MY LIFE AT THIRTY : Episode 51 – 60

Episode 56

I settled down in the sitting room while waiting for Funmi. My sister came back later in towel to come and pack their clothes. The guy left with my sister around 2pm. I was expecting Funmi and she kept telling me she was coming that I shouldn’t be angry, she told me she was held up with something. At 5pm, I told her she was coming late which means she wouldn’t be going home that day which she agreed was not a problem as that was not the first time she would be sleeping over at my place.

My sister came back around 7pm, I was still in the sitting room expecting Funmi, my sister didn’t even apologize for what happened in the afternoon, we were just together seeing a Nigerian movie, I was just glued to my phone dialling Funmi’s number, my sister looked at me and asked why I was worried and I told her not to bother. Funmi later switched off her phone around 9pm, I was so disappointed and didn’t know what to do again.

My sister later changed to her night wear as we were still in sitting room, she thought my mind was on the movie rather I had already started thinking of what I saw in the afternoon and how my deek would look like inside my elder sister’s pu$ssy, what sU-Cking her big b0s0m would look like and what kind of m0an!ng would be coming out from her mouth.

I went inside my room, picked two out of sleeping tablets I had in my drawer, grind them inside a paper, I went back to the sitting room with a glass of wine. It was just a coincidence when my sister asked me to pass her the wine and a glass cup as she was already sleeping but the movie we were seeing was so interesting that she didn’t want to miss it. She poured the wine and started drinking, I thought she would asked me to help her but I was disappointed when she did it herself. There was no way I could pour my stuff inside her drink.
I was happy when she excused herself to the toilet, I quickly poured little content inside it before she rushed back. I excused myself to my room to wait for like 30 minutes. I put off all my clothes after about 30 minutes and went out unclad with my deek dangling in between my thigh. I got to the sitting room and saw my sister’s eyes close. I moved by her side to confirm if she was asleep. I raised her hand up but I was surprised when she said “yes, what do you want Rahman”, I quickly stepped back because I was already Unclad.

I was walking back to my room, when i felt a hand on my back, I turned back and it was my sister, she held my deek and within two minutes, we had S£x together and she slept off after like an hour. It was my sister’s cry that woke me up the following morning; she was by the bed crying as we were both still unclad. She started lamenting why I had to do what I did, even if she was drunk. I am a guy and I should had been able to control myself. I was her junior brother for crying out loud and we had committed a great taboo.
I was stunned with what I heard from her, was it that the drug didn’t work? What exactly happened? I told her I was sorry for what happened that it wasn’t intentional, told her I was drunk too as I was expecting Funmi that yesterday who later disappointed me. I told her to forgive me and made it a secret between ourselves, never to let anybody hear about it and try as much as possible to avoid that kind of situation.
She told me she was drunk in other to forget what happened to her yesterday, she said would I believe that the guy that came visiting yesterday was already married with a kid? She said the guy had been disturbing her for a relationship for more than 6 months. She was one of their bank customers. Then from coming to the bank, they exchanged phone number and became friends. He started disturbing her ever since then.
She gave him a nod just about two weeks ago after Taofeek her fiancée has started misbehaving by not showing concern over a long period and what broke the relationship was a day he called Taofeek and it was a lady that picked his supposed fiancée call by 11pm in the night. So, she decided to give another guy a trial, so that she wouldn’t lose even if Taofeek called it off with her. She gave in to the guy two weeks ago and he already promised her marriage within a week and she thought she was serious too not until they both went to flower garden today and a lady showed up with a three year old boy scattering everywhere.
The lady dragged the guy away from flower garden in his car and he abandoned her there, she was so embarrassed as people started abusing her as husband snatcher and calling her different names.
She said she was home with that thought, was just thinking about so many things and for the fact that she felt so cheap knowing fully well that the guy had S£x with her earlier in the day. She said that was the first time she would be together with the guy all alone in the room. She was running away from having S£x with the guy that was why she invited her to our house instead of going to his place. She didn’t know how he manipulated her or sweet talk her into having S£x with her in the sitting room. It was my arrival that brought her back to her senses and when they entered inside her room and started crying, the guy was apologizing and promising her heaven and earth that she would never disappoint her or cheat on her. He promised that he was dating her for marriage purpose and she was so relaxed after hearing all that from the guy.

She apologized for what happened with the guy in the sitting room and also sorry for luring me into having S£x with her, she said it was all her fault that we had S£x, she urged me to find a place in my heart to forgive her and never let any soul hear about it. She said she couldn’t continue to stay in the house as we could be sleeping and waking up under the same roof with the thought that we had S£x with each other. The best thing was to avoid any other disaster, was for either of us to move out of the house and the person would be her as I was the owner of the house.

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