QUEST FOR LOVE: Episode 31-40

LOVE ???

?(Do love exist??) ?

?Episode 39?

By Debbie

Lissa’s pov :

After Aidan left, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I cleaned my face with the face towel and went back to the room.

“Are you ok??” Emily asked

I nodded and sat on the bed

“Emily, you remember the mysterious dream?” I asked

“Yes, I do”

“I can remember it now and I also know the meaning”

“Really??” She asked

“Yes. In the dream, I saw myself and Aidan standing in front of a portal. He asked me to go in with him but I refused. He said he only feel secure if I go with him but I said no. We kept arguing and then he got provoke and left. He made an attempt to enter into the portal alone and then he was shot”

“What? He got shot??”

“Yes. I couldn’t do anything even when he called for help. He kept telling me if i had gone with him. He would have been safe. He said I was his guiding angel but I left him. I felt really bad, I couldn’t help but scream”

“Lissa, that’s a bad dream but what’s the interpretation?” She asked

“The interpretation of the dream is that I serve as a guiding angel to him and I need to be with him always”


“Emily, he will die if he makes the wrong choice. You have to help me find a way of making him love me. I can’t do anything if he doesn’t love me”

“Well Mason and I already had an idea” she beamed

“Really???” i asked

“Yes, come closer” she answered

I moved closer and she whispered to my ears. I smiled

“Holly molly. Mason is really something else” I laughed

“Hey you have to tell me what is going on between you and Mason” I said and she blushed

“Well, we like each other and he asked me out. We are actually going out on a date” she answered with her face already red like tomato

“I’m happy for you” I said and hug her

“Oh before I forget, dad said the evening session has been shifted to tomorrow morning” she said

“Really. No wonder you’re going out on a date” I replied

“I can’t wait to have my first date” I added

“Don’t worry, just do what I say and Aidan will come running” she said and we both laughed

It’s my turn to play hard to get??

Aidan’s pov :

I left the garden and went straight to Lissa room.
I stood close to the door contemplating on what to do.

It is now or never

I knocked the door and someone answered. The door was opened. Emily was standing in my front.

“Is she in???” I asked


She pave the way for me to pass and I entered. She was seating on the bed reading a book. She looked calm.

I can see she is ok now

“I will leave you two” Emily said and left the room

We were both silent. Everywhere was so quiet that even the sound of a pin falling to the floor can be heard

“How are you feeling” I asked breaking the silent

She looked at me and continue reading her book

“Hey are you ignoring me?”

She dropped her book and stood up from the bed. She went to the water dispenser, picked a glass cup and helped herself with water.

She walked majestically back to the bed and sat down before drinking from the water. She dropped the glass and sat properly on the b.ed, facing me

“You were saying something” she said

What?? Is she kidding me

‘Seems you’re not ready to talk” she said and pick up her book

“Hey, can you spare me some minutes and please drop that book”

She dropped the book on the table and adjust her hair gradually in a s*xy manner. She bite her lower lip before speaking

I was so lost drooling. I love the way she bite her lower lip. Her smiles also

“Hey” she startled me out of my thought


She rolled her eyes

“Speak I have other things to do” she said

“Ok. Actually Lissa. I know have pushed you away several time and I told you it was just a wild desire. But I was wrong Lissa. I do love you and have been lying to myself all this while. Have loved you from the first time we meet”

She scoffed

“Why are you telling me this??” She asked

I made an attempt to hold her hand but she moved her hand immediately

“Lissa i love you and I can’t afford to lose you” I said

“Well, I love you too” she said and I smiled


“But what” I asked curious

“But I’m not in love with you” she said

That’s my word usage. That’s the words I told Mason the last time he asked about her

“You’re not in love with me??” I asked in a sad tune

She nodded and picked up her book immediately

I felt shattered. I felt heart broken. Is this how she felt when I told her I don’t love her. When I told her it was just a w!ld des!re.

Is she serious or she’s trying to revenge

“Lissa” I called

She raised her head up

“What??” She answered

“Are you serious??, serious about not been in love with me?”

“Yea hunny bunny. I’m in love with someone else. Do you like to know??” She asked

I shook my head

“I’m leaving” I said

I stood up from the chair and gradually find my way to the door. I made to open the door when she stopped me.

“Aidan” she called and I stopped. I turned to face her.

She held my hand and rub it slowly

“Aidan can you please help me”

“For what?” I asked calmly

“To speak to Delvan. It seems you know him. I really do love him. Please help me get him” she answered in a sober way


She likes Delvan…

Is she kidding me.

I drag my hand from hers and opened the door. I walked away angrily. Nobody should tell me to profess any love again

I’m so done with love

Lissa’s pov :

After he left, I let out the laughter I was trying so hard to hold.

Yes, I got him in the right spot!!

I sat on the bed laughing. The door opened and I turned to see Emily standing and laughing

“Hey, you did a nice job” she said

“You taught me well” I replied

“You should see how frustrated he was when explaining to Mason what you did” she laughed

“Just get ready, he’s definitely coming back again. Mason will make sure he comes back” she added

“But don’t you think that’s enough, what if he changes his mind and go back to Violeta?” I asked worriedly

“Come on. He’s going no where. His yours and yours alone”

“Are you sure?” I asked

“Of course. Let me go prepare for my date” she said and went to the bathroom

I hope it works. I can’t wait to kss him again, I miss him so much

“Hey, before you continue drooling, I’m leaving” Emily said

“Ok best. Enjoy yourself” I said

She kssed my cheeks before leaving. I sigh and lay down on the b.ed.

I picked my book to read when the door opened. I stood up immediately to see Aidan staring at me. He looked frustrated

“Lissa” he cooed

He moved closer to me and pulled me up.

“Lissa i can’t accept that you don’t love me. Please just tell me you do or I will k!ll myself” he said and brought out a kn!fe


“Aidan, please drop the kn!fe” I cooed

“No. Not until you tell me the truth. Do you love me or not?” He asked

“Aidan, just drop the kn!fe” I said

“No. Answer my question or I k!ll myself” he raised the kn!fe up and made to st@b himself

“Aidan please. I love you. I fking love you. I’ve always do. Please just drop the kn!fe” I yelled as tears kept trickling down my eyes

“You do??” He asked

“Yes I do. If you die I will h@te myself” I answered

“Kss me” he said

I walked closer to him and kss him p@ssionately. He finally dropped the kn!fe and held me by my wa!st.

We kssed for sometime and he finally withdraw from me. He brought out his phone and pressed it before dropping it back into his pocket.

“Thanks for the confession” he said laughing

“What??” I asked

“Well you refuse to tell me you love me so I decided to play a prank on you” he answerd admist laugh

“You played a prank on me??” I asked

“Yes, beautiful. And I’m so happy you confessed to me” he said pulling me closer

“I think Emily and Mason will love to listen to the voice note” he whispered

“Voice note?” I asked confused

“Sure. Voice note on how you were so scared of losing me” he said laughing

“Aidan don’t” I said

“Sorry to burst you’re bubble. There’s no change of mind” he answered

He gave me a quick kss on my l!p and head for the door

“See you later cup cake” he said

“Aidan!!!!” I yelled but he was already gone

I can’t believe he played a prank on me

Ooohh Aidan!!!

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