HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

By Obianke Prosper

Chapter Forty Four


“Oh God!”.Angela screamed in shock and anger as she realized what just happened.

She used her hands to cover her chest as she glared angrily at Jeanann who was laughing loudly.

“What, huh? Why are you angry? Oh lemme guess, your shirt got ripped off and you finally got to feel what I felt when something got ripped off from me. Do you wanna know what that is, well it’s respect!”.Jeanann rasped and everyone in class began murmuring. Most of them loved the drama Jeanann was creating while few of them hated the show.

“Jean please stop this! You are going too far”.I scowled at her but she frowned, shooting me with a glare.

“The sound of your voice irks me Grace, so it will be better if you just shut up and watch the show or you get out! Seriously, I haven’t even began with her and here you are, wasting your saliva on me”.She hissed and turned back to Harper who was standing beside Angela as she smirked happily.

“Harper…hold her!”.


I watched as Harper hold Angela tightly while Angela struggled to escape from her grip. Jeanann chuckled and took her phone out of her pant pocket, she clicked on something and began moving the phone about slowly like if she was videoing something. Wait… Hold on! Is she videoing Angela?

“Hey bch, wouldn’t you smile?”.She asked, chuckling but Angela remained frowning as she battled with Harper.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

Soon later, Jeanann paused the video glaring hard at Angela who seem to make her work difficult.

“You wouldn’t smile, huh? Then sorry, I will do this the hard way”.She said and place her fingers at Angela’s light singlet.

“N…no, wh..hat are y..you do..ing?”.Angela asked with wide eyes and when she tried to push Jeanann’s hands away, Harper pulled her hands up and I think I heard a bone crack.

“Hey boys, do you wanna see someone’s bra?!”.Jeanann yelled and the boys in the class yelled a yeah as they roam their lu$tful eyes around Angela.

I gulped hard finding Jeanann’s attitude annoying and when I was about standing to go report to the school authorities about what’s going on, Sophia pulled me back as she stabbed me with her eyes.

“Hey wtch, where do you think you are going to?”.She asked, frowning.

“And tell me, how is that your business you $lut”.I spoke to her in the same tone she used in speaking to me and her frown deepened.

“Hey Grey or whatever your nonsense name is, do you really think you can report to a staff at this hour? Well unfortunately for you, all the staffs in springs Academy are in an important meeting and wouldn’t be out until lunch break which is two hours from now”.Allison smirked and I felt myself shiver, thinking about the embarrassment Angela would face and the thought of not being able to help her made me feel bad.

I sighed sadly and turned to Angela who was pleading profusely with Jeanann.

“….Please am sorry, don’t this. I would have kept my mouth shut, I wouldn’t have said a word. It was all my fault, please forgive me, punish me but not this way.. Please!”.She was pouring out all amount of pleads but stopped when Jeanann shunned her.

“That’s good, I thought your stupid mouth wouldn’t say anything reasonable”.She scoffed, biting her lip happily.

“Please Jean, leave me alon..”.

“Shut it, will you?”.She roared at Angela who flinched. “You are making me feel bad, alright! Am nice, am a good teen but you keep pushing me to the wall”.

She breathe out, running her fingers through her hair.

“Anyways, am gonna forgive you only if you tell Mr Kelvin that all you said yesterday was a lie. Yes! Tell him that I was saying the truth while you and that talkative, Grace was lying against me”.She said and I gasped.

“W…what?!”.Angela exclaimed, looking surprised.

“Why are surprised? Would you do it or not?! If you refuse to do it, then I wouldn’t hesitate to pull off this singlet you have on you and guess what? Everyone is gonna see your dirty bra. You don’t want that sweetheart, do you?”.Jeanann said with a mocking smile.

“B…but Mr Kelvin would reduce my mark and Grace’s too…”.

“Oh, do I look like I care”.She shrugged, pouting. “Look Angela the clock is ticking, in fact you are wasting my time and I think I need to rip off this piece of rag now!”.

She tightened her grip on the singlet and a part of it began to tear.

“No please, I will do it. I will lie to the teacher and you will get back your mark but please, just leave me alone”.Angela begged as her eyes began to moisten.

“Yeah, that was want I wanted to hear but Gish! You keep prolonging it and wasting my time”.She scoffed and stared at Harper who was still holding Angela hands up tightly.

“Harper, leave her alone and get my backpack”.

Harper face turned into a slight frown when she heard this.

“Seriously Jean, you just wanna spoil the fun? You don’t wanna make this piggy go half naked? Dammit! You are such a spoiler!”.Harper scowled but got a glare from Jeanann.

“Harp, I know what am doing, okay?”.

“Whatever”.Harper sounded angry as she went to Jeanann’s seat which was also kinda mine, she slightly push me off and I almost fell on the floor though I maintained my balance and glared at her but she hissed and handed the backpack to Jeanann.

Jeanann unzipped the bag and threw a creamy shirt at Angela who caught it looking confused.

“Wear this and say exactly what I want you to say to Mr Kelvin. I wouldn’t have given you this alright but what did I say? Am nice, am a good teen so don’t ever think of me as a bad person”.Jeanann chewed on her lips and went to her seat.

She sat beside me and I couldn’t stop stealing glances at her. I was surprised at what she did…

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

“Hey, do you really wanna do this?”.I asked Angela on the way to Mr Kelvin’s office.

It was lunch break now and the staffs meeting was over, so Angela decided to go meet Mr Kelvin and I decided to go with her.

“I don’t have a choice Grace. I wish I do but right now, I just have to obey her so that I wouldn’t see myself shirtless”.She sighed, looking helpless and I folded my lips as a feeling of sadness washed over me.

“Am sorry, I couldn’t defend you….”.

“Oh no Grace, you tried your best and you don’t have to apologize to me, am not worth your apology”.She stated and I ruffled my hair, not knowing what else to say.

“About our marks…”.

“Oh please don’t worry about your mark or mine, am gonna beg Mr Kelvin not to reduce your mark. I mean… You don’t deserve it, you were only trying to help me out of this mess but you never knew you were pushing me into it”.

“Am sorry”.

“Don’t apologize to me, Grace”.

“Why wouldn’t I? Am the one who caused all this, I didn’t keep my mouth shut and maybe Jeanann was right, shutting my mouth isn’t a problem but I didn’t and your shirt got ripped out…”.

“Don’t worry about my shirt”.

“Come on! Your inner wear was exposed and it was transparent!”.I exclaimed and took a deep breath.

“What Jeanann did to you was wrong, it’s against the school rules and once this gets to the principal, she is gonna get expelled”.

Angela’s eyes widen as she glared at me.

“Are you crazy?! No tell me, what are you thinking? Getting Jeanann expelled and you think you would go scot free, you must be kidding miss”.She rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her waist.

“I know what she did was wrong but let’s forget about the past and face the present. Besides she replaced my shirt, so their is nothing to worry about”.

I wanted to speak but cut myself off when I realized that we were standing in front of Mr Kelvin’s office. Angela pushed the door open and we came face to face with Mr Kelvin who saw us and smiled.

“Hello Misses, how may I help you guys?”.He asked, focusing his attention on us.

Angela took a deep breath and stepped forward.

“We lied against Jeanann, Sir. She is the one who should get an A not me”.She said and the teacher frowned, putting away the eyeglass on his eyes in total confusion.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

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