GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

??Written by Princess Juliet????

Episode 15

Starting from the beginningn

Declan Davies
Hearing the name Gwapo got me all confused, I mean how did Sasha get to know the name! could she be telling the truth! but how is that possible! Daphne is dead and gone…..

You need to believe me Declan, you really need to. She said with a wavering voice and then took a step towards me, I shifted back ……

Don’t come near me. I warned
But why! Do you hate me now ! Do you think of me as crazy! She asked rushingly but I just stared on at her….

Don’t just stare at me, say something. she half yelled and then turned sideways to her”so-called “Daphne

I told you he won’t believe me, I told you he will see me as crazy, can you see I was right Daphne! he even called me a sorceress. She said and broke down in tears…….

I watched her silently for a moment and then sighed…..

It is alright Sasha. I said trying to stop her from crying and she stared at me in curiously

Do you believe me now? She asked wiping the tears from her eyes with her hands …..

I bit my lips not knowing what to say, do I believe her! hell no! the whole thing sounded so crazy but I just wanted her to stop crying ..
Seeing her cry was making my heart hurt….

Do you! she repeated
Can we just go back to the class and pretend that like we never had this conversation! I said but she shook her head
No Declan, that won’t be possible! Daphne is hurting and she needs your help. She insisted and I laughed mockingly
help! I never knew ghost needs help, can’t you see you are making no point! I fired at her and she swallowed hard….

Then what about the necklace! She asked and I froze…….

Didn’t you find it strange that I found it in my room! Didn’t you find it strange that the necklace is stuck around my neck! she yelled and I inhaled deeply …….

it is real, Daphne is real, your twin sister is here and she is in tears right now. She added

Fine! If she is really here, can you please tell her to say something about our childhood? I asked staring intently at her …..
She turned sideways for a moment and they shook her negatively….

She can’t remember anything. She said sadly and I ran my hands through my hair in confusion…..

So how do you expect me to believe now, no tell me how do you expect me to! I retorted
Guapo! The necklace! She answered and I scoffed
Do you think that is enough proof, but why is she even here in the first place or is she tired of the ghost world? I asked mockingly

Stop it Declan, she is your twin sister…..she tried to say but I cut her off ….

Spare me that bullsht! I didn’t ask her to jump off the bridge. I retorted angrily

And what made you think she jumped off the bridge. She fired at me
That was because! That was because! I paused not knowing what else to say ….

Go on, why did you stop! That was because of what! She yelled, you are Daphne twin brother so you should know her better, does she look like someone who will kill her self because of a lover? she asked and I went stiff
She was right, Daphne might be crazy but she would never ….. dmn! Why didn’t I ever think of this!

I think there is a foul play somewhere and we really need to find out what happened to your sister. She added
My heart beat so violently that I grew pale and had to lean against the wall to keep myself from falling..

Are you alright? She asked with a concerned look and I nodded slowly……

Is Daphne really here? I asked looking around the room
Yes. She answered
Then why can’t she just say what happened to her? I asked calmly and she sighed
She doesn’t remember what happened to her. She said and I exclaimed softly…..

Then if she didn’t jump off the bridge, then what happened to her? how did her necklace even get to your room, She always put it on. I asked confusedly and she shrugged
I don’t know! I am confused about it as well, but I think Cory knows something about it …..

Cory! I repeated to be sure I heard right and she nodded
Firstly, she was the first person I showed the necklace to but she warned me never to show it to anyone. Secondly, she seems to be scared of my house and most especially my room………

And why would she be scared of your room? I asked still not understanding what she is trying to say …..

Isn’t it obvious, that was where I found Daphne necklace. She said and I scoffed
Now I see where this is leading to. I retorted In a huff and she arched her eyebrow
What do you mean? She asked calmly and I smacked my lips in anger
She was also the one who told the police the reason for Daphne death. I said and she widened her eyes in surprise
And they believed her just like that!

Yes, she was Daphne’s best friend so we all believed her ……..

This is really crazy! So you mean you all were acting upon Cory’s word? She asked with a frown and then turned sideways
Can you hear that Daphne, the reason for your death was not even certain! She retorted angrily

I smiled lightly as I watched her eat her self up, she must really like Daphne a lot!
And you what did you do about it? Did you also believe the stupid lie! She asked facing me and I sighed

I had no time to think, My dad died on the same day and my mom went crazy, it was just too tough for me. I said trying to blink back my tears…….

Oh Declan!
She moved closer to me and held my hands…..

It is alright love. She assured and I smiled lightly, did she just call me love!
So where should we start from? should we confront Cory? She asked
Not now. I answered…..

But why? She asked in surprise…
I need to know where you stay first, I might be able to get some hint. I explained and she exclaimed softly

I will follow you home after school if it is okay by you! I suggested and she sighed softly

It is okay! I just don’t know how my mum would react, you know she is a disciplinarian. She explained ….

Oh if that is the case, I think we wil…. I tried to say but she cut me off ……

Don’t worry, I will handle my mom. She quickly added
I smiled, so what are you waiting for, let us go to the class. I said but she shook her head

Go ahead, I will follow behind you …’
Alright! I agreed and leaned over to give her a brief kss, I really could not get enough of her soft lips…..

Go! She said playfully and I chuckled softly
Taking a few steps forward, I stopped to face her
And lest I forget ! Tell Daphne I love her too. I said before walking out of the class room…….

I know it sounds crazy , but I had a feeling that Daphne heard me…….,,,,,,,,,

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