home”

“I don’t want to go home,i wanna stay here with you”

“No, let’s not give your dad more reasons to hate our relationship”

“Okay” She said and smiled,my eyes went down to her cle@vage.

“Hey,my eyes are up here” she said and giggled.

“You are so beautiful”

“After everything is settled,you are gonna have a taste of this b0dy” she said and i chuckled.

“I will be waiting patiently” i said and pecked her l!ps.

I started the car and zoomed off.

?? Nicole’s P.o.v??
Before Brandon dropped me off,he gave me his hoodie to cover up my t0rn gown.

I got into the house,my dad suddenly hugged me.

“I heard what happened between you and Nathan,am so sorry,honey, he’s such an idi0t”

“If only you listened to me,Nathan has always been a depraved person,he started watching p0r.n0gr@phic films at the age of 14, he has always been trying to sleep with me, that’s all i never wanted to be his friend.
Now,he tried to r@pe me,even Brandon wasn’t there….

“Wait, Brandon was there?”

“Yeah and he saved me,the guy you have been trying to separate me from saved me from that idi0t.
Brandon respects me,when i told him that i wasn’t ready for sx,he didn’t argue with me because he loves me.
I don’t know your definition of good but Brandon is good for me, accept that and if you can’t,i will leave this house for you”

I walked away to my room,Dad needs to know that if it isn’t Brandon, then it’s no one else.

“Nicole?” My dad called out as he walked into my room.

“What dad, don’t come here to change my decision”

“Am not here for that,i came to give you this”
He stretched out my phone,i collected it clearly surprised at his action.

“You are givinge back my phone?”

“Yeah,Nikky, sorry about everything, I know am not the best dad and i want to make up for everything, that’s why iwant you to call Brandon and tell him to pick any restaurant of his choice so that we can talk”

“Wait,are you giving him a chance?”


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