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By Terri Savage

Chapter 3

Marcus drove the car in to the house and halted

Henry smiled seeing the mansion, after two years he is seeing his father’s house

“Marcus thank you” Henry said and opened the door coming down

He looked around the house and screamed

“I am back home”

“He look gentle but I guess he is the opposite” Marcus said, smiling

“Are my parents at home?” Henry asked

Marcus nodded

Henry rushed towards the door and walked in

He entered the living room and at that exact time Thomas descended the stairs

Thomas smiled seeing him standing there

“My world is back” Thomas said, opening his arms

Henry moved towards him and acted like he wanted to hug him but he passed instead leaving Thomas with his arms open

“Fk you Henry” Thomas yelled

“Fk you Thomas” He yelled back

“I hate you”

“I hate you more dad”

“You know what I disown you, you aren’t my son again” Thomas said

“I disown you too, fk you man”

“Infact don’t talk to me ever again” Thomas said

“Like I even care” Henry yelled back

“What’s going on here?” Joyce asked coming downstairs

Henry and Thomas turned theirs eyes to her

“My baby” Joyce said happily

Henry moved into her arms hugging her so tight

“Mum I miss you so much” Henry said

“Miss my foot” Thomas scoffed

“What is up with you two again?” Joyce asked

“This son of your..”

“Point of correction, our son” Joyce corrected

“I disown him” Thomas said walking upstairs

“I disown you too” Henry shouted back

Joyce sighed knowing the house won’t be the same with Henry presence, this isn’t the first time, Thomas us disowning Henry and Henry disowning him, they are always arguing

“Gosh, I have two crazy people to deal with” Joyce said htting her head

“You’re looking more younger mum, tell me the secret” Henry winked

” You dad got the secret” Joyce replied

” You will have to show me my father, that young ugly man is not my father”

Joyce immediately slap his head

” Ouch!! mum”

” Say that again” Thomas said behind them

Henry turned to see him holding a big stick

“Say I’m ugly again”

“I hate you ugly face” Henry said

Thomas charged at him and Henry took to his heels, Thomas chased him out of the house

” They won’t kll me before my time” Joyce said

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“What I am resuming school tomorrow?” Henry asked shockingly

“Yes, what were you expecting, that you will be staying at home?” Thomas asked back

“I thought I will have a little time before starting school”

“I prepared everything, your school uniform is in your room, you are starting school tomorrow ” Thomas said

” I would have say I hate you but the good thing is that you already know i hate you ” Henry said

” Same here son ” Thomas winked

” You got the most ugliest wink, I wonder what attracted mum to you ” Henry said with a scoff

” My handsome face” Thomas smiled

Joyce walked there with a cup of juice and gave it to Thomas

” Baby” She said holding Henry cheeks

” Mum stop it, ain’t a kid anymore ” He frowned

” You will always be a kid to me” Joyce said

” I can’t believe I will be starting school tomorrow, dad really hate me” Henry pouted

“One love bro” Thomas thumb him

Joyce giggled

“Don’t feel bad you will enjoy the school”

“Whatever” He rolled eyes and went upstairs

“Why do you always like picking up on him, you should have allow to rest a bit before starting school” Joyce said sitting on the couch with him

“Can we talk about something else?”

“Like what?” Joyce asked

Thomas leaned in and pecked her lips

“It has been long yunno” He said winking se.ductively

“Pervert husband ”

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Summer is on the phone group chatting with Tiffany and Hailey

They had a group chat for them, from the way her face is you will know she is happy about something

Tiffany: Really, you will be fking Axton tomorrow?

Summer: Yes baby, I am super excited

Hailey: Heard he has a big dk

Tiffany: I can imagine your m.oans baby

Summer: Bch, I will be breaking up with Austin next week

Hailey: A relationship more than two weeks becomes boring

Summer: ????

The door to her room opened and a maid entered

Summer turned to her

“The Governor is back” The maid said and left

Summer: Hey guys my dad is back

Tiffany: I think that’s a good night

Hailey: Good night baby

Summer dropped her phone on the bed before leaving the room

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Henry is already dressed, the uniform suited him so much, he is looking handsome as usual

He brushed his hair making it to cover part of his eye giving the bad boy look

He looked at himself before walking downstairs

Joyce is setting the table when he came down

“Mum” He said

“Oh! baby, you are done, come have breakfast” She said

Henry went and sat down

” Where’s dad?” He asked

” Still sleeping”

” By this time, what was he doing last night?”

” Eat up and stop asking questions” Joyce said

Few minutes later, Henry was ready to go

” Mum, I am leaving” Henry said

“Okay baby, but please promise me that you will not cause trouble in your new school”

” I promise mum, I will stay away from trouble” He replied

” Good bye, I love you”

” I love you too” He replied

” Can I really keep to my promise, God help me” He said leaving

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Henry got to his new school and his eyes couldn’t believe what he was seeing

The building alone spoke to him about how great the school will be

“Hope there aren’t bullies here, I hate them with my life” He said coming down from his car

Immediately he came out, the girls started their normal craziness

? Another hottie

? I think Lex and Blake were hot but darn who is this demigod

? My pnties is w*t

? My future boyfriend

Henry winked at the guys and some if them fainted

? He is klling me already

? His sxy eyes, I love you new boy

He started moving towards some of the male students when he cross path with Summer

“Hey newbie” She said and Henry stop

*It’s Henry..”

” I didn’t ask of your unfortunate name”

” Huh!” He gasped

” Clean my shoes now” She said

Henry gave her an undecipherable look without any intention of doing what she said

“Are you deaf?, clean my shoes”

“Did you left your brain at home?” Henry asked out so loud

The students gasped and started drawing closer to see the drama


“How can someone with his or her brain say what you just utter, am I your slave” Henry asked

“Do you know who you’re talking to?”

“Donald trump’s daughter or Elon musk daughter, cut the crap lady” Henry said

“Do what I said right now or you will regret it” She yelled

Henry smirked

“You must be going ¢razy, I think you need to go for medical check up” Henry said and Summer sI.ap him

Henry went on his knees immediately rasing his two hands up

Making everyone around confused

“Mum, I am sorry for breaking the promise I made to you but this temptation is so strong I can’t overlook it.

Father lord please forgive me for the violence I am about to commit, I promise to repent after this one” Henry said and stood up

Before Summer could say a word a sI.ap landed on her face

The students gasped again

Henry sI.apped her again on the other cheek

Summer started seeing heavenly stars moving in her face, her eyes rolled to the back and she went down straight, passing out.

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