JUST THE BEGINNING: Episode 41 to 50

Just The Beginning ?
Episode forty four
” Have you found him yet? ”
” No, I’ve looked in all the places he usually goes to when he’s pissed off, but he’s nowhere to be found. ”
Am on the phone with George, who’s out looking for Alex. After he left he left the house, Stacy dropped another bomb on his mum, claiming that she’d slept with her husband and that led to Alicia having a stroke. Stacy left no stones unturned to destroy everything and she succeeded.
We are all now crazy worried at the hospital waiting for some news. I really feel bad for Alex and I can’t believe how much worse he’s going to feel when he finds out, that his mother is in a critical condition. I know he’s mad at her but she’s still his mum.
This turn of events was so unexpected and I feel for the whole family especially Rita, who thinks it’s partly her fault that Alicia ended up in the hospital. Silent tears have been falling from her eyes since we got here.
” Okay, I guess he’ll find out about his mum when he gets back. ”
” I guess so too. I’ll be at the hospital in ten minutes. ”
” Okay, ” I say hanging up.
George gets here some minutes later and after what feels like forever, the doctor is out of the emergency room.
” I thought i asked you guys to take better care of her? ” the doctor asks.
” We tried our best Sam, but what happened was out of our control. Please tell me how she’s doing, ” Joe says.
” She’s not doing well at all. I looked into her health history and found out that Alicia was born with a hole in her heart, which wasn’t severe and didn’t require any treatment then. The hole has with time, increased the amount of blood that flows through the lungs and caused damage to the blood vessels in the lungs. This is what is causing the high blood pressure and the heart failure, and due to all the stress she had a stroke, ” the doctor pauses for a second as we take in what he just said.
” I had already told you that she was undergoing treatment, but her heart is failing and the treatment is not effective anymore. What she needs now is a heart transplant and if it’s not done within a year we are going to lose her. ”
” How fast can we get a heart doctor? ” Rita asks amongst tears.
” That is the hard part Ava.The heart is the hardest organ to get and a lot of people are on the wait for one, but I promise we’ll do our best to get one for Alicia. She won’t be awake until tomorrow and I suggest you all go home and rest now. ”
” George, please take them home, ” Joe’s who seems to be in shock says. It’s as if all blood on his face has drained out.
” Okay, George says.
We are home in a few minutes and I tuck Rita in, making sure she’s asleep, before joining George in the living room.
” How are you, ” he asks the second I sit.
” Am fine. ”
” You don’t have to lie to me. I know you are not used to this kind of drama. ”
” Am used to more than this George. ”
” I still don’t think that this is a very good environment for you. I mean, you are already going through a lot and being in this house is only adding to your stress, ” he says and I stare at him trying to understand what he’s saying. ” Why don’t you move in with me. You’ll have your piece of mind in my apartment and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone’s pregnant girl friend there. ”
” Really George! You think now is the right time to abandon them after everything they have done for me. ”
” I’m not asking you to desert them, you can visit them whenever you want, ” he says.
” Why do I feel like you are trying to take advantage of the situation?! ”
” Am not trying to do no such thing, am just looking out for you. ”
” Well.. am not a child George, I can take care of myself! ” I say almost shouting. There is something different about him that am really not liking.
” Am sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. ”
” It’s okay, and it’s not like am kicking you out or anything, but I think it’s time you left. It’s almost midnight and am getting sleepy. ”
” Okay.. I’ll see you tomorrow at the hospital, goodnight, ” he says .
” Goodnight, ” I reply, watching him walk to the door. ”
I lean back on the sofa as soon as he’s out and let out a sigh, closing my eyes.
Where the hell could Alex be? I really hope he’s okay!
The door is pushed open about ten minutes later and I open my eyes to see Alex walking in. He’s surprised to see me on the sofa and gives me a questioning look, walking towards me.
” Why aren’t you asleep yet? ”
” I am not sleepy, ” I say looking up at him. His gaze is sad and distant and he looks troubled. ” How are you doing?”
He sits beside me, sighing softly. ” Am not fine Vee, I feel hurt, betrayed and I have a lot going on in my head right now. ”
” Am sorry, I know how much it feels to be betrayed by the person you least expected,” I say holding his hand. I feel much more closer to him than I did a few days ago, and I want to be here for him as much as I can. ” Something more worse happened after you left. ”
” I know. I turned my phone on and found a dozen missed calls, and knew something was wrong. I called Dad and he told me what happened. ”
” Am sure she’ll be fine. It might not look like it now but everything will work out, somehow,” I say.
” I hope so. She might be a monster, but she’s still my mother. ”
” Yeah… that’s true. ”
“Anyway, ” he says standing, then holds my hand and helps me up. ” Let’s go to bed, we’ve had a long day. ”
” Okay, I say and we make our way to the stairs.
” Do you want to spend the night with me? ” he asks as soon as we are outside his room and I look at him surprised.
” I don’t think that’s a good idea, ” I say nervously.
” Please… Am not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight and I need you, ” he says desperately and I have no choice but to agree.
” Okay… ” I say. We step in his room and he takes off his jacket, tossing it on the couch then reaches to tug his shirt off. He’s now half nked and am trying my best not to stare but it’s not working.
This guy is a walking poster boy!
” What are you doing ,” I ask when he reaches to undo his belt.
” Changing, are you going to sleep in that, ” he asks and it hits me that am still in my dress.
” I’ll go change, ” I say trying to leave but he grabs my hand and gives me one of his T-shirt.
” You will sleep in this and please don’t argue with me. ”
” Okay, ” I take it from him without a fuss and walk over to the closet.
” You can change right here, it’s not like I haven’t seen you nked before, ” he says with a smirk raising a brow, and I glare at him. ” Am just kidding. ”
A few minutes later we are in bed, my head lying on his chest and it feels amazing!
” Thanks for doing this for me, “Alex says his fingers straying into my hair.
” Anytime, ” I say looking at him an our eyes lock.
He leans in close to me and starts trailing ksses from my hair, fore head, the tip of my nose and I close my eyes, savouring the feeling.
My heart is beating wildly right now and so is his.
I slowly open my eyes when he stops and I find him gazing at my lips.
” Do you want me to continue? ” he asks while looking deep in my eyes, and I nod.
Without hesitation, his tender lips land on mine and he kisses me passionately.
Am not sure about what we are doing, but I don’t want it to ever stop. It just feels so right!
” Vee.., ” he murmurs against my lips, as he slowly pulls away. It takes me a second or two before I open my eyes, my breathing slowly getting back to normal and i find him staring at me.
” Hmm.”
“What are we doing?”
” I don’t know but I sure want to do it forever. ”
” Oh my God! are you asking me to marry you? ” I ask sarcastically with a grin as he shakes his head smiling back. ” Anyway, I also don’t know what’s happening, but we can talk about it some other time. It’s kind of late. ” I say lying my head back on his chest.
” Okay. ” he says kssing my forehead as i slowly drift off to sleep.
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