Brittany switched off the TV and turned to Alex. She’ll spend this Sunday with her son and nothing will ruin her mood.

“Alex C’mon. Let’s get going” Brittany smiled.

“Oh yeah!, let’s go to the amusement park!!” Alex said excitedly.

“I’ll get going Granny. Bye Jessi!” Brittany waved and left the house with Alex.

“I also have to go somewhere Granny. Bye!!” Jessica said and left the house.

Gracie sighed.

“Guess it’s only me at home today” She muttered.




“Way to go man! Good thing you told her everything!” Nicholas said and smiled.

“Honestly, it was weird referring to you as Connor when your real name is Kenneth. Yunno, back at Ashley’s concert” Nicholas chuckled.

“I wonder how Ashley will react when I’ll tell her about this” Kenneth said and sighed.

He could already imagine her giving him a neck breaker.

“What are you gonna do about Ruby now” Zayne asked.

“Only one thing to do… End things with her, hope she doesn’t take it badly” Kenneth said.

“Think you should listen to this” Zayne said and placed his phone on the table then played the record of yesterday.

Kenneth and Nicholas looked at each other in surprised as they listened to the voice record. They both turned to Zayne.

“That… Thats Ruby’s voice” Kenneth said in surprised.

“Yep. She came to my house yesterday and that’s when she said all those things. Not only that but I once caught her at a club with a guy… She’s with you because of your money bro” Zayne said.

“I’m not surprised about that. What I’m surprise about is how did Zayne resist her se.duction” Nicholas spoke.

Kenneth just kept quiet frowning. So if he didn’t come back to his senses, he could have lost Savannah for someone like Ruby? She even called him a f.óol.

“Bro, chill up! At least you now know the true colors of Ruby… Don’t pity her” Nicholas spoke and rubbed Kenneth’s back.

“But to be honest, I really felt attracted to Ruby the first time I saw her. But now, I don’t know I kinda lost interest” Zayne spoke out his mind.

“You’re attracted to everything with a pvsy” Nicholas rolled his eyes.

Kenneth finally smiled. He brought out his phone and sighed. Hes been calling Savannah but seem like she switched her phone off..

“Man!, what’s up with you? What do you have with that Brittany Rodriguez” Zayne spoke.

“Well let’s say we’re partners” Nicholas smirked.

“Partners?” Zayne asked and Nicholas nodded.

He smiled when he remembered what happened yesterday.




“Yay!!” Alex giggled as he rode inside the smalls cars for kids

Brittany just sat on a bench not far as she watched him while smiling to herself.

? Is that her son?

? He looks so much like Brittany!

? Does that means it’s Aidan’s son?

? We don’t know. Maybe she was the one cheating on Aidan and that resulted to the child.

? Bstard son… She should have just abo.rted it

Brittany immediately turned her eyes to the person who made that comment. She stood up and walked to them with a mean look on her face.

“What did you call my son?” Brittany asked.

“What will you do? I said-”

Brittany gripped her neck before she could finish her statement. She began chocking the lady..

“Call me whatever you want but if you dare bad mouth my son..

She brought her lips to her ear.

“I don’t mind going to jail for real this time” She said and harshly released her.

Brittany glared at the other women who were gossiping with her. She turned and went back to Alex who was now playing on the slide.

“Yunno, you should control your temper. You don’t wanna damage your reputation more than it is now.”

Brittany looked at the person who said this and saw Justin sitting down beside her.

“Are you stalking me?” Brittany asked.

“Yeah, I am” He replied and looked at her.

They stared at each other for awhile.

“Wow!, so formal” Brittany said and looked back at her son.

“Your son is really cute and he seems happy” Justin said.

“Yeah.. He’s my main source of happiness right now” Brittany smiled.

“I’m free for today. Mind if I spend it with you?” Justin asked and looked at her side view.

Brittany looked at him sideways and shrugged.

“Sure,,, neighbor”

Justin smiled.




Jessica happily walked to Rhett’s place since it was just a street away. She began slowing down while aching her brow when she saw a car parked in front of the house, Ashley’s car.

Jessica suddenly stopped on her track at what she saw. Ashley and Rhett, kssing each other.

She stood there with wide eyes as she stared at them. How come? What’s happening?

Jessica folded her fists and turned around then began walking away. So she lost, she lost Rhett to Ashley..

A drop of tear fell from her eyes as she went to who knows where.




? Boo!! Go back to jail!!

? Don’t ruin Aidan’s couple… Looser!!

? We hàte you!!

The crowd booed and jeered at Brittany who walked in the company, looking completely unfazed.

Her coworkers kept murmuring to themselves while staring at Brittany with disgusted looks on their faces.

“Hey Britt!” Paisley walked to her and Brittany smiled.

“I saw what you did yesterday to Aidan. It was so cool!! Thumbs up!, that fool deserves more” She said

“And that’s what he’s gonna get” Brittany winked and Paisley chuckled.

“Have to go now. Boss gave me a lot of work, bye role model!!” Paisley waved and left.

Brittany continued her way. She went to Nicholas’s office to arrange Nicholas’s office as usual. To her surprise he was already there.

“Good morning boss.. You came early” Brittany said and went to brew his coffee.

“That crowd outside… They’re here for you right?” Nicholas asked with his eyes on his laptop.

“Yeah, Aidan did what he’s good at doing… Lying” Brittany said as she served him his coffee.

“That’s so like him” Nicholas said.

“Well I have a plan B though” Brittany said.

“What’s it?” Nicholas said, sipping from his coffee.

“You” Brittany smiled.

“Me?” Nicholas raised a brow.

“I’m sure you guys have security camera placed outside Xavier’s house. I just need you to find the file for five years back” Brittany said.

“Five years back? That’s alot of work but I’ll ask a guard there” Nicholas shrugged.

“That’s not all though” Brittany paused and came closer to him then sat on the table.

“Let’s make this relationship public” Brittany said.

Nicholas furrowed his brow and then smirked

“Are you indirectly asking me out?” Nicholas asked and Brittany rolled her eyes.

“You were the own who dragged me in this relationship issue… Now all your family thinks we’re dating. Finish what you started” Brittany said.

Nicholas stood up and came in between her thigh. He leaned to her ears

“How about we start practicing on how to act like a couple now.” He whispered and slowly brought his hand up to touch her thigh.

“Touch me and I’ll break your fingers” Brittany said while smiling. A smile that held danger.

Nicholas groaned and brought his hand down. Brittany pushed him away and got down the table. She fixed Nicholas tie properly and caressed his shoulder before looking up at him.

“So now you can touch me but I can’t?” Nicholas said and she nodded.

“Have a nice work day boss” Brittany winked and began leaving.

“We’re having a business trip to attend to next week. Get ready” Nicholas suddenly said and she nodded before leaving.

Nicholas sighed and fell on his chair.

“I wonder who’s seducing who now?” Nicholas said to himself and picked up one of the files he has to work on.

“But she’s good in this secretary job. I gotta admit” Nicholas smiled and resumed work.




“Congrats ma’am, you’re fully healed” The doctor said and Hailey nodded.

Her bandages were removed and the bruises were completely gone.

“Have a nice day ma’am” The doctor bowed and left.

“I’m so happy you’re healed ma’am” Nina smiled widely.

“Me too Nina. Thanks for being there with me all through, you’re the only maid trust” Hailey said.

“It’s my duty ma’am” Nina bowed respectfully.

Hailey looked forward and smirked at nothing in particular.

“Let my new plans begin” Hailey said inwardly.




“Babe!” Ruby ran to Kenneth when he entered the studio.

Savannah who was having her photoshoots slowly looked away.

Ruby made to hug her but Kenneth caught her by the arm.

“Let’s talk” He said and pulled her away.

Kenneth got into one of the dressing room and threw Ruby in before locking the door.

“Ouch! You could have hurt me!” Ruby pouted.

Kenneth immediately played the record Zayne made and Ruby’s eyes widened in shock as they both listened to it to the end.

“Babe, I can explain…”

“What is there to explain?! Huh!! For years you’ve been playing a f.óol out of me. Tell me, how many of my friends have you fked. How many guys have you fked?! Huh??” Kenneth said angrily.

He pinched his brows and looked away.

“Yunno, I’m not even supposed to be màd because I was even planning on breaking up with you but this… This just made me remove the pity I had for you.

I was afraid that I’ll break your heart but this just proved to me that you’re not worth my pity” Kenneth said and shook his head in disappointment.

“I’m ending things here with you Ruby. Let’s break up, it’s over between us… Sorry” Kenneth said.

Ruby immediately went down to her knees.

“Please forgive me babe! I’m sorry!! I promise I’ll change… Please Ken, you can’t do this to me. I love you” Ruby cried.

“No Ruby!! You don’t love me.. This is not love! You just love my money and thats it.. You don’t love me,,, you never did” Kenneth said and left the room.

Ruby cried even more. .

“It’s all your fault… Savannah. You’ll pay for this” She cried




“Enjoy your meal ma’am..” Jessica smiled to the customer she served.

She went back in to clean the dishes. She heard the sound of a bike stopping outside and her smile fell when she understood that it was Rhett who was back from his delivery.

“What a sunny day” Rhett said as he got in.

Jessica finished watching the dish in silence and went to do something else.

Rhett frowned and came closer to her. Since this morning she’s been acting weird. He tried talking to her but she just snubbed him.

“Let me help you” Rhett said but Jessica just left the kitchen.

Rhett stood on his spot, utterly confused.

“What’s happening?”


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