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By Terri Savage
“What the fk!” Henry groaned holding his nose where the pvnch landed.
“Are you okay?” Blake asked.
“I am okay but it hurts” Henry replied.
“That’s so good you will learn” A hard pvnch from Henry shut Austin up immediately,
Austin tries to returned the pvnch but Henry pvnched him making him to fell directly on the guys with him.
He stood up and came at Henry with the two guys at the same time.
Henry gave the first guy that came at him a flying kck to his face, making him fell on his back, the other one threw a pvnch at him but he held his hand and twisted it.
“Argh fk” The guy groaned.
Henry twisted it more harder before flipping him over and he landed roughly on the ground.
Austin pvnch Henry and tried pvnching him again but Henry bent over and came over to the other side, Austin turned but he quickly grabbed his two hands and began twisting them.
He sent a k!ck to Austin tummy delivering two smackdown pvnches at his face
Within four minutes Austin was beaten to pulp together with his two minions.
“Wow Henry you’re the best” The students started chanting.
” The six of you to the principal office right now” The discipline master said.
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The six of them stood before the principal, Mrs Barrett gave the six of them a glance before sitting down on her chair.
” What did I said about fights in this school?” Mrs Barrett said
” Blake and Lex I didn’t expect this from you two and you Austin when will you stop?”.
” Henry I didn’t expect you to be among them what happened?” Mrs Barrett asked.
” Ma’am I hope you remember I promised you to stay out of trouble the day I came to your office right?” Henry asked.
Mrs Barrett nodded.
” I promised you to stay out of trouble and to be a good student, I don’t fail when I make a promise, we were on our own in the cafeteria when he walked up to us and started calling Lex’s mom names.
I got angry and stood up then asked him if he is proud of what he just said and the next thing he punched me and ordered the two dogs with him to attacked me, seriously ma’am I only defend myself, Blake and Lex are not guilty” Henry said.
” Ma’am that’s all a blatant lie..” Austin tried saying but Mrs Barrett shut him up.
” I know this is not his first or second time of causing trouble” Henry said
” You’re the ringleader of fights in this school, I know you are the one that started this, you are suspended with your friends for three days” Mrs Barrett said.
” No ma’am you can’t suspend me, he was just lying, listen..”
” Austin leave the school premises with your friends right now” Mrs Barrett yelled.
Austin glared at Henry before walking out with his minions.
” I will not pvnish you but next time try to control such from happening”.
“Thank you ma’am, you are more cuter today” Henry said and winked.
“Henry please get out” Mrs Barrett started laughing.
“How were you able to convince that hard nut woman?” Lex asked as they left the principal’s office.
“My mouth nothing else” Henry shrugged.
“Guy you can lie, he was even flirting with Mrs Barrett” Blake said.
“Yeah, that’s Henry K for you, bad man looking good in the dior, I got the principal and your mum crushing on me” Henry winked at Blake.
“Henry!!” Blake called and Henry ran away.
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Cassie is working on some designs in her office when Brittany walked in.
Cassie looked up.
” Boss ” Brittany bowed.
” You left your brain at home today? ” Cassie asked and Brittany laughed.
“The painting you ordered was delivered this morning”.
“Really? let me see” Cassie said excitedly.
Brittany walked to the corner of the office and took the frame, she walked back to Cassie and gave it to her.
Cassie face eluded with excitement and satisfaction as she stared at the beautiful drawing in the frame.
It’s a drawing about love.
“This is perfect, I know his drawing is better than that poor rat ” Cassie said.
“Still remembering that guy?” Brittany giggles.
“I hate his guts, I think I will get a contract for him, I don’t even know his name”.
“He is so handsome” Brittany gushed.
” Are you crushing on him already?”.
” It’s not my fault the guy is too hot” Brittany giggles and went out.
Cassie smiled before going back to her table.
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“Fk me harder” Summer grunted with an annoying look on her face
Since the guy started fking her she isn’t feeling him that much, she wants more.
The guy resumed thrvsting harder this time.
“Fk, ahh” He moaned holding her a$s cheeks, squeezing them
Summer hissed and pvshed him away before glaring at him.
“You have a big dk without knowing how to use it, such a shame, you can’t even make me to moan”.
“Shut up” Summer snapped, she pulled up her skirt and walked out angrily, still feeling h*rny.
She saw Tiffany and Hailey outside, and she walked to them.
“Hey babe you seems annoy what is it?” Hailey said seeing her sour face.
“I can’t believe that dude can’t fk well, what a waste of big dk” Summer replied and Tiffany laughed.
The guy who fked her earlier just came out and walked passed them without turning to look at them.
“I am still h*rny as h’ll, fk him” Summer said.
She sighted a junior student passing and called out to him.
“Yes senior”.
“Do you have a big dk?” Summer asked shamelessly.
“Huh?” The guy eyes widened.
“Just come with me, I want you to fk me” Summer said pulling the guy with her like a sacrifial lamb.
Tiffany and Hailey burst out Laughing.
“She is so ¢razy about dk, let’s go to class”.
“I will be in the swimming pool” Tiffany said taking the direction to the pool.
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Henry came here some minutes ago, swimming is one of his hobbies, they have no lecture right now so he decided to use the time.
Lex and Blake refused following him since swimming isn’t really their thing, he is the only one present there.
He swamed to the end of the pool and started coming back, he did that like four times before bringing his head up from the water
The water droplets falling from his hair made him a complete angel, his curly hair adding some sxiness to it.
His hair sticking stubbornly to his face taking the cuteness to another level
Tiffany got to the swimming pool and the first thing she saw was his back.
The perfect creature got her attention and she started staring until Henry turned and their eyes met.
She felt her heart beat faster than usual as she stared at his fine body, his abs, face, lips.
Henry came out of the pool and took some few steps to Tiffany who was totally lost.
He got to her front without her noticing.
He smirked and touched her, the touch made her to come back to reality, she gasped and almost fell but he grabbed her hand and help her stand.
“Friend of the brainless girl, I know I am hot but don’t crush on me” Henry said and walked away before she could say something, Tiffany turned and stared at his back view until he left completely
“What was that? my heart was beating so fast”.
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” That will be the end of our class, submit your assignment tomorrow” The teacher said and left the class.
“I hate assignment” Summer said.
“But you’re are always the highest in each assignment” Tiffany said.
“Whatever” Summer rolled eyes and began leaving with them.
Her eyes met with Henry, she smiled at him but he glared at her.
“She smiled at you” Lex said.
“She got the ugliest smile” Henry scoffed
Blake said nothing as they walked out.
“I heard Austin got suspended for fighting with Henry” Tiffany said
They are in the park.
“How many days?” Summer asked.
“Three days” Hailey replied.
“On Tuesday he will be getting a break up from me, no dating for more than two weeks” Summer said raising her two fingers
” You rock baby” Tiffany and Hailey cheered.
” Bye guys”
Both of them got in their cars and drove out.
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