QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 11-20

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 19?

By Debbie

Aidan’pov :

I left the restroom and went back to meet Mr Frank. I really need to apologise for taking his time. If not for that stupid girl, I should have finished with him and be out of here. I checked the time and it was 2:30pm

“Sht!!” I cursed

I was suppose to meet with Mr Innocent at Royal hotel by 3pm and I’m yet to finish with Mr Frank. I was not suppose to see Mr Innocent myself but it has to do with Anderson Enterprise contract.

We needed to book his hotel at France because we will be having a one week conference there with other contractors.

I rushed to where Mr Frank was and pleaded with him. He seems to be a very considerable man considering the fact that I took his time without finalising the deal

“I’m so sorry Mr Frank for taking your time. Something came up ” I pleaded

“It’s nothing Mr Aidan” he replied

“I’m so sorry, I won’t be able to stay. Just send your representative to the company with the catalogue. My manager will attend to you” I said looking at the watch

“No problem sir I will do just that” he said

“I’m really so sorry” I said stretching my hand towards him

“It’s nice doing business with you sir” Mr Frank said taking my hand.

“Nice meeting you too” I said

I gestuered to my personal assistant and we left the restaurant. We entered into the car and headed for Royal Hotel.

“Anything I need to know?” I inquired from my PA

“Sir, The Adams and son company has finally transferred the money” he said and i sigh

God just saved their stupid a$$!!!

“Did Mrs Benson came with the file?” I asked

“Yes sir, a call was put through which indicate that they are willing to work with us at the agreed price” he answered

“Who called you?”

“Mr Mason, he tried calling you but your line was not reachable”

I checked my phone and realised it was switched off. G0sh that stupid girl. She made me forget totally that I have so many work to do today.


Drive to Royal Hotel was a 45 minutes drive. Since we left the restaurant at 2:45pm, we got to the hotel at 3:30pm minutes, making me 30 minutes late.

“This girl have succeeded in tampering with my schedule” I groaned entering the hotel

I made sure the guard were at alert and covering me well because I’m not ready for some stupid scream by some stupid and mannerless btch.

I was directed to where he was with my PA. He had to follow me because he needed to write down important notes. It’s not as if my brain doesn’t take down things, it’s just that I want him to work for the money he’s been paid.

‘”Good afternoon Mr Aidan. You are 30 minutes late” he said

“I’m sorry, I got caught up in something”

“You kept me waiting” he said and I rolled my eyes

“Like I said I’m so sorry”

“Well apology accepted, you may have your sit” he said and I sat down

“Before we go fully into business, I will like to introduce my daughter to you” he said and a pretty tall fair skin lady walked to us.

She looked 23. She was wearing a sleeveless purple gown which was just below her knee with a black open toe heel. She packed her hair in a ponytail. She was beautiful if I may confess but she’s not my type

“Do you even have a type” my subconscious told me and I scoffed

Truth be told I don’t have a type, I don’t care about type. Ladies are just not my kind of thing.

“Ahem” he said clearing his throat

I raised my head. G0sh I totally forgot he was trying to introduce her to me.

“Sorry” I said in a whisper

“Back to business. Aidan this is Violeta my daughter, she will be in charge of the hotel in france” he said and I saw her smile

“What the fk?!!!, ” I thought

Wait Violeta! That name sounds familiar. I think I remember. She’s the girl I saw in Anderson Enterprise.

“Violeta this is….” She interrupted her father

“I know who he is father. Who doesn’t know the All mighty Aidan Ivan?” She said and I scoffed

“Just be happy you are privileged to see me in person” I thought

“I thought I was to meet with either you or your son?” I asked

“Well Aidan my son is not available now and so is I. Therefore she will be in charge of your stay in france. So you both have to work together.” He said standing up

“Is he kidding me and where the h.ell is he going!!!” I thought

“Let me leave you both” he added walking away

Is he kidding me right now, is he leaving me with his daughter. Is he fking serious?

“How do we start” she said giving me a se.ductive smile

Is she trying to fl!rt with me?

“You know what?” I said standing up

“What?” She answered standing up

“I will send a representative who will work directly with you. I hope you offer your best” I said

“A representative?” She asked surprised

“You heard me, a representative. Just the same way your father sent you, I will also send someone”


“No but. It’s nice doing business with you” I said and she rolled her eyes

“Let me walk you to your car” she said with a hint of sadness so I couldn’t say no.

I gestured to my PA letting him know we are leaving. We went outside and I stopped

“You should go back from here” I said

“No I will love to walk you to your car” she said

“No thanks” I said and begin to walk in the direction of my car

She was about following me when I stopped her

“Like I said, you should go back from here” I said and continue walking leaving her stunned.

I got to the car and entered. The car started and we head back to the office.

“Do I have any meeting left?” I asked

“No that’s all for today. You only have some documents to sign” he said

I sigh and rest my back on the seat. Today is really one hell of a day. Even though I meant two btches, one sa$sy and the other clingy, I’m still happy I got the contract .

But I still don’t want to believe Mr Innocent is trying to bring me and his daughter close. If not, what will make him want his daughter to work with me when he had a son who is actually the one in charge of the hotel at France.

I know what her father is trying to do but I won’t fall for his trap. I don’t fall in love and I won’t start with her!!!

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