GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

Episode 18

Declan Davies
On getting home, I drove into the compound and parked in front..::

I alighted from the car and walked towards the front door ….

And before I could knock, the door was opened up by my mother……

Where have you been? She asked with a frown and I smirked
Can’t you at least let me come in before you start your questioning. I drawled and she eyed me up before opening the door wider……

I walked in and collapsed on one of the sofa ..
So where are you coming from? She asked while bolting the door…..

From my girlfriend’s house. I answered and she turned to face me
girlfriend! Is it Racheal? She asked and I scoffed
hell no! I blurted out and she knitted her eyebrow….

I thought you both were dating or did you break up with her? She continued and I shrugged
Something like that! So you should know, I wasn’t the one dating her, she was the one dating me. I corrected and my mom chuckled

You are crazy Declan! What do you mean by that?
Well! She was the one who asked me out and when I told her I wasn’t interested, she pleaded so I got no choice but to give in. I explained and she exclaimed softly…….

So who is this new girl of yours? She asked with a large grin ……

her name is Sasha and she is very….the sound of my phone ringing disrupted our conversation…..

I checked the caller, it was Sasha
I smiled and then looked at my mum
A few minutes please. I pleaded and she nodded her head slowly ..

I received it
hi Declan. She greeted first
hey! how are you? I asked
I am fine, have you gotten home? She asked
Yeah, just got home now……

Alright baby. I will call you before I sleep. She said….
You don’t need to, I will call you myself….

Okay! I love you Declan
I glanced at my mom who was smiling sheepishly before responding….
I love you too. I said and ended the call…..

Awwwww! My son is in love. She beamed happily and I chuckled lightly
I need to go freshen up ….
I stood up from sofa and on taking few steps to the stairs case, she asked
Do you have an extra phone?
I turned back to face her ……..

Yes, do you need it? I asked and she nodded…
I need it to be checking on you, you know I destroyed mine when I erm ……..

I understand mom, I will get it for you. I promised and then climbed up the stairs to my room……….

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

Cory Abel
Standing in a dark room, I sighted a figure walking slowly towards me……

I tilted my head to get a clearer view of the person and I screamed loudly at what I saw, it was a black haired girl with a white gown bleeding from a cracked skull…..:

Daphne! I muttered………..
Save me! Please save me! Please save me! She pleaded and tried to hold me when I screamed loudly and jolted up from sleep ……..

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I sat up on the bed , I was panting heavily and my heart beat erratically……..

Thanks goodness! It was just a dream! I muttered and sighed in relief
But why am I always having the same dream! the way she pleaded was the same way she did that fateful night ……….

Switching on the light bulb, I turned sideways to meet Racheal curious gaze ……

What is wrong! Why did you scream like that? She asked with a frown ….

I had a night mare. I answered while looking around the room and she scoffed
Is that why you want to scream the whole house down! She retorted angrily….
I saw Daphne in my dream. I said in whispers and she froze…..
Daaaaaapneee. She stuttered and I nodded …..
This is not the first time Racheal and it is driving me crazy ……..

Take a hold of yourself and stop behaving like a baby! She said biting her lips in anger……
But it is …. I tried to say but she cut me off
Or do you want to drop out of High School? She threatened and I shook my head negatively
Good! then you better behave. She said and before I could answer, she placed her lips on mine and kissed me deeply……
And With the anger in me, I pushed her away from me…..
Don’t you have a conscience! I retorted angrily and as expected, she gave me a thunderous $lap….

how dare you talk back at me! Do you know I can make your family go back to the gutters or better still, I think I should tell my dad about your recent behaviour………

No please don’t, I won’t question you again. I pleaded and she smirked

Good girl! She remarked and smacked her lips….

So I want you to get down on me . She said $eductively and I did so without complaining……..

Oh Deeeeclan! She m©aned loudly…..:

What a delusional fool! I thought within…….

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

Declan Davies
The sound of the alarm clock woke me up the next morning …..
Sht! I was still sleepy
I stretched and sat up on the bed, glancing at the wall clock, it was 7:50……

Time to get prepared!
I dragged myself up from the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up, and on returning to the room, I went over to the bathroom and dressed hurriedly in a casual outfit…….

Slinging my backpack across my shoulders, I headed downstairs to the sitting room…….

I met my mom seated on the sofa having breakfast…….
Good morning mum! I greeted
Morning baby! how was your night! She asked
It was fine. I answered and walked out of the house before she would bugged me down with questions…….

Opening the car door, I got in and drove off heading to the Tobacco store ……..

I had an intense cravings for cigarette and knew I had to do something about it ……..

On getting to the store, I parked in front ….
I alighted from the car and walked straight in …..

hi Rudolph! I greeted the man behind the counter and he smiled widely exposing his tobacco stained teeth….

hi boy! What do you want? Cigarette or marijuana…….
A box of cigarette. I answered and he grinned
he brought it out from a big black bag and handed it to me…..

I need a light. I said and he gave it to me……

Pulling out a stick of cigarette out of its packet, I lit it up and inhaled the smoke …..

I felt an instant relief …..
I was soon done with the first one and was about lighting up the second one when my phone rang….

bringing it out of my pocket, I checked the caller and as expected it was Sasha
I received it
Where are you? She asked without greeting
I am on my way. I answered
No, tell me where exactly you are! I have been waiting at the taxi station for the past 20 mins . She queried
I am sorry , I will be with you in a jiffy. I said and ended the call…….

I kept the packet of cigarette inside my pocket, returned the lighter to Rudolph and then headed to my car …..
I got in and drove off heading to the taxi station………..

Getting to the taxi station, I sighted Sasha standing beside a big tree and smiled lightly knowing Daphne was beside her because she was talking to herself……..

Stopping the car, I honk the car horn to get her attention and it worked….

She looked in my direction and nodded to anything Daphne was telling her before running towards me ………

I stared at her in admiration, she is so h ot!
She opened the car door and got in beside me….
You are late. She queried while closing the door……

Is that the way to greet your boyfriend! I said teasingly …..
Oh my bad! I forgot, Good morning Mr Declan. She greeted mockingly and I smiled…
how are you? I asked
Fine. She grunted her response and then looked out of the windows
I sighed not knowing how to handle an angry girlfriend…….
I started the car and drove off heading to the police station……

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

The drive to the police station was a silent one as Sasha chose not to talk to me
But what did I do! Did I offend her in anyway!
I took a quick glance at her and met her gaze ….
I smiled lightly
Aren’t you gonna talk to me? She asked with a frown and I chuckled
I thought you were angry with me …
And why won’t I! Do you know how worried Daphne and I was! She retorted and I sighed
I am sorry . I apologised ……
We soon got to the police station and I parked in front ……
We alighted from the car and headed straight to the counter …
We met an hefty man dressed in black seated behind the desk ……

Good morning sir! I greeted and he raised his head to look at me
how can I help you? he asked with a furrowed eyebrow.
I glanced at Sasha before answering
I need to see the chief police. I said in whispers and he gave me a curious look
Why! I mean you both are too young to be here, do you have any complaints? he asked but I shook my head
I don’t have any complaints, I am here to find out the truth about something. I corrected
Oh! And what truth are you talking about?
My sister who died three months ago, I want to know the whole truth about her death. I answered in whispers and I saw his eyes widened in surprise
Daphne Davies right? he asked and I nodded slowly
Do you know her? I asked
he stared at me for a while and then sighed
Come with me. he said as he led us to a next room……….
I looked around the big and spacious office and stared in awe at the three recognition awards in the huge shelf ….
Is this your office? I asked still looking around and he nodded
Wow! he must be a top officer. I thought within…..

he sat down behind the desk and offered Sasha and I a seat
We both sat down and he cleared his throat before talking….

I am Sinclair Williams the head of all police detective. he introduced and I widened my eyes in surprise
Wow! Wow! Wow! Sasha exclaimed in surprise and the man smiled…..

So back to our discussion, you said you are Daphne brother right? he asked and I nodded
Your name please? he asked
Declan Davies! I answered
Declan! he repeated and then faced Sasha
And you are?
Sasha Alfredo. She answered
And what is your relationship with Daphne? he asked fixing his gaze on her….

She is my …. she tried to say but I cut her off
Actually she is my girlfriend…….

The man looked at her and then at me ……

Can I talk in front of her? he asked and I nodded……

You see I have been waiting for this day for a long time, a day when a family of Daphne would demand to know the truth about her death. he paused and stared intently at me….

how old are you? he asked
18. I answered
Good! you are officially an adult and I believe you will also reason like one…. so as I was saying, I was the one who was sent to collect the autopsy result of Daphne and seeing the result got me all confused……
Confused! how! I asked urging him to continue……

You see there was a very deep mark on her skull, it seems like she was continuously hit by something I can’t even say ….

The thought of what might have happened sent shivers down my spine …..

Are you trying to say my sister had a crack on her skull? I asked with a trembling voice
Not only that, her face was badly damaged…..

Oh my gawd! I exclaimed softly and bit my lips trying to stop the tears from pouring…………

But sir I am still confused about something. Sasha said joining in the conversation…..

And what is that? the man asked
If you were so sure that it was a murder, then why was her death recorded as a sucide? She asked and the man sighed……..

I don’t know why I am telling you all this, I guess it is because I believe in Justice and to answer your question, we received an order from the chief police to seal up the case as a $ucide ……..

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 11 – 20

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