MY WORLD: Chapter 1-The End


Written by Delis Juliet

Chapter 3

…..I see the the look of worries and fear written boldly on Tobi as I walked out with mama,she knew mama had something to say about her,and definitely not a good one.but I made a gesture, assuring her, everything would be fine.

Wa wa wa,Temi come here, what’s the meaning of that,so of all the Yoruba single ladies we see walking round everyday,you didn’t see any to make your wife,you had to go as far as the Eastern part to get one.Temi you are my only child,it would certainly gladen my heart if you get for yourself a woman from our tribe,and culture,who will understand our language,and I will be able to relate well with,mama said.

Mama come off it,this is the 21st century, nobody chooses a wife based on tribe, religion or language anymore.this days , love takes us where we belong.oh come on Temi,you belong to the Yorubas and in the Yorubal land, that’s why you need a Yoruba wife.

Mom please please,I didn’t bring Tobi here for you to talk me out of marrying her,I only brought her so you can see her and that’s all,I said.omomi, please reconsider,I want a yoruba woman for you,please my child,mama pushed harder.

Mama,okay,it’s obvious you do not want me to get married,Its either i marry Tobi or no one else,I made an attempt to leave.Temi,okay,if you say so, in as much as I wanted a Yoruba wife for you,you are not a baby,and you know what you want,after all,you shall be the one living with her.mama said.ohhhh mama,thank you so much,I hugged her,and we both went to the living room to be with Tobi….

Our wedding preparations commerced,Mama and my wife’s mother really surpported Tobi in the preparations,they were very very helpful,.At last Tobi had become mrs Temitope officially,I was very very happy,indeed dreams do come true,I couldn’t believe I was holding the woman of my dreams as my legally married not ask me about my wedding night,but just know is was awesome???????.

Being married to Tobi was just so amazing,indeed who finds a wife finds a good thing,she was simply MY WORLD.i on the other hand,made sure she was more than comfortable,I took her shoppings,she went on short vacations to places of her choice,I even extended my help to members of her family.i didn’t allow her work,but I gavee her huge amount of money monthly as her allowance.

It was so amazing been with the love of my life that I didn’t even realized it’s a year, Tobi made a r©mantic dinner for two,and made our first anniversary memorable… After about a year and half,maami came one Sunday,and said she needed to talk to my wife and I…

My children, what’s happening,it’s 18months now after your wedding,why am I not seeing changes in iyawo, referring to my wife,by now,there is supposed to be a little baby crying and laughing in this house.what is going on…mama nothing,I mean when did we get married here that we would start bothering ourselves with all that, God gives children,and he’d definitely give us ours.i said.mama please drop the topic,if you don’t mind.

My wife felt bad that night,but I encouraged not to be, children are gift from God,and we shall get ours in due time,i couraged her.,all we need do is to pray,hope and believe,that God will perfect that which Concerns us in his own time.we started praying towards it,but didn’t allow the worries affect us in any ways,we were still the perfect couple,so in love and Happy with each other,,we were the envy of so many other couples,they couldn’t stop admiring us.

It was already two years,and mama came again,my children,you can not just relaxe,yes children come from God,but you have to know the cause of the issue,you two have to visit a gynaecologist,you could be placed on treatment.something is definitely wrong somewhere mama said.

please mama enough,we are not going anywhere,we are fine,can’t you not talk about this topic anytime you come visiting ,i said.Temi I can’t because it is not bothering you,you are my only child,and it will give me a great joy to carry your child and children.mama shouted,Tobi are you not going to talk to your husband about this,she asked my wife,I shall mama, Tobi said,we both left from for the bedroom..

Honey,mama is right,we have to visit the hospital,I am so tired of all these,mama will not stop disturbing us.Tobi darling God is the giver of children,not the hospital,what does the hospital know,they just say one or two to add to your worries and that’s all,God will give us our babies in full time,so relax and be optimistic….I said.

Honey please ,it will make me happy to do that which mama wants,so that she can stop disturbing us, please my love, let’s go and see a gynaecologist,,,Tobi was insisting and pleading so I had to give in..okay my darling if you say so we shall.i gave in…

We planned to visit the gynaecologist in four days time.Goodday Mr and Mrs Temitope,the doctor greeted,he happens to be a friend’s hospital,so we are very familiar with almost all the workers, Doctors and nurses.goodday doc. Abel,we greeted.

Our blood sample were taken ,and we were made to go,and come back in some days when the test results would have been ready……

Written by
Delis Juliet

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