QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 11-20

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 13?

By Debbie


Aidan’s pov :

It had been two years since I and Mason left Laviana without our powers. I have not been able to fulfill the stupid love quest but guess what I have been able to build an empire I called Aidan Ivan’s Empire. Don’t ask me how because I got my ways.

Mason also opened a gym which is the best. He named it Tough love gym. I don’t know why he named it that name but I guess it’s because of the mysterious girl. It has been difficult for him to cope knowing she is out there but he couldn’t find her. It’s indeed a tough love.

Right now I am trying to get prepared for work. I put on a tuxedo black suit and a blue tie with the Italian black shoe I just got

“We are gonna be late for work” Mason yelled

“Am coming, just stop yelling ” I said and picked up my briefcase.

“You look astonishing,” he said and I smiled. Mason has a way of making me smile.

“Wait you are not going to the gym today?”

“No, I thought you might need my help at the office”

“You’re the best, you know this month is full of contract awards and I need helping hands”

” I do know that and that’s why I have cancelled all appointment for this month”

“You did that for me”

“Sure anything for my bff”

“Thanks man” I gave him a hug

“Let’s get going”

Lissa’s pov :

It’s our final year at school , Emily and I decide to go for shopping. We need to get new clothes and shoes. We entered into the car and drove off but not after arguing on who will drive. But guess what I always win.

I played the song “don’t stop the music” by Rihanna. I so love her song.

We got to the mall, parked our car and went inside.

“Good day ma’am” the attendant greeted while winking at me

“Good day” Emily answered

I left them and went to pick up the clothes we needed.

“I’ve got better things to do rather than bother about guys” I thought as I pick up a blue knee length gown.

“Bae I think that guy likes you ” Emily said as she joined me.

“Do you like this gown” I said trying to divert her attention but my friend is cr@zy.

“He’s cute though or what do you think?” she replied

“I think the gown is beautiful and will…. ” I was interrupted

“I said the guy is cute not the gown” Emily said

“You are cr@zy” I replied

“But seriously Lissa, you need to start believing in love”

“Well I don’t need love and don’t care about love” I replied

“You need it, everyone does”

“I’m not everyone, I’m me, I’m Melissa Martins daughter of Mr and Mrs Martins. I don’t need love”

“Nice introduction” she said, clapping her hands

“You’re welcome darling” I replied

I don’t need love. It doesn’t worth it.

It does not

Aidan’s pov :

We got to the ocompany and entered into the building. When they saw us they quickly adjusted and greeted while Mason answered. I left him and went to my office with my personal assistant.

“Good morning sir” he said immediately I sat down

“Sir you are having a meeting with Anderson Enterprise by 9 am, Mr Frank from Wilson furniture’s scheduled a lunch meeting with you by 1 pm, Mrs Benson called and promise to come with the files by 2pm. There is a meeting with Mr Innocent at Royal Hotel by 3 pm.” he said

“Is that all”

“Yes sir”


“Sorry sir, I forgot to tell you that The Adams and son company are yet to transfer the money sir ”

“Did they give any reason for their action”

“No sir”

“Is that all?”

“Yes sir”

“Are you sure?”

“Very sure sir”

“Ok, my first meeting is 9am right” he nodded and I glared

“Ye… Yes sir” he answered

“How many minutes to I have before the meeting starts”

“One hour, 30 minutes sir”

“Ok. Get me all the necessary documents I need to sign”

“Ok sir” he said and left

He came back few minutes later with the files and gently dropped them on the table. I signed some and handed them over to him

“Take this to Manson, he knows what to do” he collected it

“Get me a cup of coffee when you’re coming back” I said

“Ok sir” he answered and went out.

I quickly went through the rest and sign them. Then I called the receptionist.

? Good morning sir

? put a call through to A and D Enterprise on the contract awarded to them. Tell them to send their representative by 4pm

? ok sir

?Tell the Manager to meet Mason in his office by 12pm

?Ok sir

The call ended and I dropped the telecom. Few minutes later my PA came with the coffee. I sipped and drop the rest.

“Sir we should get going the meeting starts in 45 minutes”

I left the office with my PA and we entered into the car and left for Anderson Enterprise. Anderson Enterprise, if not the best; is one of the best company in USA.

They award their contract once in two years and it happens that this year, another contract was to be awarded. Although my company is less than 2 years old, I was oppurtuned to get a slot for the contract.

We got to Anderson Enterprise and i came down from the car. The company’s is magnificent and beautiful to behold.

“No wonder it’s one of the best” I thought as we entered into the building.

We got to the reception and we were directed to the waiting room. I met lots of people waiting patiently for the meeting to start. Some where chatting, some on phone and other were quiet.

I could read their minds, although I hate that but i’ve got no choice.

“Hi, you must be Aidan” a female said and smiled, I scoffed

“Yea, how may I help you”

“Just wanted to say hi. I’m Violeta by the way” she said stretching her hand and I took her hand

“Nice meeting you Violeta” I answered trying to sound nice as possible

“See you around Aidan” she said and left

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