MISSION TO THE UNKNOWN: Episode 31 to The End

Mission To The Unknown

Episode 39
(Semi – Final)

By: Kelvin Ajayi??

Miss Allysia sighed dispondently as she knocked on the big gate.

“I’m coming” She heard a voice from inside and she heaved a sigh of relief.

The door opened and a lady in her 20’s opened the gate.

Immediately the lady spotted Miss Allysia, she wore a frown on her face.

“What? What are you doing here?” the lady which happens to be Pedro’s sister asked, staring at Allysia wierdly.

“I’m… I’m looking for,,, Pedro” Allysia replied and the lady scoffed loudly.

“Are you for real? Did you hear yourself? I thought Pedro is not imporant to you anymore…” the Lady said, glaring at Allysia.

“You left him and went after King Damien. Now what’s your gain? Total shame” The lady spat out.

“Please just tell me if he’s home or not… i’m not here for you” Allysia stated and the lady chuckled.

“For you information, my brother is dead. I thought you’ve heard about it” the lady said and Allysia’s face puzzled.

“What? You must be joking” Allysia said.

“Do i look like someone who’s joking? Pedro is dead. Please don’t ever knock on this door ever again. We’re still mourning his dead” The lady warned and shut the door.

Allysia sat on the floor and bursted into tears.

“Nooo!! Pedro… No, you can’t die” she screamed and started rolling on the floor with tears flowing down her eyes.
(5 months later)
It was just five months and things have really changed.

Miss Fiona became close to Erica and they do discuss like bestfriends.

Alexa and Bryan’s relationship grew that they don’t hide their lovey dovey play even in public.

They kss, hug and do all sort of naughty things but they haven’t had sx.

King Williams and Queens ruled the Kingdom and everyone was happy with the new development.

Mrs. Claire concieved a baby boy and named him Jayden.

Erica was always with the baby but she dosen’t allow Miss Fiona to take care of him because she was scared that what happened years back won’t repeat itself.

It was the D-Day for Bryan, Alexa and Erica to return back to Atlancia and they were all dressed up.

“Awwwn baby, i’m gonna miss you so much” Queen Williams said and pulled Alexa into a hug.

“C’mmon Mom, i’ll miss you so much but don’t worry, i’ll be back” Alexa assured as they disengaged from the hug.

King Williams and Mrs. Claire also hugged her.

Everyone was gonna miss her. Even the gaurds and maid.

“Please Alexa, i need a favour from you” Miss Fiona said and knelt down.

“C’mmon. You don’t have to kneel down before asking me for a favour, i hate it” Alexa groused and Fiona stood up.

“So, what do you want me to do for you?” Alexa asked.

“Can i… Um,,, can i follow you guys to Atlancia?” Miss Fiona asked and And Alexa chuckled.

Alexa spare a glance at Bryan and Erica before turning her gaze back to Miss Fiona.

“Why?” Alexa asked with keen interest.

“I Just wanna go there. I’ve heard about how beautifull Atlancia is and i’ve been longing to go there. This is the only chance i have. Please and Pehaps, you don’t know if i’ll find a lover there” Miss Fiona stated and Alexa burst out laughing.

“Why are you laughing? Is it funny?” Miss Fiona asked with a confused look.

“Your last sentence really got me. anyways, you’re accepted. Go get dressed” Alexa said.

“OMG!! Thank you so much… Just give me a second, i’ll be back with one of my best clothes” Miss Fiona sequealed happily and ran inside, heading to her room.

“Hey, you; take all these food stuffs to Pablo’s residence. Tell him this is a token of appreciation of what he did for me” Alexa commanded, pointing at the four big bags at the sitting room.

“Okay, my Queen… Which of the car i’m i using?” The Priest asked.

“You must be very stupid to ask me such question… You have hands and legs, don’t you? Make use of them” Alexa retorted.

“But my Princess, the bag is four, very heavy and Pablo’s house is very far from here, i won’t be able to take it there” The Priest complained and Alexa landed a hot resounding slap on The Priest’s face.

“Just one complain from you and i’ll make sure you loose one of your hand, try me” Alexa threatened as The priest hurried to where the bag was placed and hajacked one of them.

He struggled with the goods, trying his possible best for the goods not to fall.

Few minutes later, Erica walked in wearing a croptop and a designer skirt.

“Wow, you look beautifull on this dress, It’s amazing” Alexa complimented and Fiona smiled.

“Thanks… So, shall we?” Miss Fiona uttered.

“Yeah” they chorused.

(30 Minutes later)

King Damien and Bentley was discussing when a gaurd rushed in.

“My Lord, Alexa, Bryan and Erica just arrived… they’re heading towards this building” the gaurd announced and Bentley jumped up in shock.

“Where are they?” Bentley asked.
(5 hours later)

“This is really confusing, how can he divorce her just because she commited adultery, i don’t get it” Erica cried, while Alexa consoled her.

“It’s the law…” Alexa replied.

“What fking law?? What,,, fking,,, law??” Erica yelled.

“And the worst part is that she is dead, she’s dead” Erica whimpered as her tears increased.

Bryan head was bowed all the while, he felt pained when his father told her that his mother commited sucide.

He held the tears that was trying to fall from his eyes.


King Damien and Miss Fiona was sitting alone in the sitting room.

Bryan and Erica left in silence and Alexa had to follow her.

“Hi” Miss Fiona said.

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