
DIARY OF A POP STAR: Chapter 21 – The End

?(Secret revealed)?


??Chapter Twenty Four??


“I’m not going anywhere not after what you did you lying brute.. ” I spat with Venom in my Voice as Dad shared me a wicked smile.

“is that a way you talk to your father.. ” he lamented in disgust clearly to frighten me but mere words weren’t enough I couldn’t forgive him not him, not Harry.

“My Father is dead to me, you’re not my father you’re just a beast under human skin, you never actually cared for me did you, only your company and your heir..” I said as he tried to refrain from his burning anger.

“Lindsay..” she jerked like she was hiding something from behind but I didn’t give a damn I want her out of my room.

“Yes Sir.. ”

“Please exit the room this is now personal, you shall be rewarded for your courageous act.. ” she grinned beaming with smiles as she shot me a smile.

“Don’t worry Christian whatever is your personal business it’s for your own good.. ” she giggled abruptly like a m@niac, I tried ignoring her and not tearing her from limb to limb.

“it’s time.. ” my brother shut the door closed not sparing me a look.

“I’m not going anywhere.. ” I refused

“it’s not a statement it’s an order.. ” father almost yelled at the top of his voice.

“Keep yelling I’m not going anywhere.. ” I said pulling out a bottle of Vodka and pouring it in a glass.

“Next.. ” Evelyn half yelled, I sighed we’ve been trying out what I’m going to wear for the past half an hour.
I came out as usual waiting for Evelyn who abruptly judge my outfit.

“it’s not showing enough.. ” she lamented.

“Seriously, what do I want to show except my braces..” I hissed as she rolled her eyes.

“This date has got to be perfect it can be your only chance for true love, and when we look back at this with our two fat cats and probably divorced eating pancakes and getting fat and old together we’ll laugh at this.. ” she said and my expression changed.

“Divorced?? ” I arched a brow as Evelyn shot me a silly smile.

“Sorry I went too far with the divorce thing.. ” she said rummaging through her suitcase while I sat down on the bed.

My cheeks burn up, I’m going on my first date with Christian and he’s going with geeky Kiara and not me.

My expression went subtle

“Tada this is my mom’s favorite dress she gave it to me, here I want you to wear it to your date it’s gooodluck.” Evelyn said handing me a very expensive blue short gown.

“Evelyn.. I can’t.. “I tried to refused but she pushed it forcefully towards me.

“Take it it’s what best friends do.. ” she said sharing me a small smile, I pulled her in for a hug.

“I’m glad I made you as a friend Evelyn..” I said breaking into a sob.

“I’m glad we became friends, without you I’ll probably be dead by now and probably wouldn’t have dreamed of dating one of the Alphas.. ” she sobbed too as we both cried hugging.

“You know what??.. ” Evelyn said through a sob.

“We probably look ugly when we cry.. ” she said as we both laughed and hugged each other tightly.

“I love you Kiara, you’re the best friend anyone could ask for.. ” she said squeezing me in a spine cracking hug.

“I love….”

We heard a knock from the door and withdrew from the hug, Evelyn wore a nasty snarl on her face heading violently to the door, I dried up my tears and went to try out the beautiful gown.

“Hey we’re trying to have a moment and who the hell do you fvcking think… Daniel, ummh.. Good evening.. ” I heard Evelyn change her words fast.

“Hey Evelyn judging from the ear bleeding scream I guess Kiara is in.. ” I heard Daniel say as Evelyn mumbled under her breath if to let him in or not.

“ummh I was talking to myself, yeah I was having a moment with myself.. ” she muttered shaky.

“So who were you trying to dress up.” Daniel said leaving Evelyn speechless.

“Ummh I Was..”

“don’t worry Evelyn, hey Daniel.. ” I waved as Daniel looked back at me in awe, I smiled as he weirdly found it odd to look at me.

“You look amazing.. ” Daniel said running his fingers through his hair nervously, it’s funny because I’m supposed to be the one nervous because I have a date with his best friend.

“Well look at the time, thanks for stopping by Daniel but I think you’ve overstayed your welcome so kindly get out.. ” Evelyn muttered harshly.

“Well I didn’t come to pay a visit I wanted to talk to Kiara.. ” He said

“Well Kiara can’t because..”

“Evelyn it’s OK we can talk as we stride towards the Longue.. ” I said picking up my phone and a purse as we both head out my room and down to the lounge but first Daniel insisted we both check out the Hotels balcony famous for the beautiful view of Miami.

I stood there next to Daniel as we both feed our eyes with the beautiful view.

“you know I wish I lived like this sometimes.. ” I turned to face Daniel who was caught off guard for staring at me the whole time and looked back down at the view.

I could feel my cheeks burn up.

“Can I ask you a question? ” Daniel said and from the looks of it he wanted to know something probably important.

“Yeah.. ” I nodded not looking back at him.

“Who is Aaron to you?? ” he questioned which I found odd.

“a clown.. but he’s really sweet and nice but hilarious he’s like a brother I wished I never had.. ” I said as Daniel chuckled lightly to himself.

“Who is Kion to you? ” he asked

“He’s my best friend and he’s always been there for me and would do anything to make me happy even though it limits his happiness.” I said not actually knowing this conversation to you.

“Who’s Christian to you?? ” I almost choked unable to answer the question and coughed.

“That’s what I thought..” he said sadly lifting his elbows off the terrace of the balcony.

“I don’t get your point… ” I stated confused.

“it’s kind of the other way around, I don’t get you Kiara, I know it sounds stupid but what are you hiding?? ” he asked, I gulped down, goose bumps teased my skin but there again it could be the splashing of the cold breeze at the terrace.

“What are you talking about?? ” I faked

“Stop lying, you’re always making calls, giving excuses, you’re hiding something, like hiding the fact that you have feelings for Christian and about your entire life something doesn’t add up what are you hiding?? ” a snarl replaced my shocked expression.

“I’m not hiding anything..” I gulped down, my heart raced, Daniel stride towards me his eyes clearly stucked on my lips, he leaned on, my eyes went shut but I felt him stare at me.

“I would never hurt you, even though you hurt me but whatever you’re hiding if it hurts my brothers, my friends and my family then you crossed the line Gold I’ll never forgive you Kiara.. ” he said bringing out a piece of documents in an envelope.

“I hired a private investigator to follow you up, he said about your secret being shocking and could shake the media.. Take.. ” he said handing it over to me which had me confused.

“What’s In there I don’t know only you and the private investigator know what the hell you’re hiding… ” he said sharing me a pity look before shoving his hands down his pockets about to exit.

“Daniel, wait.” I called and he stopped

“Why didn’t you expose me.. ”

“Unlike you I care about you and I’ll tell you anything, you keeping everything away from us despite you taking our kindness for granted, we love you Kiara you’re one of us and like I said I’ll never do anything to hurt you….” he said striding towards me and clothing me with his hoodie.

“It’s cold you’re better get to your date with Christian, don’t ask me how I know, but whatever is in there that you’re hiding it’s all up to you.. ”


“Your mission was to be in a relationship with the Lugats Daughter here you are flunking like a drunk and fvcking a stupid school girl.. ” Harry growled.

Picked For You:  HER HEARTLESS MONSTER : CHAPTER 171 - 180

“Lindsay is the drunk here, I can’t believe she got you both involved and Kiara has a name you B@stard.. ” I growled at my brother.

“Quiet, you’re here sleeping with girls while cheating on Lindsay that poor girl, for God’s sake Christian don’t you know you stand as a proposition to rule the Lugats Empire.. ” my father lectured his boring business plans.

“I’m not cheating on anyone and Lindsay will never be my girlfriend.. ” I snarled at them both.

“I don’t care, you had one job and you failed I don’t give a Fuck if you’re still angry about what I did to Niola you’re going back to Spain first thing In the morning, I’ll have some talking with Aendo Lugat, sleep well and say good bye to your friends, tomorrow you’re going to Spain.. ” he hissed and went out leaving Harry in my room.

“I used to be proud of you.. ” Harry said with a sad expression.

“I used to look up to you, and now you both are nothing but dead to me.. ” I said with venom in my Voice.

I looked back to where I kept my phone it wasn’t there anymore.

I need to talk to Kiara.


“So to think Kiara and Christian would date under my nose, that’s not happening, right girls.. ” I snapped my fingers as they hand me Christians phone, my blood boiled to see the text he sent to her and she replied.

She’s a fool who is a step closer to becoming history.

They were supposed to meet by nine but it’s ten past nine, the phone dings revealing Kiara’s text showing up at the screen.

??Where are you ? ??

I tried as much not to retaliate.

You wanna know where is Christian, too bad his father is requesting for him to move back to Spain, she will never get to see him except me and I’ll have Christian all by myself but I need to make sure Kiara will learn a lesson, no all girls who tries to get in my way suffers.

“Katie..?? ” I yelled

“Yes Lindsay.. ” she said prostrating into a bow.

“Here make yourself useful and type exactly my words and maybe I’ll let you back in as a Sapphire if this operation is complete.. ” I said as she nodded.

“Meet me at the resorts Zip lining reserve I have a special planned for the both of us, winky face and k!sses.. ” I said as Katie diligently typed it down and immediately she got a reply.

“She said why?? ” Katie said reading the text.

“I want to show you something under the stars smiley face emoji. It’s something that should be discrete over the phone” I said as Katie typed in the words.

“OK I’m on my way I have something to show you too, we’ll both confess to each other what we want to say… ” Katie read looking back at me.

“Lindsay isn’t The Zip Lining reserve out of order.. ” Sabrina one of the Sapphires said.

“Well Sabrina henceforth you’re out of the Sapphires, Katie you’re back in.. ” I said as Katie squealed and I handed her back her pin.

“Turn in your Pin.. ” I stretched out my palm as she diligently handed me my pin.

“You know what I’m glad I’m out of this stupid sorority or whatever, you girls are cr@zy following that m@niac and I’m glad I’m not going to be a part of whatever is soon to be bloodshed.. ” Sabrina said and walked away furiously.

“Anyone else.. ” I asked as they all nod sideways.

“good come on girls we have a b!tch to teach.” I said.


I laid down on my bed playing Naruto with Isaac on our phones.

“Surrender.. ” I hissed

“Never.. ” and I Killed his avatar.

“I win again.” I rejoiced.

“How are you good at this game.” Isaac whined.

“We may never know.. ” I mummified as he rolled his eyes and got on top of me.

“You might win me in Naruto but you can never dominate me.. ” he smirked.

“Like I was complaining.. ” I teased

A knock came on the door.

“Ignore it.. ” I yelled.

“Kiara are you In here I need to talk to you..” I heard Christain from outside which sounds odd he’s supposed to be on a date with Kiara.

I jerked Isaac off me heading to the door and letting Christian in.

“What are you doing here aren’t you supposed to be on a date with Kiara?? ” o snarled at him

“did you hurt her?? ” I asked getting ready to give him the beating of his lifetime.

“No, I need to talk to her and what date Kiara didn’t agree to go on a date with me, I didn’t even text her after that and surprisingly my phone is missing.. ”

“Kiara isn’t back.. ” I muttered

“Then where is she?? ”

“What do you want to talk to her about?? ” Isaac asked.

“Harry and Father are here they want me to move back to Spain with them I need to talk to Kiara.. ”

“Wait what???? ” Isaac asked shocked

“I don’t have time to explain where is Kiara??”

“I can call her… ” I said trying to call her but it wasn’t available.

“Track where her phone was last active.. ” Christian suggested.

“Palms resort forest reserve.. It’s not too far? ”

“Why would Kiara go there the place is out of order after the Ziplining incident… ” our eyes widened in shock.

“Kiara is being drawn to a trap.”
“Christian I am red Daughter.. ” I practiced confessing to Christian, I’ve made up my mind to tell Christian my real identity I don’t care what he thinks but I hope he accepts me.
My phone died probably minutes ago or else I would have known the godd@mned time.
I saw something like a projector pointing at some blank trees.

?go to the Zip lining booth?

I smiled trying to shuffle my documents and climbing the steps to the Zip Lining booth and go in and the doors shut.

I tried opening it but it was glued shut, I dropped the files and struggled with the door.

“Christian Help.. ” I. Yelled but got no reply and spotted an out of order sign.

“it’s a trap.. ” I whispered to myself as Lindsay and her clique emerge from no where.

“Katie are you filming this?? ” Lindsay asked as she nods.

“Where’s Christian?? ” I asked

“oh you mean this” she brought out his phone waving it over to me.

“Christian is more involved in something and don’t worry you won’t get to ever see him again” she said

“What did you do to him ?” I asked

“Tsk Tsk Tsk, you should be more worried about yourself Kiara, welcome to the Zip Lining resort, two years ago a cable snapped making it unstable and risking the life of many do it was shut down well tonight you are trapped in and Katie here is filming you, so next time you or any girl try to get close to my Christian you all will think twice.. ” she said moving over to the Lever.

“Lindsay don’t move that lever it’s unstable this Zip Lining booth could crash.. ” but she moved the lever and a strange squeaky noise followed as the ropes holding the booth snapped.

“Help… ” I squealed as the other girls and Lindsay worried for my life.

“Lindsay call your brother or emergency.. ” The cables kept snapping as Lindsay hurried but the Last cable snapped.

“Kiara.. ” That was the last thing I heard before my eyes went shut.

the moment the cable snapped we went down to meet Kiara, Christian Isaac and Evelyn showed up from no where.

“Kiara…” Evelyn squealed digging out Kiara, her glasses were smashed, her eyes were wide open but they were red.

“What did you do.. ?” Evelyn asked trying to pull up Kiara in the process her blonde hair came off revealing her red shining hair.

Everyone gasped

“Kiara is Red Daughter… ” Evelyn gasped

“Isaac call the ambulance or 911…” Everyone wore worried looks.


“What? ”

“The Video, the film, I mistakenly filmed it live..” Katie yelped

“Meaning… ” I asked frustrated

“15 million people saw you t0rture Red Daughter Live.. ”

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