Episode 66

I knew that it couldn’t be Sara. She and the other maids usually leave at 7.

Then who was in the dining room? I clearly remember that the door was properly locked.

I quietly tiptoed towards the light. I had beads of sweat forming around my forehead.

Ahana!! Relax… You know karate. A Brown Belt is not bad…

I could hear faint sounds of plates and knives too.

“Who’s there?” I shouted, gripping my clutch tightly in my hands. I swear the intruder is not going anywhere without a nice beating from me.

They’re going to be the victim of all my anger.

“Ansh!… What the…” I said gasping when I saw my husband standing near the dining table, wearing only his white vest and sweatpants, amidst the dim light.

His perfect shoulders and chest clearly depicted how hard he worked in the gym at nights.

“Ahana…. You scared me…”
“I scared you!!!… You scared me.

What are you doing here at this hour?” I asked, still in a state of shock.

“I hope you remember that this is my house too.”

“Huh… Of course I know. But you said you had some commitment to fulfill.”

I said, barely a whisper, trying hard not to look at him directly.

I didn’t want him to notice that I was actually happy seeing him home.

“Hmm… So… What do you think I am doing here? I am fulfilling that commitment.”

When those words left his mouth, I couldn’t help but look straight into his eyes.

And I could see they were genuine.

“But…” He was coming closer to me now, while I was the one taking baby steps backward.

“No but… I came home early to prepare dinner for us. I did that before, and I am doing it now.

Go and change; I am waiting eagerly…” I didn’t wait to reply to him and quickly rushed to our room.

I was so surprised. I don’t like surprises, but I loved this one.

Seriously, Mom was so correct.
I don’t know why, but a teenage smile didn’t leave my lips. I shouldn’t feel that way, but I can’t help it.

I went straight to my closet to select a dress. I was searching for my cell phone, but I realized that I had forgotten it downstairs.

I had a quick, short, and warm shower.

I had selected a very light and comfortable dress. It was sleeveless and light pink in color, with some net work around the neck which suited me perfectly.

It was one of my favorites, as it was a gift from Mom.

I had only worn it twice till now, on some special occasions. I thought and wished that tonight might be special.

I paired it with diamond earrings and minimal makeup. It wasn’t necessary, though we weren’t going anywhere.

But still… Then I sprayed one of my most favorite perfumes from France, and… Done!

I hurried downstairs.

I was prepared in just 15 minutes. Normally, I don’t take too much time though.

When I reached the dining area, I could smell some of the delicious dishes cooked by Ansh.

I was quite surprised that Ansh could cook while I wasn’t that skilled in the kitchen.

Actually, I didn’t even cook. I just know how to eat. Mom used to spoil me with her wonderful cooking, and I miss it a lot.

But I wonder where Ansh learned to cook. I still remember that the night we had an argument, he had planned a surprise dinner too.

But yeah! The circumstances made it difficult to enjoy. I wonder what he made.

But tonight, we’re going to make the most of it. When I entered the dining area, I saw his strong back. I was really surprised that he was wearing the same black shirt that I had given him.

A wide smile appeared on my face. I truly believe now that he also wants things to be okay between us.

“Hey!” I said to make him aware of my presence.

“Hi… But I already knew that you were staring at me for the past 5 minutes,” he said, leaving me astonished.

“I know I look handsome in black. Black suits me, right?”

“Huh! Whatever…” I said in a monotone.

Yeah, he was correct. Black makes him look more handsome.

“Then… What were you admiring?” he said with a mischievous grin. God, I hate that.

“Okay, fine… Now tell me what you cooked? I’m hungry.”
“I’ll tell you, but wash your hands first.”

“But I just showered.”
“I know that… You smell delicious like my food. But still, there’s also a hand sanitizer next to it.”
“Oh, okay…” I said, moving past him.
Just then, I heard my cellphone ringing.

“Ansh… Could you please check who that is?” I shouted.

I think he put the phone on speaker, but I couldn’t hear who was on the line.
I quickly washed my hands and went to see what was happening.

I saw my cellphone on the dining table with Ansh standing next to it, his eyes clearly showing his anger, and I had no idea what was going on.

“Hana… Where are you? Are you listening to me?”

At once, I knew it was Jaai. But what did he say to make Ansh so furious? What happened?

God, please don’t make matters worse.

It’s only the first day of a two-month-long separation.



I was surprised when Dad and grandad told me about their vacation plan. But… Ahana was right. They needed a break.

I was even more surprised when Ahana asked me out for dinner. I didn’t expect that from her.

I decided to surprise her with my cooking skills.

I loved cooking. It made me feel good. Instead of going to the office after coming back from the airport, I went straight to our house.

I wanted to surprise Ahana, and she was indeed surprised.

I enjoyed seeing the shocked look on her face. She never expected me to be at home.

I could smell her perfume behind me. It was really pleasant. I was wearing the black shirt she gave me, which I liked a lot.

I could feel her eyes on me. She looked like a princess in her pink dress.

Her dimples always had an effect on me.

Since I was a stickler for cleanliness, I insisted that she wash her hands.

While she went to wash her hands, I put her ringing phone on speaker mode. It seemed to be an international call.

“Ahana…” I instantly recognized his voice. It had to be Jaai. He was the only one who called her like that.

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want him to know I was listening.

“Ahana… We lost… Our love is lost. My love wasn’t enough for both of us… Ahana, are you listening?”

I felt a surge of anger. What was he talking about?

Their love…

Just then, Ahana entered looking surprised. Of course, she had that expression on her face.

“J… What happened? I couldn’t hear what you were saying.” She quickly switched off the speaker mode and went to the backyard to talk.


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