HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

By Obianke Prosper

Chapter Forty Nine


I felt bored as I played a video game; The terminator, I wasn’t even concentrating on it so I lost quite easily. I later got tired of it so I stopped playing as my mind raced to Grace.

Grace! The name that always make me smile, the name that always make me feel excited.

Since the first day I saw her, I felt this pull towards her. Her smile, her laugh, her touch, geez! This girl doesn’t know what she does to me.

I could remember when she bumped into me the first day we met after school closure, she had apologized but I got lost watching her tiny lips move. She didn’t even noticed it cause I quickly regained myself from her charms.

Grace! I like her, I know it or maybe I love her? No, that can’t be possible. I love Jeanann, she is my first love and first love never dies, right? But why is my case different? Why do I feel more attracted to Grace than to Jeanann? And am sure Jeanann have started noticing it cause she had recently warned me to stay clear from Grace. Geez! I feel so confused…

I bent my head low as I remembered the call I had with Grace some minutes ago.

She had hung up on me after telling me she wanted to but Jeanann, she would just hung up in me anytime she likes. Isn’t that a difference between the both of them?

Grace is someone who hardly hate people but Jeanann, hmm once she hates you then sorry, she will find all ways to make other people hate you too.

Grace doesn’t bully even when her parents are wealthy but Jeanann bullies a lot especially the ones who are below her standards. Probably the ones she is jealous of, the one who is poor and weak – she calls them bches.

I don’t really like this bully part of her and have pleaded with her to stop but Jeanann would never listen, she is too stubborn.

But deep down I know the real Jeanann. She wasn’t always like this but she suddenly changed, transferring her aggression on those who angers or irritate her.

My phone began ringing and I smiled, thinking it’s Grace. She said we would talk later, so she must be the one calling. My smile grew wide as I swiped answer button without looking at the caller ID.


“Kyree”.I paused when I recognized the voice. Jeanann…Wow! Thinking of the devil.

“Hi Jean”.I realized I wasn’t one bit happy that she called me. Have been avoiding her for some days for no reason at all… I just don’t want her to talk to me and Vase Versa.

“Kyree, are you free?”.She asked and I sighed, rubbing my chin.

“No”.I lied. “Am actually so busy, am cleaning my room right now and plus I have many other things to do like writing my assignments and so on”.

“Seriously? What’s the maid in your home doing? That lazy ass!”.

You see, she and her words. Gosh! Am trying so hard not to disconnect this call.

“She is on a sick leave, Jean and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. My room is so messy and my mum would scold me if I leave it uncleaned”.

“It’s okay”.I could hear her make a frustrated sigh. “Tomorrow then?”.

“What? Tomorrow? No! Am still busy tomorrow, my church is organizing a five hours youth program after service and I have to go rest after that. You know how tiring all this boring programs are”.I said and she kept quiet for seconds.

“Are you lying to me, Kyree?”.Her voice was surprisingly calm.

“No, why would I?”.

“It’s okay, I actually felt lonely at home and I wanted you to come over but since you are busy, concentrate on your work. Goodbye”.She ended the call an I took in a deep breath before tossing my phone aside.

I hardly lie to Jeanann, in fact I always go to her when she want me to come over but today was just different. I felt like it was a new me speaking…

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50


Mrs Skylar had just returned from work – Dylan’s house – and she felt stressed out. All she wanted at that moment was a delicious meal to eat and a long sleep.

She continued trekking but smiled when she realized she was getting closer to her house. Christ! Her feet were killing her…

She held onto her handbag tightly as she saw few street boys who were glancing at her direction. She wondered why but continued walking anyways

She haven’t taken more than 50 steps when a handkerchief soaked in powder was forcefully pressed on her nose.

She tried her best to remove the hand that was pressing the handkerchief on her nose but she failed at it and soon enough, her eyes shut and she dropped helplessly on the cold ground of the street.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50


Grace woke up yawning loudly. She went to her bathroom and brushed her teeth before taking her bath.

After a long search, she finally chose to wear a green off shoulder gown and a low heeled shoe. She let her curly hair flowing freely on her back before she exited her room, heading to the dining room.

She sat on her favorite dining chair and ate her breakfast before going to join Dave and Mr Lucas in the car. Soon, they arrived at school and they went to their different classes after sharing a brief talk.

Grave got to her class and sat on *her* seat, not long after she got sitted Angela came to her smiling brightly.

“Hi”.Angela said and Grace returned the smile.

“Hi, you look happy”.

“Yeah and you wouldn’t believe why”.Angela smirked, flinging her hair.

“Mind sharing?”.

“Yeah but I would have to whisper it to you, yunno it’s meant to be a secret”.

“Oh!”.Grace exclaimed, curious though as she paid her full attention on Angela.

“So, it’s a….”.

“Jeez, Angela do you know what you are doing?”.Grade interrupted her and Angela stared at her confused.

“I d…don’t un..nderstand”.

“You are standing in front of Jeanann’s seat, she might just barge in any minute and embarrass you”.

Angela then scoffed, shrugging.

“Am not sitting on her seat neither am I touching it, so she have no right whatsoever to embarrass me. Besides, this classroom isn’t hers, it doesn’t belong to her so I can stand wherever I want to stand and touch whatever I want to touch”.

“Angela!”.Grace was surprised at Angela’s new attitude. “Are you really the one saying this? What happened to the old Angela I used to know?”.

“She is dead Grace, that old Angela is dead and wouldn’t come back to life”.Angela sighed, remembering the conversation she had with her sister, it really did help her kill the weak Angela in her. “Am tired of being bullied, am tired of being embarrassed or ridiculed. Am not a kid for Pete sake and I wouldn’t allow anyone treat me like a slave!”.

Grace gasped at what she said but a smile littered on her lips afterwards, she loved the new Angela already.

“So what was the secret you were about telling me?”.

“Oh! It’s…..”.

Angela was cut off by the stomping sound produced by Jeanann as she walked towards them angrily.

She had saw them both discussing and it really angered her to see Angela standing beside her seat.

“You bch, you must be mad!”.Jeanann spat out and raise her hand to slap Angela but Angela was quick to catch the hand halfway.

“The only mad person here is you!”.Angela retorted and those in the class gasped, watching the show. They’d feel surprised seeing the weakling talking back at Jeanann.

“Huh?! Dmmit!… How dare you talk back at me, you poverty stricken rat!”.Jeanann knew Angela to be from a poor home so she was mocking her with it.

“If you have the guts Jeanann Kingsley, say that again!!”.Angela felt pained at her words but she tried her best not to show it.

“Wait…! Are you threatening me? You poverty stricken rat!!!”.

Angela couldn’t take it anymore, she had endured enough but not anymore.

Before anyone could say Jack Robinson, she twisted Jeanann’s fingers while Jeanann groaned loudly in pain.

HER ADVERSITY: Chapter 41 – 50

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