OFFICE LOVE : 51 – 60

OFFICE LOVE : 51 – 60

By Authoress Succy

Chapter 51

They sat down in the restaurant, eating, while Martin just kept glaring at Andy, who seemed very uncomfortable right now.

The fact that he tries to flirt with his woman is driving him crazy.

His face shows anger, jealousy, and a sudden hatred for Andy. He has promised Evelyn to change, and he is trying to, or else Andy wouldn’t be here anymore.

OFFICE LOVE : 51 - 60

“Hey, stop glaring at him. Everyone is staring at you suspiciously,” Haris whispered in Martin’s ear.

“I know, but seriously, I feel like punching his face right now,” Martin whispered back, and Haris just shook his head as he drank from his wine.

“Why don’t you just fire him?” Haris whispered in his ear, and the two men burst into laughter, making everyone turn their attention towards them, wondering why they were laughing.

Evelyn stared at them, and she couldn’t help but smile. She was happy they were close, and she always wants them to be together like that.

They stopped laughing when everyone was staring at them, especially Martin.

It was surprising to see their boss laugh, and they could swear he looked so cute.

Haris sighed as he focused his gaze on Elizabeth, who was drinking juice, and Martin noticed it. He smirked and leaned into Haris’s ear.

“Do you, by any chance, like Elizabeth?” Martin whispered in his ear, and he just smiled and continued staring at the damsel eating, not noticing the hottie staring at her, or maybe she noticed it but chose to ignore it.

“So Elizabeth is her name?” He muttered to himself, still staring at Elizabeth.

“I think the lunch break is over,” Martin said, standing up, and Eve did the same.

OFFICE LOVE : 51 – 60

Evelyn was seen writing on her notepad when the door opened, revealing her boyfriend.

“Geez Martin, what?”

“You know, Evelyn, I’m dmn angry with you,” he said as he sat on the desk, and Evelyn scoffed, not understanding what he meant.

“Why the h’ll are you angry with me? I mean, I did nothing wrong,” she said, and Martin huffed.

“Yeah, but you allowed that fucking shitty boy to hold you,” he yelled, and Evelyn frowned, staring at him angrily.

“I’m sorry,” he suddenly said when he realized he just yelled at her.

“Seriously, Martin, you promised to change,” Evelyn said, and Martin sighed.

“Yeah, I’m trying to…else he would be in the hospital now,” he muttered the last part, and Evelyn chuckled as she stared at him.

“I heard that,” Evelyn said, and Martin just rolled his eyes before walking to her.

“Evelyn, we just have to let everyone know that we are dating so he can fking back off… I can see that he is trying to flirt with you,” Martin said.

“You’re just being jealous,” Evelyn said, and Martin hissed.

Evelyn’s phone rang, and her expression suddenly changed when she saw the name “Lightwood Prison,” but she picked up the call anyway.

“Hmm, please excuse me,” she said and quickly walked out of the office, and Martin frowned.

He knew something suspicious was going on, and he quickly walked behind her.

OFFICE LOVE : 51 – 60

(In the restroom)

“Dad,” she called softly, and the man on the other end of the phone sighed in relief.

“Are you okay?” he asked in a concerned tone.

“Yeah, Dad, and you?”

“I’m fine, princess, but I just want you and Ava to be safe,” Mr. Jackson said.

“Dad, you’re sounding weird.

“Of course, we are safe, but we just miss the warmth of a father and a husband,” Evelyn said, tears welling up in her eyes.

The man sighed and wiped the traces of tears from his own eyes.

“I know you didn’t kll that man, Dad. I am your daughter, and I know you didn’t.

So why can’t you just admit it instead of spending your entire life in jail?” Evelyn pleaded, and the man sighed again.

Only he knows the reason why he did what he did, and telling anyone about it is like putting their lives in danger, and he is not ready to do that.

“Princess, I am seriously fine,” Mr. Jackson assured, but Evelyn scoffed.

“Time out,” a police officer approached them.

“Bye sweetie, farewell to my little prin…” He was interrupted when the police officer forcefully took the phone away from him.

OFFICE LOVE : 51 – 60

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