DIARY OF A POP STAR: Chapter 21 – The End

?(This means goodbye)?
??Chapter Twenty Six??
“Don’t go…” I sobbed gripping tightly to her hand as long as I hold her she won’t go.
“Think about Christian, Think about millions of people waiting for you, think about your mom and dad, think of the Alphas, Think about all the sorrowful faces that will mourn you if you go.. I know you can fight it Kiara, don’t let me loose you too.. ” my sob breaks into a high pitch, her fingers slowly stroked mine and her monitor started beating.
“Kiara that’s it come back to us, Doctor!!” I whimper quietly again brushing her hair out of her face, she gripped tightly to my hand like a converging force during exorcism, her pores were poring and her collarbone upward were revealed she violently tilts her head.
“Kiara… ” her grip was locked on me she I couldn’t get away from her grasp.
“Your five minutes is….what the hell happened” the nurse gasped.
“My friend she’s dying.. ” I yowled, tears overflow my cheeks, the Nurse share me a pity glance but dashes out the door.
“Get the Doctor we got a COC.. ” I could hear the nurse from the background and a tray plundering to the floor as some medicine were rolling up to the door.
The nurse came back in as I heard a loud commotion.
“We got a COC, we got a COC all Medical practitioners on deck, all medical practitioners on deck.. ” I couldn’t be more confused as the commotion got louder, Kiara was shaking, she was sweating she looked like like she was going to die.
Is she going to die??
My heart skipped a beat as the Nurse got a dark blue vest on preparing a syringe.
“What’s that? ” I asked the size of the needle was immensely petrifying, she tapped the syringe, ignoring my questions.
“Look what’s your name? ” she asked
“Evelyn, what are you going to do to her? Is she going to die? Please tell me something? What’s COC? ” I blabbed out in panick.
“Evelyn, you have to trust me OK all you have to do is to get her to hold still while I inject this into her veins… ” She said as I nod I didn’t much have a choice.
“Will she Die? ” I asked
“You don’t know what’s happening to your friend don’t you? ”
“No.. What’s COC? ”
“she’s coming out of her Coma but Violently, she gripped tightly to your hand which is dangerous if you let go of her while she is aggressively trying to come out of the Coma she’ll die on the spot, right now you are her hand, eyes and ear, you going to guide her out of the Coma but first I need to ease her before she violently a$$ault you in her Coma, can you guide her Evelyn? ”
That sounded like a load of bullshit, but Kiara needs a guide and I’ll guide her because I love her.
“I’m ready to guide her.. ” i heave deep breaths, I placed her hand firm, she was injected and slowly she ease out.
That’s a good thing.
“what’s next.. ” the Nurse tosses the Syringe away In a trash can.
“Now talk to her, she’ll listen to you… ” The nurse flicks a head up, some doctors barge in.
“Where’s the COC..?” the Doctor asked but kept quiet as they spotted me with horror written all over their faces.
“She’s already been injected it’s left for Kiara to decide let’s give them some space..” the Nurse said exiting with the doctors.
“I never had a best friend before and when I finally got one the universe decides to keep my happiness short, I never thought I would be happy again, when you came bursting through the doors, at first I thought she won’t talk to me, I’m a nobody she’s even pretty and I’m nothing..” I sniff ruffling my tears dried with my other arm.
“Remember that time when I told you about my Depression, you were red Daughter, you couldn’t imagine my joy when you gave me attention, I know you didn’t come to play with our feelings, I get that you had to lie due to all the attention and rumours, but I won’t get it if you decide you want to leave, you have a family, great friends and Christian is waiting for you, I wanna even change my mind and go to College because of you please don’t let my dreams remain a fantasy..”
“Don’t leave Lancaster high, don’t leave Los Angeles, don’t leave Red Army don’t leave your family, don’t leave your friends don’t leave Christain and don’t you dare leave me Kiara, Stay with us, Stay with me.. ” Tears slide down my cheeks and a drop slide down Kiara’s eye, I ruffled my tears dry as the tear slide down her cheek.
Her grip on me slowly loosen and again the monitor went haywire.
“Come back to us please.. ”
Her eyes blind fluttered and her grip on my hand was tight.
She struggled to open her eyes i gasped as she brushes my hand with her fingers strongly.
“Wake up.. ” I whispered as she tried to forcefully open her eyes and finally she did.
“Evelyn…. ”
“Here is your Mother Ms Lugat.. ” one of the police officers whispered over to me, I’ve been in here for almost two weeks now, the house arrest wasn’t enough I had to serve hard time until my final judgment.
“Lindsay? ” my mom shared me scornful looks like I was nothing but dirt to her.
“You finally came to Visit.. ” I whispered loosing my voice after screaming my lungs out.
“You look well.. ” she scornfully teased me as an insult.
A tear flow down my cheek, when I finally get to see her she acts like she didn’t birth me.
“Why are you always like this? ” tears well up my eye socket.
“Why am I what dear? Did I attempt to murder a Celebrity, you should be questioned not me, you should be grateful your brother insisted I visited you or else I’d let you rot to the public’s eye.. ”
“it’s always being like this, I’m always the big mistake I’m your biggest mistake right?, I don’t deserve a place in your Euphoria, I did everything to make you love me and still you treat me like I’m not even your daughter, like I was some mistake.. ” tears slide down my cheek uncontrollably.
“Because you are a mistake, Lindsay listen to yourself, you nearly killed a child why should I be proud? ”
“I didn’t mean to kill her, I didn’t want to kill her I was being like you…”
“I would never attempt to kill somebody, you are nothing but a disgrace I wonder how your father and your brother was able to put up with you, you ungrateful brat, now in the whole of Paris I’m being headlined as the daughter of a b!tch.. ” my mom hissed at me.
“Enough..” I whimper out a sobbing cry.
“Enough from you.. ” I sniffled
“how dare you talk back to me? ” my mom shared me two Hot slaps.
“You deserve to be In jail, you deserve to rot you meaningless b!tch, you deserve to die.. ” she added salt to injury.
I didn’t bother to look up to her.
“Aeden tried to protect me, even though he’s not my real brother, I was nothing but a mistake mother, no matter what I did I was always the black sheep, you broke dad’s previous marriage with Aeden’s mother, then you make everyone miserable and when I tried to get you to stay you left me, out of all the people I hoped that would have been a like a mother to me, I was nothing good enough for you, you finally got dad and broke a married home, how happy and fulfilled you must be now that your foolish daughter is now a murderer something you couldn’t make the public see, Thank you mother for always being there to show me I was but a scorn in your fabulous life, I forgive you because if seeing me behind jail makes you happy then I am happy my misery life finally made you happy, You can now flaunt what you already both know… ” I sighed in a yowl, I could see nothing but her stoned expression hiding her real emotions.
“I was never a good daughter and I’m nothing but a scorn in your life if this made you finally happy, you finally win… ”
The Moment Evelyn texted me that Kiara just woke up from her Coma, I just had to see her.
Daniel gave me a ride in his sweet new Cargo his parents bought for him for his post birthday.
I quickly requested for her Ward and paced towards it, I saw a nurse taking down something, the moment I came in the nurse left and Kiara wore a sorrowful look before hiding it with a poker face.
“how are you holding up? ” I asked
“Do I know you? ” my heart dropped on the mention of those words as much as I would like to take it as a joke she was damn serious.
“it’s.. It’s me Christian… ” I stuttered, she tried to study my face wearing a pity look, she just tilts her head sideways.
“I’m sorry I don’t know you, have we met before? ” she asked bitch serious.
“Kiara tell me you’re Joking? ” I pleaded stepping towards her.
“I’m not, are you my Makeup artist.. ” she asked which shattered my heart into a million pieces.
“I’m your boyfriend, I wish I was but Kiara you have to remember me please, try to remember, our first k!ss remember?? remember we went to the beach my favorite place? Please don’t do this to me… ” her eyes well up.
“I’m sorry but I don’t remember you, I don’t know what we had and I have no intention of hurting but every memory we had together is nothing but history.. ” that was the final bomb as tears flicked down her cheeks.
“I can’t believe this….”
“I’m sorry.. ”
“Kiara try to remember me… ”
“I’m sorry but the Kiara, you know and what we had is erased I can’t remember you I’m sorry but this means goodbye.. ” she sobbed, I backed up looking back at her.
“goodbye Kiara… ” I said before exiting her ward and walking past Evelyn who wore a confused look.
“Oh how’s Christian?” I asked
“he’s fine I’m just glad you woke up I. Would have gone bananas let’s make a path never to leave each other.. ” Evelyn said with a warm smile.
“I promise.. ”
“oh before I forget I better get you lunch I’ll be right back.. ” Evelyn said exiting my ward, I was about to shut my eyes until I saw Emily at the door, my heart skipped a beat.
“I mean no harm Kiara, I’m just here to pay you a Visit.. ” she said calming my nerves a bit and sat down next to me.
“Are you here to finish the Job.. ” I asked
“Hell no.. I saw this coming a mile away, that’s why I left Christian.. ” she said as remorseful pang of guilt hit me.
“I’m sorry for stealing your boyfriend..” I apologized.
“it’s OK, besides me and Christian weren’t meant for each other I was practically In the way between you two, I didn’t want to let him go because it finally felt good to get noticed and when I found out he had feelings for you I felt used and betrayed, I shouldn’t have threatened you, I’m sorry Kiara or should I call you red Daughter…” she teased.
“Kiara is fine and it’s OK I know how it feels to finally get noticed and it turns out you were just a pawn in their game, we could have been good friends.”
“What stops us from being that..” She flashed me a smile before a tall handsome young man probably in college knocked on the door.
“Your brother? ” I asked
“Boyfriend.. “she corrected oh my lord he’s hot .
She got up and locked arms with him.
“Kiara meet Ellis my boyfriend, Ellis meet.. ”
“Red Daughter.. ” Ellis completed her statement.
“We both met when I was going back during the summer break and ever since we’ve been dating I just actually came by to thank you and please don’t steal this one because he’s a huge fan of yours.. ” Emily said and Ellis Chuckled.
“I don’t know he’s kinda cute, I’m just kidding you guys look great together I’m glad you both are happy.. ” I said as Liam knocked interuptting us.
“Excuse me I need to have a word with my client, so may you two please exit the premises.” Liam said, the lyrics both waved goodbye and left.
Then a familiar figure walked in.
“Harry? What are you doing here? ” I asked because last time he was around Christian got hit by a car.
“Kiara this is Harry.. ” Liam introduced.
“I know, he’s the one that paid for Harry’s treatment..” I interrupted.
“And he’s Christian Elder brother.. ” my mouth gaped wide.
Harry is Christian elder brother? How?
“Wait so you knew Christian all these while.. ” I gasped in dismay.
“Well I’ll love to tell you about our failed r0mance but I have a proposition that your manager insist you take on.. ” he offered
“What would that be Liam?” I snarled at what Liam has gotten me into this time.
“You have to break Christian’s Heart.. ” Liam said.
“Are you high or something, I should what? ” I asked in dismay.
“Look Kiara, Christian doesn’t belong here he was supposed to be here to be close to Lindsay Lugat but after the bully incident Christian failed his mission and is to report back home he has nothing to do with you, all you have to do is to break his heart so he can finally come back home.. ”
“No, I can’t, how could you agree to this Liam?”
“You can and you will because Liam already suggested you do it.. ” I look back at Liam in disgust.
“How Could you? ”
“How could I? Kiara it’s for your own good this was exactly the reason I didn’t want you going back to School, you almost got Killed, what do you think would have happened, how could I tell your parents that you died Huh Kiara?? or did you forget you had one as from now on you’ll be Homeschooled and I’m going to speak to your parents about moving to Canada to focus more on releasing your abulms… ”
“You can’t do this, you can’t just make decisions and think it won’t hurt us both, you can’t make Christian move i won’t break Christian heart.” I sobbed.
“You don’t have to I know it’s hard but Christian needs to come back home, he left a long ago after Niola died she was our mother, she left a long time ago dad had to pretend that he was the reason, she came back into our lives again playing with us but Dad allowed her to stay at the end we found out she was suffering from Leukemia and needed our help but it was too late Christian moved to Los Angeles to one of the houses and lived alone, we thought bringing him and Lindsay would make him happy but no it was a mistake.. ”
“Then why am I different, if breaking his heart will still have the same impact.. ”
“don’t you understand the earlier the better I don’t want Christian to get hurt again so Kiara you have to fake having no memory with him that’s the only way to break his heart..”
“I can’t.. ” I sobbed
“You have to.. Please.. ”
“I’ll only do it if you let him stay for one week..” I pleaded.
“granted.. ” Harry said as his phone vibrated.
“He’s on his way, so please Kiara… ” Harry said as they both left and a nurse came to attend to me, Christian came in as the nurse left.
“how are you holding up? ” he asked with a smile, I tried to hold back my tears.
“Do I know you? ” I said with a poker face gulping down.
“it’s.. It’s me Christian… ” he stuttered his facial expression was enough to tell his heart was breaking.
“I’m sorry I don’t know you, have we met before? ” I asked
“Kiara tell me you’re Joking? ” he pleaded stepping towards me.
“I’m not, are you my Makeup artist.. ” i asked
“I’m your boyfriend, I wish I was but Kiara you have to remember me please, try to remember, our first k!ss remember?? remember we went to the beach my favorite place? Please don’t do this to me… ” my eyes well up.
“I’m sorry but I don’t remember you, I don’t know what we had and I have no intention of hurting but every memory we had together is nothing but history.. ” that was the final bomb as tears flicked down my cheeks.
“I can’t believe this….” he muttered lowly
“I’m sorry.. ”
“Kiara try to remember me… ” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry but the Kiara, you know and what we had is erased I can’t remember you I’m sorry but this means goodbye.. ” i sobbed as he stared at me heartbroken.
“goodbye Kiara… ” he said exiting the ward as Kiara made her way in with my food.
“Kiara what happened did you guys have a Fight? ” Evelyn asked
“Evelyn, I’m a terrible person, I broke Christian’s heart.. ” I broke into a Cry.
“Kiara… I’m sorry. ” she apologized and hugged me even though she didn’t know what exactly happened.
A week from now I’ll be going to Canada and Christian will be going to Spain.
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