?Married To A Billionaire?
(The Billionaire Wife)

Episode 30

????Written by Authoress Quinny ????

?Elizabeth pov?

There I was again, passed out on the floor, unconscious. This was becoming a pattern. Except for this time I was aware of where I was and it wasn’t a cold dusty basement.

I was in Erik’s house, I remember this because whenever we had movie nights together I would always end up sleeping here, in his spare room.

The room didn’t have anything much. Just a bed and a few other things.

This time I wasn’t tied up next to a pole or anything, I was laying in the bed. I’m pretty sure the door was locked and even if I tried screaming, no one would be able to hear me from a great distance.

I felt so weak, it was as if my body was paralyzed. I couldn’t feel anything. Something was wrong with me.

The room was pretty much entry. The only sound I could hear was the sound of the ticking clock.

I laid there as I heard the time pass me by. I have never felt so weak in my life.

I felt so betrayed.

After what seemed like hours, Erik came in.

The one face I never wanted to see again.

“Erik, why are doing this?”

“You see Elizabeth, I’m not the real enemy here. There are some big bad wolves out there and I need to get you away from them.”

“Erik please, just let me go and this will all be over.”

“If I let you go I’d be leading you back right into his trap. You have been so blinded that you can’t know what’s right in front of you. Charles is a m0nster and I’m not going to lose you to him.”

You already lost me to him.

“I don’t see him trying me up, Erik what have you became. I never knew you to be like this. Now you have become the monster you think he is.”

Someone started knowing on the door downstairs, more like banging. Interrupting me from my speech. It was getting annoying, even for Erik. The person made it clear that they weren’t living.

He walked to the bed where I was laying, I watched as he took an injection out of his pocket.

“What are you going to do with that?” I questioned.

“Making sure you don’t do anything stupid. If I were you I would move, it will only kill you faster.” He replied.

He then injected it into my neck. I swear every moment of it hurt like a btch.

I felt my heartbeat a little slower, I was dying.

Something told me by the look on Erik’s face that he wasn’t expecting whoever it was

“Now if you will excuse me, I have a guest.”

I could hear his footsteps as he walked down the stairs.

‘This was my chance to get out of this h.ell’ I thought to myself.

I tried getting up but failed miserably. With every move I made, I felt a sharp pain run through my body. Every breath I took, it felt two times hard than it should be. Whatever he injected into my body was taking a great effect on me.

I could hear every sound that was made, he needed stronger walls.

“Hi, Erik.” The person said. I could tell it was a female.

There was something about this person’s voice that sounded so familiar.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” Erik questioned. He sounded a bit nerves like he had been caught at his own game.

Yap, I was right. He definitely wasn’t expecting anyone.

“You are supposed to be helping me find Elizabeth, remember.”

I think i was now safe to say that it was Mary.

“Are gonna let me in or what?” She said.

I assumed he opened the door for her. The door was making this weird squeaky sound.

I pushed the wooden chair to the ground hoping it would get their attention.

So did it.

“What was that?” Mary questioned.

“It’s just a few boxes that I was packing, I must have placed them on the edge of the counter.”

“Boxes? For what?”

“I’m moving to New York tomorrow.”

So that is his plan. It’s either

a) He’s gonna kill me and hide my body where I can never be found or

b) He’s gonna take me with him.

And I prefer option a.

“You can’t leave now. What about your life here? Besides you promised you wouldn’t go anywhere unless we found Elizabeth.”

“I know, but I need to move forward with my life too. It’s an opportunity I can’t afford to miss.

“You right, can I use your bathroom?”


I heard the footsteps again, they were louder now. Someone was coming up.

This was my last chance.

I tried once more, I pushed the nightstand with all my might. Trust me it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.

This time it was loud, the nightstand few to the ground along with other things that were in there. I heard it all crack.

Mary came in barging through the door like she owned the house. If the door wasn’t strong enough it would have fallen apart.

“Oh my gosh, Charles was right,” she said while trying to catch her breath. She was in absolute horror “I’m going to call the police” Mary said taking her phone out of her purse.

“Mary please don’t, you have no idea what you’re doing,” Erik said.

“Erik, you have been keeping this girl as your hostage for three weeks, what do you want me to do Leave her here. She looks like the living dead.”

“Mary her life is in danger around Charles and Michael. If they don’t kill her someone else is and I can’t live with that.”

“I get it that she left you for Charles, but this is insane”

“If you don’t put that phone down you’re going to join her.” Erick threatened.

We both knew that Erik was by far stronger than the both of us, especially now that I’m basically useless. Now we were both gonna be captured. At list now someone was gonna notice, right?

I could see that Mary was frightened, I was too. She started taking steps back towards the nightstand. Near the bed. She looked at me for a moment then looked back at Erik.

The more she moved back, so did Erik move forward, toward her.

At list now we were gonna be together.

Something told me that Mary had a plan of her own.

She quickly picked up the table lamp near the broken nightstand. I watch as she swang the table lamp hitting him straight on the head. I have never seen her like that before.

I watched him fall to the ground, slowly hitting the floor.

I can’t say he didn’t deserve it. The lamp had a few broken parts.

“Did I kill him?” Mary said nervously. I could see she was shaking.

I wanted to hug her but I couldn’t get up. I could see she was in a panic.

She quickly grabbed her phone calling the police then Michael and Charles.

I’m finally getting out of this hell, but something told me I wasn’t gonna make it.

We heard the police sirens from a distance, they must have already been in an alert.

Mary came to my side holding the back of my head keeping my head off the bed. She helped me up, into the kitchen.

My legs were still a bit stiff so I couldn’t stand or walk. That had to be the longest walk of my life. My vision was getting blurry, it felt impossible to keep my eyes open. My body felt weaker than I already was.

I had to be strong, I’ve gone through so much to give up now, this was almost over.

“I’m going to check if Erik is awake, stay here,” Mary said while holding a bottle of pepper spray in her one hand.

She came back looking like she had seen a ghost in the closet or something.

“He’s gone, Erik’s is gone,” Mary exclaimed.

He must have gone through the back door, that was the only reason we didn’t see him leave.

The police came breaking throw the door.

“They could have just walked in, the door was open,” Mary said. Probably looking annoyed. I couldn’t tell anymore

I felt my eyes close, my body was ice cold and so was my heartbeat slowly going away.

I felt another body wrap around my body. It was Charles I got tell by his saint.

“Elizabeth, please wake up.” He muttered.

His voice sounded a bit different, maybe it was because I haven’t heard his voice in a while.

At least I was going to die in his arms.



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