Differences between Web Design and Graphic Design

Differences between Web Design and Graphic Design

We have discussed in full on web design in this blog. Before we lay emphasis on the Differences between Website Design and Graphic Design, let’s discuss Graphic Design and Graphic Designers.

To know more on web design, READ HERE

One of the key differences between web design and graphic design is the medium in which they are used.

Differences between Web Design and Graphic Design. Thingscouplesdo

Web design is all about creating a design for the web and online use, while graphic design is primarily designed for print.

Graphic designers don’t necessarily know about programming, speed and other technical web design issues. Although graphic designs can be used on a website, the overall functionality and placement of these graphic designs is up to the web designer.

What Is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving using one or more of typography, photography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term “graphic design” is used synonymously.

Graphic design involves font, page, and navigation layout. It’s everything that goes into making your website visually appealing.

What Is Web Design?

Creating a website’s visual aesthetic is known as web design. As a web designer, you’ll concentrate on organizing material and graphics in a way that tells a story, designing the final UI, and arranging the website’s user experience.

The same design principles that graphic artists must understand also apply to web designers. When creating the user interface (UI) for websites, they must know how to employ font, color, hierarchy, and layout.

Who Is A Web Designer?

Web designers are experts in aesthetics where the ultimate goal is to drive business results.

A web designer creates landing pages, corporate websites, and a promo feed.

A web designer helps to organize and submit information so that users get what they want — for example, they found and bought a product, scooped up fresh articles for work, or had a nice time watching the news. And since a web project website is a brand packaging, it is ideal if a web designer understands graphic design to work more effectively on the emotional layer and create an atmosphere with the help of unique graphics.

Who Is A Graphic Designer?

Originally, the role of a graphic designer centred around creating book covers, brochures and magazines, as well as logos and posters. A lot of this work has shifted more and more online as software has improved and digital marketing has taken over from print.

A good graphic designer should demonstrate deep knowledge of the basics of the design. They should be masters of color theory, typography, know visual hierarchy and layouts.

In most cases, graphic designers do not code websites. Standards on the web are constantly changing as new technologies and online features are introduced.

Creating a website today is dramatically more complex than creating a website fifteen or twenty years ago.

Instead of being a Jack of all trades, most graphic designers choose to specialize in the creation of graphics and images.

The main tools of a graphic designer are Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW. However, some designers may use other tools of their taste.

Differences between Web Design and Graphic Design. Thingscouplesdo

Differences between Web Design and Graphic Design

Digging out through the expansive field of graphic design and web design to find out the relevance and irrelevance is not so difficult. When you are desired to choose one of them for building a successful career or just for passion, both fields have huge opportunities.

Graphic design and web design are two distinctly different fields of design. Though they share some commonalities, the skillsets required, the process and the end product are quite different. Here we will explore the differences between graphic design and web design so that you can better understand which one is right for your needs.

In a nutshell, it’s all about function vs. form. Graphic designers focus on the visual aspect of a project, while web designers focus on the technical side of things.

Here are the key differences between the two:
1. Various technical levels: Web designers should know how to program and be familiar with a number of programs that help create websites.

Graphic design does not require this kind of knowledge as, for the most part, graphic design is permanent. Designs can be customized without going through as many limitations as web design.

2. The web is dynamic, the graphics are eternal: web design has a period and a flow of its own, with the flexibility to adapt and change as needed. For the most part, graphic design creates permanent images that usually do not change once printed or manufactured.

3. Graphic design is static and web design is interactive: Graphic design is not as interactive as web design. Although you can see and touch it, the graphic does not change unless it is animated. Web design requires users to fully interact with the design by clicking buttons and other navigational elements to increase its functionality.

4. File size requirements: If someone is designing graphics for the web, pixels and DPI can become a factor. Images for the web have specific pixel and size guidelines, but off the web, images require more pixels to display properly. Web design should focus on these technical constraints such as load time and file size for the website to function properly.

The graphic designers have the ability to syndicate the technology and art together for connecting ideas by means of images, printed pages, and the layout of web screens. Here, they can consider various design features to accomplish enhancing or artistic effects.

The main task of web designers is focused on creating web pages by visual effects of website, planning designs, layouts, elements to apply, target audience, meet client, colours, font styles, and also target markets. They achieve particular personalities being artistic, creative, intuitive, expressive, and sensitive as well.

Graphic design and web design are often confused because they both deal with the design of visual elements. However, there are key differences between the two disciplines.


Graphic design is a much broader field that encompasses print design, branding, and even motion graphics, while web design is focused primarily on the design of website interfaces.
