Chapter 64

“This might hurt a little.” He said.

“I know.” She nodded and he injected her.

“Do you feel anything?” He asked.

Before she could answer, she got dizzy and went unconscious.

Levi looked at her and sighed.

“Is this what desperation and obsession turn humans to?” He asked no one in particular before carrying her in a bridal style to the car.

He dropped her in it then entered the driver’s seat and drove off to the hospital.




When he got there, she was taken to the emergency unit immediately.

Levi paced forth and back with a worried look on his face. What if she didn’t make it out alive? Then all these would be for nothing? Was she even in her right mind to think of such? She didn’t even think twice before making such decision.

“Gosh!” He sighed and sat down.

The doctor came out few minutes later.

“Doctor, how is she?” He asked.

Doctor Blaine sighed.

“We’ve managed to remove the poison from her body. It’s a good thing that she was brought early else she wouldn’t have been alive.”

“So, she’s alive?” Levi asked.

“Yes but she is unconscious and isn’t under any threat for now. We still have to watch her closely.” Doctor Blaine said.

“Okay doc.”

“If I may ask, how did she get injected because it isn’t food poisoning?”

“To be honest doctor, I don’t really know. I am only her servant, she returned home yesterday with a fever and it got worse today.” Levi explained.

Doctor Blaine sighed.




Mr Pat sat down beside Evie on the bed trying to console her but she wouldn’t have any of it. Austin couldn’t say anything but stood there watching them.

“My baby can’t be dead, I refuse to believe it. They’re just playing pranks on us right?” She held her husband and cried.

“Calm down sweetie, she’s in a better place.” He said.

“Don’t tell me that!” She snapped “She isn’t dead, my daughter is alive.”

Mr Pat sighed.

Austin walked out of the ward and was about going outside when he saw Levi sitting on the chair. He arched his brows and went there.

“Good evening Mr Austin.” Levi stood up and bowed slightly.

Austin nodded.

“Why are you here?” Austin asked.

“Camille is seriously ill and has been admitted.” Levi answered.

“When did that happen?” Austin asked suspiciously.

“Yesterday sir.” Levi replied.

Austin entered the ward and saw her. Her condition was quite critical, she didn’t look like the Camille he knew, her skin was pale and she looked like she was dying.

“How did this happen?” Austin asked.

“She came back yesterday with fever and it got worse this morning. The doctor examined her and said it was poison.” Levi said.

“Poison?” Austin gasped.

“Yes sir.” Levi bowed.

Austin shook his head and was about leaving when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and knew it was Miguel.

“Hello?” He said, trying to sound calm.

“You need to be here now please, Gray will hurt himself.” Miguel pleaded.

“Hurt himself? What is happening?” Austin asked worriedly.

“He locked the door and is smashing everything. I’m scared that he might hurt himself please, come over.” Miguel said.

“Okay, I’m on my way.” He hung up and rushed out of the ward.

Levi heard everything and sighed heavily. He could imagine what Gray is passing through now.




Austin rushed in and even forgot to turn the car off before rushing into the house.

“Where is he?” He asked immediately he entered.

“He is in his room.” Miguel answered.

Austin rushed to the door and banged on it.

“Gray, please open the door.” Austin pleaded but Gray didn’t answer instead more things kept shattering to pieces.

Gray took a frame of her picture from the shelf and looked at it. He rubbed his hands on it fondly before bursting into another round of tears.

“You promised to be with me, you promised to marry me. Why did you allow death take you away from me huh?” He asked, his tears rolling down.

He sat down and leaned his back on the bed. He closed his eyes while remembering the good times they spent together.





“Okay, let’s go one more time, winner take all.” Noel said.

“Okay, prepare to lose.” Gray said.

“In your dreams, 1, 2, go! Rock, paper, scissors!”

They paused and Noel screamed.

“I won!”

“You cheated.” Gray frowned and folded his hands.

“No, I didn’t.” Noel countered.

“Then prove it.”

“How?” She asked. She had the feeling that he was up to something.

“Kss me.” He smirked.

“What? What did you say?” She asked.

“Kss me.” He repeated

“You pe.rvert!” She poked his forehead.

“Ouch! Is it wrong to ask a kss from my wife?” He pouted.

Noel sighed.

“What am I gonna do with you?”

“You could just kss me or admit you cheated.” Gray said, coming close to her.

“I didn’t cheat.” She stepped back.

“Then do it.”

“Stay back! Don’t make me bite you.” She threatened but continued moving back.

“Why don’t you stay and bite me? Why are you running away?” He teased.

Before she could talk again, SPLASH! She fell into the swimming pool there. Gray burst into laughter and held his tummy. That was when she knew he had tricked her and made her fall into the swimming pool.

“Look how you made a big wave.” He teased and laughed while she glared at him.

“Fine! You win! Come and have your kss.” She smiled.

“Are you serious?” He asked.

“Come quickly, I can’t wait anymore.” She smirked.

“Sure!” He rushed to her and bent to kss her but she pulled him into the pool as well.

Immediately he fell into the pool, she started laughing. She stuck her tongue out at him before swimming away.

“Wait till I lay my hands on you.” He swam after her.

“Catch me if you can.” She laughed and continued swimming while he chased her.

After a while, he caught her and hugged her tight.

“You’re a pretty good swimmer.” He smiled.

“I know, I’m awesome!” She bragged and he chuckled.

“Yeah you are. Can I get my kss now?” He asked.

She wanted to swim away again but he wrapped his hands around her waist.

“Don’t, don’t, don’t.” She warned.

“Too late sweetheart.” He smiled and kssed her.

She didn’t protest but kssed him back as well.

Later, they laid on the grass, looking at the skies.

“You’re more beautiful than the skies Noel, promise you’ll always be with me no matter what.” He faced her.

She faced him as well.

“I’ll be with you Gray, marry you, have children with you and grow old with you. Nothing will take me away from you.” She smiled.

Gray smiled.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” She said and kssed his forehead.





Gray felt like his heart was on fire. The more he remembered the good times they had, the more his heart ached.

He heard another banging on the door and bent his head.

Austin sighed and they exchanged looks when everywhere became quiet. All they could hear were mumbled cries.

“Gray, Please open the door. We know you’re hurt, we all are okay? Open the door and let’s see how we can handle the situation. How do you think Noel would feel if she sees you like this?” Austin asked.

There was silence for a while before the door opened slowly. They gasped when they saw him, he looked like someone who had gone ¢razy. His hair was messed up and there was blood on his hands. He sniffed and went to sit on the bed.

Austin entered the room with the rest, there was nothing he didn’t break except for Noel’s pictures that were on his walls and small frames on the shelf.

“It looks like an earthquake happened here.” Miguel said.

They went to sit on the bed.

“Gray, please wipe your tears.” Austin said.

“She left me Austin, she’s gone. What else am I living for?”

“Calm down.”

“There is nothing to calm down about Austin. She promised that she’d stay with me, she said she would marry me and have children with me. Why did she leave me?” He cried.

Miguel bent his head. This was even worse than when Camille left him.

Lia didn’t know what to say, she pulled him in for a hug and patted his back while he cried in her arms.

“We need to get this room cleaned up, I’ll call the agent.” Austin said, he stood up and left the room.

He glanced at his phone and Scarlet’s call came in immediately. He stared at it and tears rolled down his cheeks. What is he gonna tell her now? He decided to tell her the truth because if he should hide it, she might find out later anyway.





Scarlet stood up from the bed and stretched her body. She had been working on her laptop for some hours now without rest.

She glanced at her phone and took it to dual Noel’s number. It hasn’t been reachable for a while now.

She tried the line again but it was same story.

She decided to call Austin instead.

She called once but he didn’t pick up, she tried again and he picked the call.

“Hey babe.” He said, trying to sound cool.

Scarlet furrowed her eyebrows.

“Did you cry?” She asked.

“No, it’s nothing.” He said.

“Come on, you know you can’t lie to me.” She said.

“I’ll be fine, I just miss you so much.”

“I missed you too darling. Can you help me tell Noel that I’ve been trying her number and it isn’t going through? I have two gowns here for both of us and I want her to choose the colours we would wear when I get back.” Scarlet said.

“Um… About that…”

“What’s wrong?” She was starting to have a bad feeling about this.

“Scarlet, please be cool when I tell you this.”

“Tell me what?” She asked.

“Noel is dead.” He said in between sobs.

“If this is a joke then stop it.” She frowned.

“I’m serious.”

Judging from his tone, she could tell he wasn’t lying. She didn’t know when her phone fell from her hands.

“Hello? Scarlet, are you there? Hello.” She could hear Austin’s voice but her voice was too hoarse to answer.

“Noel? Dead? How?” She burst into tears.



She sat down on the king sized sofa in her bedroom watching the news. She smirked and swayed from left to right.

“I should have known that bçh can never change. So, she has finally succeeded in klling Noel, watch out for me Camille, I’m coming for you.”


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