QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 21-30

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 29?

By Debbie

Lissa’s pov :

I was still dancing with the guy when I noticed Aidan and his friend. He was sipping his drink

“What is he doing here” I thought

He looked so cute and annoying. His l!ps were so tempting that I felt like running to him but I restrained myself.

I saw him watching me and I decided to play games with him. I press my b0dy against the guy’s b0dy and I could see him staring at me.

He looked at me and I winked. He looked really surprised. He seems angry but was trying to hide his feelings.

I drag the guy closer.

“Kss me” I whispered and he cra$hed his l!ps on mine.

Author’s pov :

“That l!ps is mine and mine alone” Aidan thought

Aidan was terrified when he saw Lissa kssing another guy. How could she do that to him?

“It shouldn’t be my concern right?” He asked himself

“Are you ok man?” Mason asked

“Do I look ok to you?” He answered angrily

“Chill man. I’m just asking” Mason replied

“I shouldn’t get furious. She’s not mine” he kept saying to himself

He tried taking his mind off the kss but he just couldn’t. He hit the table angrily.

“Aidan are you sure you are ok?” Mason asked again

He ignored Mason’s question and walked towards the direction of Lissa.

“Aidan where to?” He asked but no reply

Mason had to follow him to the place he was heading, to prevent him from doing anything stupid.

“Hey” he called calmly trying his best not to show his anger

She turned and saw him but continued kssing the guy

“Hey” he yelled and she fl!nched

She moved away from the guy, angry and happy at the same time. Happy that her plan worked and angry because he’s been a j.erk

“What’s up man?” The guy said and he growled

“What do you want?” She asked

“Let’s go” he said

“Huh?, I’m going no where!” She replied angrily

“You are coming with me and that’s final”

“Hey man she doesn’t what to go with you” the guy answered

“Get lost” Aidan replied. He couldn’t reply him more than that because he was too angry to do anything.

“Aidan you need to take it easy” Mason whispered to him

“Leave” he said to Mason

“No I won’t” he replied

“Go find her friend” he said

“Are you pushing me away?” He asked in a whisper

“Just go” he whispered yelling a little

He watched Mason walk away. He turned to face Lissa, she looked really confused, why is he acting jealous all of a sudden

“Are you jealous?” She asked

“I’m not, I’m just protecting you” he replied dr@gging her with him

“Hey I’m going no where” she cried out

He dr@g her r0ughly and she cried

“Hey you are hurting me” she yelled

“I will keep hurting you if you don’t go with me” he replied rudely

“You have no right over me” she yelled

“I have every right over you. I own you” he replied

“You have no right over me, you don’t owe me” she yelled

“Whatever” he replied still holding her tightly

“Ok I will go with you, just don’t drag me” she replied tearfully

“Sure I won’t” he replied

He walked out with her trailing behind him like a lost puppy

“What were you doing with him?” He asked when they were outside the bar

“It’s none of your business” she replied

“It’s my business. Look you have no right to let any other guy kss you except me”

“What? It’s my l!ps not yours. You have no right over me” she answered

‘I owe you the very moment I kssed you” he answered

“No you don……..t” he didn’t let her finish her statement before crashing his l!ps on hers

The kss was full of pa$$ion and lu$t sending sen$ation throughout her b0dy. She wished he will just tell her he loves her.

She has never felt like this before, but now she enjoyed every bit of it. She wished it wouldn’t come to an end but it actually did as they pulled away from each other ga$ping for air.

“Look kssing you doesn’t mean I love you. I don’t know why I kept kssing you. Just know it’s just a fling” he said and her eyes widen

He’s saying it again!!

“Fling?” She asked in tears

“Yes it’s just a fling”

“You call this kss fling?”

“It’s a fling.You should be happy I kssed you”

“I hate you” she yelled h!tting him on his chest

She made to go back into the bar but he stopped her

“Where are you going?” He asked

“How does that affect you?” She replied angrily

“You can’t go back in there”

“Huh? You can’t tell me what to do”

“I owe you. I have every right to tell you what to do. Look I don’t want to see you with any other guy. Do you hear me?” He said frustrated

“You can’t claim me. You can’t” she yelled crying

“Like I said you are not going inside”

“You can’t stop me” she yelled

He carried her to his car and shoved her inside. He locked the door and went back inside to call her friend.

Lissa couldnt help but get more confused

“Why is he claiming her when he doesn’t even love her” she thought

How can he be this heartless? He only cares about himself and no other person. He’s not bother about her feelings. Not even in a single second has he considered what she might be going through.

Is this what love is all about?

The door opened and she saw Emily staring at her. She came out of the car and followed her. They entered their car and drove off.

It is still very difficult for lissa to believe someone who doesn’t love you can claim you as his!!

Aidan’s pov :

I watched as the car drove off. I know I hurt her a lot but I wished I didn’t. She is so fragile.

I will be leaving after the quest. I don’t want to put her in a trauma. I don’t want her to think I deceived her. I can’t even tell her I’m a demigod on a quest.

What will be her reaction when she finds out?

I will just keep hurting her. I don’t want her to fall too deep for me. I know she loves me. But I can’t love her back. I really care about her a lot. But I don’t want to hurt her.

I hopes she understands I’m doing all this for her

Lissa’s pov :

We got to the house and parked the car. I was so furious.

Who does he think he is to control me?

“Hey you need to calm down Lissa, he is just been over protective” Emily said

“Over protective? Huh? He told me the kss was just a fling and now he thinks he owns me. He must be joking!” I yelled as I slammed the door of the car

I can’t believe he kssed me for the second time and he claims it’s a fling. Why can’t he just tell me if he loves me already? Why do he prefer to lie to me and pretend he doesnt?

I so hate him right now!!!

I stormed into the house forgetting that we actually sneaked out.

“Where are you both coming from” dad said as we made to climb the stairs

“We are sorry dad” we said

that is all we could say

“Go to your rooms” he said and left

“We are in for it” Emily said

Why can’t my life be any better

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