
JUST THE BEGINNING: Episode 41 to 50

Just The Beginning ?

Episode forty two


” Hi Violet, ” Alicia says walking towards me, giving me a hug. She doesn’t even spare Rita a second glance. ” You look spectacular in that dress ! ”

” Thank you. ”

” Alex gave it to her as a gift, ” Rita says looking at Stacy, a wicked smile on her face. ” Isn’t he just romantic? ”

We all know that she’s trying to piss Stacy off but it’s not working. Stacy still has that fake sweet smile on her face, acting like an angel and sincerely speaking, she does look like she just dropped down from the skies.

She’s just so beautiful! Alex and her are clearly the perfect pair!

” Hi Alex, George, ” Alicia says giving them both a kss on the cheek.

” Hey Alex, ” Stacy says walking towards him, giving him a tight hug. ” You look good as usual. ”

” Hi, ” he says pushing her gently off him. ” Meet my girlfriend, Vee. ” He pulls me to him, his hands on my shoulder as he ksses my hair.

” I’ve actually met her, ” she says eyeing me from head to toe. ” Isn’t She a cleaner at George’s law firm?”

” Well, atleast she works hard for her money, not like some gold diggers I know, ” Alex tells Stacy.

” And i hope you are smart enough to know that when he says “gold diggers” he means you, ” That’s Rita.

Rita is quite something, huh?

” Wait, she works as a cleaner?! How could you let her do that Alex? ” Alicia asks.

” It’s not my fault mum, I tried to make her quit but she’s to stubborn! She’s doesn’t like things to be handed to her, it’s like she’s allergic to free stuff or something,” Alex says his gaze on me as i glare at him. He’s lucky his mum is here or else, I’d have given him a piece of my mind.

” Wow Vee, you just never cease to amaze me! You just made it clear that you are not after Alex’s money and that makes me adore you more, ” Alicia says taking my hand. ” But, you have to promise me you’ll stop working, especially now that you are pregnant. You have to take care of yourself and after the baby is born and you still choose to work, you are always welcomed in my company. ”

” Sure, I promise, ” I agree since I know that this is all for show and none of the things she said, is ever going to happen.

” Mum… You’ll just accept a poor cleaner as your daughter in law?! ” Stacy asks in disbelief.

” You thought because she’s poor and a cleaner, I won’t accept her?! I’ve never been one to judge people by their financial status. Don’t you know that when I met Joe, he was more poor than a church mouse but I still fell for him and got married . ”

” Yeah, and look at where that got you! He’s never made you happy. Do you want the same for your son? ”

” Look Stacy, I only brought you here to show you how happy Alex is, so that you can do the same. Am not here to discuss my marital problems, okay? Now……let’s eat, ” Alicia says leading the way.

I wonder how this dinner is going to end. I mean, they have only been here for less than ten minutes and the temperature in this room is super high!

” The food smells like heaven! ” Alicia says as Alex pulls out a chair for her. ” You never disappoint Robin. ”

” Thank you ma’am. Excuse me, ” Robin says walking away.

” Let me, ” Alex says rushing over to me, and pulls a chair for me to.

I can see George looking at us and he doesn’t look happy.

Could he be jealous?

Anyway, that’s his problem.

” Thank you, ” I say taking my seat ,feeling like royalty! Who would have known that Alex could be such a gentleman?

But wait……… I seem to have forgotten that this is all an act, and now that remember, am nervous all over again.

” So wheres Dad? I thought he was coming with you guys, ” Alex asks.

” He was supposed to but he got an urgent phone call from the office. But don’t worry, he..ll be here any time now, ” Alicia says and right on the cue, Joe, Alex’s father walks in.


” Sorry am late. I hope you haven’t had dessert without me? ” He says all smiles, taking a seat.

” We wouldn’t dare, ” Rita says letting out a small chuckle and I can’t help but smile.

” So… George, Are you still in love with Vee? ” Stacy asks half way through our meal, and I quickly look at Alicia, to see her reaction and boy, is she surprised!

If Stacy only knew that we know all her moves and are ready for everything she throws our way.

” What? George is in love with Violet? ” Alicia asks.

” Thats not true Alicia, it was just a stupid rumor since Vee and I have a close relationship,” George says.

” Are you sure about that? Because Merghan made it clear that you are courting vee. ” That’s Stacy again.

” Of course am sure. Why would I fall for the same girl my best friend is in love with? I’d never do that to him!” George says looking at Alex and I have a feeling that whatever he said was addressed to Alex.

” That’s good to know. Anyway, we need to talk about the wedding, ” Alicia says and I choke. Alex is quick to hand me a glass of water.

” A wedding?! ” I ask as soon as am calm, giving Alex a questioning look.

” Yes a wedding, I didn’t think that would freak you out that much. Don’t you want to marry my son? ”

” Of course I do, but…. right now is not the right time. I think it’s still kind of early for that. ”

” You know, that’s the same thing Alex told me, ” she says looking sternly, from me to Alex. ” Is there something you two are not telling me? ”

“Actually, there is and I think it’s about time you know the truth, ” I say as Alex, Rita and George give me surprised looks. ” The truth is that, my sister is in critical condition right now at the hospital and the last thing i want to think about, is a wedding. ”

” What happened to her? ” Alicia asks sounding concerned.

” Well, she was shot by the thugs that were after Rita, ” I say my voice breaking .It’s still hard for me to talk about my sister, while she’s still lying lifeless in the hospital.

” Am sorry about that sweetie and don’t worry, I won’t talk about the wedding again until your sister is better, ” She says and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. “What hospital is your sister in? We have to make sure she better taken care of. ”

” She’s at Angel walk hospital, ” I say.

” Is that the one that my husband owns? ”

” Yes mum, and they are taking good care of her. ”

” Mum… Please tell me you see it now? Stacy says. ”

” See what Stacy? ”

” The truth! Alex is paying that cheap slut to pose as his girlfriend, and the price is her sisters treatment. ”

” Stop with all this crazy assumptions! You are the one who should see the truth which is right in front of your eyes,” Alicia says.

” This is all an act don’t you see how nervous she’s been this whole time. She’s obviously lying. ”

” Of course she’s nervous! She meeting her future in-laws for the first time and that is normal, ” Joe says and Alicia nodes her head agreeing with him.

” I really didn’t think that you are all so easily fooled. You know how much Alex loves me and there’s no way he’d leave me for someone like her!”

” Oh please Stacy! Vee is as much beautiful as you if not more. Your beauty is only on the outside but hers goes both ways, slut! ” That’s Rita defending me as usual.

” Okay.. I have the best way to finally find out the truth,” Stacy says her eyes on Alicia. ” I promise if you do this one thing for me mum, I’ll forget your son once and for all. ”

She just never gives up,does she?

” What is that Stacy? ” Joe asks rolling his eyes.

” A pregnancy test.”


” Okay Stacy, ” Alicia says and I look at Alex shocked beyond words. ” If that’s the only way you’d believe it, so be it. ”

We are so fked!


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