Improve your health and lose weight quickly
Tested and approved

– Lemon
– Ginger
2 Cucumber
1 pineapple
– Citronelle
Optional (mints, parsley …)

For using cider vinegar, I strongly discourage (dizziness and heartburn).

1- pound or blender: ginger, pineapple, cucumber, lemongrass, mint, boil with plenty of water and extract the juice by sieving

2- Squeeze the lemon separately, except for those that can withstand the bitter taste of boiled lemons with the skin.
Extract the juice that will be mixed with the other juice higher.

3- Load bottles (everything will depend on your quantities)

4- Drink 1 lukewarm glass of 250 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 drink in the evening at bedtime.

This recipe holds for months in the cool,
Pineapple gives a natural and pleasant sweetness to the mixture,
Lemongrass and / or mint improves the taste.

Simple and juicy drink.
Can be taken at any time,
Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and / or suffering from gastric pain.

In addition to all the virtues of water, this drink:
– Refine the size
– Burns belly fat
– Cut hunger and appetite
– Facilitates weight loss
– And reduces acne and pimples (hydration)
– Very effective against bad breath
– Super super effective against constipation

To be more effective, practice a lot of physical activities and improve your diet.