HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50
By Obianke Prosper
Chapter Forty Six
I was in a bus humming to a song I was listening to on my phone. It was from one of my favorite Nigerian musician, Davido and this was his lastest music.
I sang to the song lowly as I eyed the passengers on the bus, they were all wearing black and surprisingly they were glaring at me but I didn’t seem to care.
I sighed and turn to someone who was sitting at my front, he was the only one not staring at me but he was scribbling something on a sheet of paper.
“Hey”.I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to me but immediately I saw his face, I gasped.
“D…Dylan?! Why are you doing here?”.I asked as I roam my eyes around his body.
He was clothed in black, his clothes were light dark unlike the other passengers but his face…Oh God! Is Dylan crying? That’s impossible!
“W…why are you crying?”.My voice wasn’t stable cause it felt so weird seeing the glistening tears falling from his watery eyes.
He sniffed and showed me the paper he was scribbling something on. On the paper was written; AM BAD.
“What?! Who told you that? You are bad”.I scoffed trying to snatch the paper from him but he shifted the paper away from my reach.
“Am bad”.He said with more tears pouring out from his eyes.
“No, you are not bad, okay? You are a good guy”.I said faking a smile but he frowned, not looking convinced.
“Am bad”.He repeated standing from his seat and before I knew it, he started walking away while the passengers smirked happily.
“Dylan, where are you going to? Please come back, don’t leave me alone”.I yelled but he continued walking, muttering the words; Am bad, am bad, am bad repeatedly and just when he was about walking out of the bus door, I woke up panting heavily.
My clothes were sticked to my body due to the excess sweat on my skin and my hair was scattered all over my face. I was trying to pack it up in a bun when suddenly I heard;
I screamed and immediately switched on the light only to see Dave laughing as he sat on my bedside. He was clothed in a white singlet and a red short which barely reached his knee. On his head was a blue band and he wore sneakers as well.
“Go$h! You scared me”.I frowned, placing my hand on my chest as I felt my heart race.
“Sorry”.He said but I knew the apology was false.
I continued packing my hair in a bun and when I was done with that I glanced at the wall clock. The time was just 6:12am.
“So I heard what you said”.He chuckled and I stared at him confused.
“What did I say?”.
“You called Dylan’s name and you said something like ‘please don’t leave me alone’. Was it a dream or you were just saying it cause you knew I was here?”.
“Gish! It’s not your business”.I said and he scoffed, standing up.
“I didn’t come here for that anyways, I just came to ask if you would like to come jog with me. The street is now quiet and it will be safer to come jog at this time”.
“Aren’t you scared, Dave? The time is 6am and I don’t want anyone to snatch me on the road while jogging”.I said and he smiled, wrapping his hand around my neck.
“Your big bro will be there with you, so don’t fear”.He said and I sighed, remembering one particular incident.
I and Dave were jogging on the street at 5am in the morning while we were still in Nigeria then suddenly a car pulled to an half in front of us and we had ran for our dear lives when we saw men with guns stepping out of the car. I had detested jogs since then but I wonder what made Dave want to jog again.
“Okay, alright. Wait for me outside lemme change into something more comfortable”.I said and he nodded before going out of my room while I quickly put on a baggy shirt and a flexible black bum short. I also wore sneakers and grabbed my phone before going to Dave who was waiting for me outside my room.
“So where is Mum and Dad? Did you inform them….”.
“I did even before I went to bed, so chill, they wouldn’t get angry at us”.He said and I nodded before we left the house.
We got to the gate and he unlocked it before we went jogging on the streets.
The early morning breeze was cold making me realize that winter was fast approaching, I regretted not taking a sweater along with me cause the cold was kinda too harsh on us.
“Grace”.Dave called smiling as he listened to a music from the earphone which was connected to his phone.
“Huh?”.I stared at him, wondering why he called me.
“There is this musician trending on the internet. His stage name is JK”.
“What about his real name?”.
“I don’t know but I like his music though. It kinda makes me feel good and I think I should recommend his songs to Vanessa”.
“Yeah Vanessa, you always mention her name. You…”.I paused chuckling and he stared at me looking confused.
“I what? Why didn’t you complete your sentence?”
“You wanna hear the complete sentence?”.
“Of course I do”.
“Alright. I actually wanted to say that you like her”.
“What?”.He stopped jogging, throwing me a surprised look. “I don’t like her, okay? I do as a friend but if it’s the other like you are talking about then no, I don’t”.
“Okay, fine but what if you discovers that she likes you”.
“She can’t like me Grace, she can’t”.
“Nothing”.He continued jogging and I followed after him, wondering why he said Vanessa can’t like him.
Because I already think she likes him, I mean she smiles and laugh a lot when she is with him and her eyes twinkles in excitement at the sound of his voice. Isn’t that a clue that she likes him or maybe am just misinterpreting things?
Am not really good with this relationship stuffs so I think am mistaken, besides they are friends. Friends aren’t suppose to go beyond their friendship, right?
Like I and Kyree for example, both of us can never fall for each other. That’s silly! Jeanann would just cut our heads off and thinking of the devil, Geez! I think am hating her, I hardly hate people but I think my dislike for her is turning into hatred and probably malice?
She does the wrong thing for the wrong reasons and I totally regret not pulling her hair off when she was embarrassing Angela.
If I was a wicked person, I would have reported the matter to the principal and used the ripped shirt as evidence then boom!…She get expelled or maybe suspended.
Dmn! I feel so bad right now. We just began talking to each other last week but that doesn’t matter, huh? I should have helped her out, she’d needed my help but I proved to be a bad friend by ignoring her need for help.
Gee, why do I feel so bad?
“Dave”.I called and Dave stared at me with a faint smile on his lips.
“Any problem?”.
“No, I just wanted to ask a question”.I bit my lips as I tried to suppress my quilt. “If a friend of yours is being bullied, what would you do?”.
“Don’t even go there, Grace. You know what I can do… Don’t you remember Kemi in Rising Stars Academy?”.He asked and I searched my memory for that name and when I got it, I nodded.
Kemi was one of his friend at our former school in Nigeria, Rising Stars Academy.
“Yeah Kemi was being bullied by two stupid boys from my class. They call themselves the Range Rovers, quite stupid right?”.He chuckled and continued.
“They took Kemi’s phone, snacks and lots of things that she had with her. They didn’t know I was watching them from a distance and when I came to them, Oh Lord! Grace if you see the things I did to them, eh? You will be afraid of me”.He boasted with a wide smile on his lips.
I sighed, shrugging.
“But Dave, what if those boys bullying Kemi were more than two, maybe four or five. Would you still take the risk of defending her?”.
“It doesn’t matter, I can still take them down but if they were bigger than me and more powerful, then I wouldn’t take the risk of fighting them. Anyways, I know what I will do and do you want to know what I can do? Well, it’s revenge. I will deal with each of them and they wouldn’t even know that am the one who is causing them problems”.He said and I smirked, taking in all he said to me into my mind.
HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50
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