As she entered the doors of Saint Havers, she reported and signed in at the nurses’ station, made her way to her locker in the changing room, changed into her scrubs and planned how she would go see Fiyin as soon as possible. She was coming out of the locker room when she saw Seun, Fiyin’s sister, striding towards her.

Seun: “I’ve been looking for you,” she said excitedly, “I have gist oh”

Tiwa: “What happened?” Tiwa said with a little impatience, she was only friends with Seun because of Fiyin. The truth was the woman made her tired but she could not afford to close her off. She was forever having gist about irrelevant things and always had a story to tell that Tiwa didn’t want to hear. She feigned interest though, she couldn’t afford to loose Seun’s friendship at this point in the game.

Seun: “You know Tola na?” Seun asked and Tiwa nodded, even though she couldn’t care less about the 26 year old nurse who had also had her eyes on Fiyin last year. “Well, guess what?” Seun asked, the stars in her eyes winking dramatically.

Tiwa: “What happened?” Tiwa asked, trying not to bark at Seun. She couldn’t understand how a grown woman of 30, married with 2 children would take so much pleasure in talking about other people.

Seun: “Haha now, I thought we agreed you would guess,” Seun whined a bit but she saw the look in Tiwa’s eyes and decided to tell her anyway, “well, Tola, is pregnant”


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