?Pretty’s On The Inside?
[The World thinks She’s ugly but He sees her Beauty?]

By; Authoress Kamara

Episode 29

?Xavier Marion?
I sigh. “I’m no longer dating him, J.R. So I have got nothing to fear”.

“Which means you can go for Violet now ?”.

“Okay, thats enough. I can’t go for Violet, I can’t go for any other girl, they are all the same. And I’m not going to lose my guard again, I’m not going to fall in love again”.

Jayden snickered. “Really now? How the hell did you say all that shit with a straight face? Come on, dude, stop joking”.

“I’m not kidding around, J.R. Ever since that happened, I don’t think I can ever fall for any other girl again”.

“You do know that its your choice, right? Your heart chooses when to love, you have no say that in it , do you know that ?”. He asked glancing at me.

“I know that”. I replied coldly. “But even my heart is with me on this one. What she did to me was unforgivable, she destroyed my soul, broke my heart, took away the most special__”.

“Dude, thats enough. Stop reminding yourself of what happened. Just learn to let it go”.

“I can’t let it go, thats the problem”. I said running my fingers through my hair highly frustrated with myself.

“Then what is the problem this time? I know that you are hurting, cousin. But always thinking of what happened is taking a toll on you”.

“I don’t remind myself of it. Everyday that I wake up, I get reminded that its all my fault, that I caused everything. If only I didn’t trust her, if only I never fell in love with her”.

“But, Xavier, you don’t have to blame yourself. I admit it as well, she was cunning and had tricky tactics that none of us knew about”.

I smiled sadly. “And she wasn’t just only cunning, she was so wicked to have made me fall in love with her, knowing that she would hurt me later on”.

“Okay fine, she did all that. You need to get it out of your mind”.

“Its out of my mind, Jayden”.

“No, its not”. He faced me squarely. “You still think that all females are like her!”.

“They are the same. Always after money, fame, have this stupid trait of selfishness in them”.

“You know, you are describing only one person. Xavier, I understand that you were hurt, she caused you a lot of pain”. Jayden tapped me lightly. “You really need to move on”.

“Can we just talk about another thing else ? Just speaking about this makes me sick”. I said getting a little angry with myself.

He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, fine. I’ve dropped the subject”.

“Why are you here anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be in New York with those friends of yours, Adrian, Xander and that crazy boyish girl”.

“You mean, Lily?”. He asked with his lips breaking into a smile.

“Yeah, sure, whatever her name is. I still can’t forget how she threatened to cut off my hair with those stuffs in her tool box”.

Jayden bursted into laughter. “Yep! Thats Lily for you, alright”.

“So why did you leave?”. I asked getting inquisitive.

“Ooh. That. Actually Uncle Andino called and talked about the supernova stuff that was happening”.

“He did it without my permission”. I said muttering.

“Anyways. He called and requested that I come over. And besides, I’m supposed to be one of the judges for today that get to select the top 25”.

“You?”. I arched my eyebrows. “How old are you like, ten?”.

“Shut up. I’ve had more time in billboard charts than you have”.

I roll my eyes ignoring that statement. “Is that why Jessy came along with you too!”.

“Yeah. I can’t go anywhere without her and she can’t go anywhere without her baby”.

“I remember when she broke your heart and you had a breakdown in the studio”. I replied him snorting loudly.

“Haha! Very funny! Now shut up”.

“And I also remember the other time that your real identity got revealed to the public and she broke your heart again “.

I bursted into laughter as Jayden carried a spoon from the cutleries ready to throw it at me.

“Well she can’t break my heart again. We are now in love. And you wouldn’t know the meaning of that since you have never actually experienced fallen true love with a girl before”.

“Yeah”. I nod a little whispering. “And I don’t want to ever experience it before my heart gets broken again”.

Jayden sighed softly. “Xavier”.

“Being heartbroken is bad, cousin”. I told him. “Those days were the worst of my life”.

?Paris Myers?
I look around the auditorium nervously as I clasp my hands together breathing in and out rapidly.

Okay! Paris! Remember! You got this!


I look sideways to see a pretty brunette smiling at me. “Hi?”.

“Finally!”. She breathed out. “You talked back. I was beginning to think that you were kind of dumb or something because of the way you kept glancing around without saying anything to any of us”.

“Ooh! I’m just not used to crowds”. I say.

“Fifty people in here isn’t a crowd. And is that why you decided to wear a hoodie! To hide and isolate yourself?”.

I touch my myself suddenly realizing that I actually wore the hoodie to the competition .

I smile a little. “No! Just felt like wearing one”.

“I’m Logan!”.

I arch my eyebrows. “Logan?”.

“I know, right”. She giggled prettily. “Its an odd name for a girl! But I just love it. Its rare finding a girl answering the name. So whats yours?”.

“Paris. Paris Myers”.

“Paris? My favorite city”.

“Its Jayden Roy!!!”. Someone shouted among the small crowd.

I stand up confused along with Logan but then my confusion gets solved as I see what the girls are yelling about…

There he was.

Jayden Roy. He was dressed in glittering diamond jacket combined with trending jeans trousers which had chain dangling from it.

His hair was swept backwards making it look slicker and somehow, there was a hint of resemblance between him and Xavier.

Is it just me?

Or maybe I’m thinking too much about Xavier that I see him in Jayden Roy’s face.

“Thats Jayden Roy Alvarez”. Logan said to me explaining. “He’s like the biggest artiste in New York City and he’s related to Xavier Marion”.


“I heard that they are cousins. Nothing more “.

Jayden Roy walked past us with his crew behind him and the girls giggled whispering about him as he left.

“Looks like they are awestruck about him already”. Logan said.

“Number 5”. A young woman stepped to where we were. “Where is she?”.

I watch as Tiffany stood up among three group of girls as she giggled walking over to where the woman was before she was led to the stage where the judges were.

Wow! She really seems confident of herself.

I didn’t even know that she sings.

Looks like everyone has a hidden talent.

“So what number are you?”. Logan asked facing me.

“Number 50. Why ?”.

“Damn! You still have time to prepare then, I’m number 10”.

“Time to prepare?”.

“Yeah. You need to wow those judges if you want to be among the top fifty because it will be pretty hard”.

“Ooh. Now I feel a little bit nervous”. I reply rubbing my hands together. “Could you please direct me to the nearest restroom?”.

She instructed the directions to me nicely and I thanked her before standing up and walked away.

But I kind of noticed that most of the girls were staring at me, especially those ones that Tiffany was sitting next to.

I pull my hoodie farther over my head as I felt a little bit insecure with their stares.

I finally step out of the auditorium used for the auditions as I followed the direction that Logan gave to me.

I decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs. The doors begin to slide as I flipped my eyes close too muttering encouraging words to myself.

Come on, Paris, you can do this. Make Rio proud of you.

I cleared my throat repeatedly before I hum silently to myself rhythmically.

“The fk! Alex. What are you saying? I’m not waiting here another minute”.

I immediately open my eyes on hearing that voice and gasp a little bit seeing him in the same elevator with me.

Xavier Marion.

His eyes were shining with a spark of silver and his hair were weaved back in a pretty manner with a hair band styled around it.

Just like how Jayden Roy had styled his.

Xavier wore a white track suit with diamond stonned slippers and a diamond earring on his left ear.

He held his white phone in his right hand where he wore silver rings on each of the fingers as they glittered beautifully.

Wow! He would really fit for a model.

His handsome look will melt everyone heart.

His dark hair.

His killer stature.

He had this signature tattoo on his neck which led inside his white track suit jacket disappearing within.

He is so clean and attractive.

“No way!”. He stepped into the elevator still raving on the phone. “I’m not judging some stupid contest that I was dragged into in the first place”.

Stupid contest ?


“You know what, Alex? Go fuck yourself, I am not some puppet that you can boss around. I’m getting a new manager”. He finished yelling and gripped his phone in his palm tightly.

He turned around and paused realizing I was there, behind him. And for the first time, I noticed the coldness in his eyes.

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