????? I’m your
Baby’s father ?????


Story by:- Racheal Dennis

Final ??

Episode 20 ?

Prince Harry ???

I watch as my daughter fly past my eyes and lands on the other side of the courtroom, I couldn’t do anything to stop her fall. I just saw her lying face flat on the floor, she didn’t shout or cry. It’s silent everywhere.

I feel like a thousand nails are stabbing me on my chest.

I feel a gush of anger rush though my veins. I lung at Stephano.


I pump my fist and clenched my jaw as I punch him straight in the face.

“HOW” punch “DARE” punch “YOU” punch, punch “TOUCH” punch “MY” punch “PRINCESS!!” punch, punch, punch, punch.

I transferred all my held back anger to my fist and release them on him. If it’s revenge he wants he should have come at me and leave my daughter out of it.

“I’ll skin you alive!!” I roared in his face angrily.

“Harry, that’s enough!” I hear my dad commands me but I didn’t listen to him.

I continue punching Stephano on his face, he tries to laugh but coughs out bl©©d instead.

“Guards hold Prince Harry down” dad orders.

Two guards comes forward and try to pull me away from Stephano, but I pushed them away from me.

And continue kicking on Stephano’s stomach, I want to kill him. I want him dead right here and right now.

Two others guards came forward and the four of them pulled me away.

“Stephano shall be be.headed right away and he shall not receive any burial ceremony, his body shall be food to the beast in the forest. He and his accomplise shall suffer the same fate. Guards take him to the execution ground and execute him!!” Dad said.

“Dad, death is way too easy for him. I want him to watch as they skin him alive”

Dad sighs and shake his head.

“Guards take him to the execution ground!”

“Yes, your Majesty!”

They took Stephano away as he laughs weakly.

My gaze moved towards Peace, she’s in Elena’s arms and Elena’s crying. I rush towards them.



Elena (Katie)???

I run towards my daughter and carry her in my arms, her body stays stiff.

She doesn’t move at all and her hands and feet are cold.

“Peace! Wake up, Peace open your eyes for mama”

I try to open her eyes but they remain shut.

“Peace wake up… O.. open your eyes…” I cry.

Why did he target my daughter? This is what I was afraid of…. My poor baby.

I feel someone snatch Peace from me, I raised my head ready to fight the person but realized it’s Harry.

“I’m taking her to the royal infirmary, call the doctors!!” He barked orders as he runs out of the palace.

I follow behind him. God please save my poor baby, please God!.



Prince Harry ???

I hear Elena crying behind as I run into the infirmary with Peace’s limp body in my arms, I’m also trying hard not to cry.

I rush into one of the wards and laid her on a bed.

“Get a doctor here!” I yelled at a nurse.

Elena holds Peace’s hand and shakes her body as if trying to wake her up.

“Peace, it’s… It’s mama calling, please wake up, wake up for mama”

Just then a doctor comes in.

“Doctor, doctor” Elena rushed to seize the doctor. “Please save my baby, save my Peace”

“Your highness….”

“Promise me you’ll save her, promise me”

“Your highness, I need you to leave the ward so I can treat her”

“No, not treat. Tell me you’ll save her, tell me” Elena urge him.

I nod at the doctor and signal him to promise her. Right I just need everyone to agree with whatever she says, I can’t have her throwing a fit now.

“I’ll save her, I’ll definitely save her” the doctor said.

She smiles and turn to me.

“Harry, did you hear that? He’s gonna save our daughter”

“Yeah. But let’s wait for him outside, we don’t want to disturb her treatment, right?”

She thinks about it for a moment and nods. I put my hand on the small of her back and leads her outside.

We sit in the waiting area, ok, I sit while Elena is pacing to and fro.

“Elena, please sit down. You’re making me feel dizzy with your pacing”

“Harry, our daughter is in there fighting for her dear live, we don’t even know if she’ll make it out alive and you are not showing any concerns. Now you’re telling me that I’m making you feel dizzy?”

Ok, I don’t like where this is going…

“Elena, I’m worried too, but…”

“But what Harry?” She interrupts me. “I know you won’t understand how I feel right now, after all you didn’t spend two years with her… You missed out on two years of her life, so you won’t understand the kind of bond we share”

“Oh yeah? I missed two years of her life? And whose fault was that?”

“Ha! So now you wanna play the guity card on me now? You wanna blame me for trying to protect my daughter, you wanna blame me for avoiding this from happening. Harry had I not come back with you my daughter’s life wouldn’t be in danger right now, she wouldn’t be in there fighting for her life” she paused and take in a deep breath. “Well, just pray that she comes out alive and after all these are done with we’ll be over, I’ll leave here”

Leave? She better think of something else.

“Ha! In your dreams, baby. You think I’ll let you leave like you did before, baby, better think twice”

“You can’t stop me, Harry”

” You….. ”

“Alright! Enough two of you!” I hear Mom’s voice scold us.

She comes closer to us.

“Now is not the time you fight with each other, I bet your daughter wouldn’t want to wake up to see this. Now you should be comforting each other” Mom turned to me and pulled my ear.

“Ow! Mom, it hurts!” I cried out.

“I meant for it to hurt, Harry. I thought you better than this, how can you fight with your wife at a time like this. She is not composed right now and anything that comes out of her mouth are brainless, she tends to say stupid things at this critical time and you as her husband, all you have to do is listen to her quietly, if possible ask for her forgiveness, keep saying sorry. It will help her calm down” Mom lecture me.

I wince in pain as Mom bend my ear.

“Ok, ok! Mom please let go of my ear”

Mom let go and step back with a small smile. I rub on my ear and move closer to Elena, I hug her from behind and ksses her tempo.

“Baby, I’m sorry. I dragged you into this mess, please forgive me and don’t leave me”

I hear her sigh.

“Harry, I’m sorry too. I was just too sad and angry at myself that I took it out on you”

I smiled.

“Don’t sweat it, you can take out your anger on me anytime. I guess that’s what I’m here for”

Just then Elena’s Aunt, she takes slow steps towards us, she wears a guilty look, Elena went stiff in my arms and I furrow my brows in confusion.

What happened between these two?

“What are you doing here?” Elena asked in a somehow rude tone.

Aunt shifts her gaze to me.

“Harry, can I please have a moment with Elena?”

I nod.

“Sure” but Elena stopped me before I could leave.

“He’s my husband, you can say whatever you wanna say in front of him”

Aunt chuckles nervously and nods stiffly.

“Oh, yes, yes!” She paused. “Elena, about what I did to you two years ago I’m sorry”

Elena scoffed.

“Sorry?” She laughs briefly. “Sorry won’t make up for anything. When I found out I was pregnant I came to tell you about it, but you didn’t even give me the chance to. You chased me away and called me names, you said I’m a disgrace and you want nothing to do with me. So why are you here today Aunt?”

Tears starts pouring from aunt’s eyes.

“Elena, I’m so sorry. But it’s not my fault, Prince Stephano came over to my house and threatened me. He said he’ll kill you if I took you in, I drove you away to protect you. Please believe me, I did it to save you. Believe me”

Stephano you really did tore my family apart, you deserve worse than death.

Elena doesn’t say anything, she turns away from Aunt and puts her face on my chest. I can feel her crying against my chest, I rub her back gently.

“Aunt, maybe we should talk about this some other time”

Aunt nods and leaves.

I see dad coming in with Gabrielle supporting him. Gabrielle rushed to Elena and embraced her.

“Elena, I heard what happened. I’m sorry, so sorry”

“No, Elle. I should be the one saying sorry, I left without telling you. You should be mad at me”

Gabrielle laugh and shake her head.

“No, Elena. You left for a reason, I would’ve done the same thing had I been in your shoes. You are back now, all is well, we just need to pray that my niece makes it out alive”

I smiled at Gabrielle, she takes after me in terms of understanding. Or maybe it just runs in the family, we’re all open-minded.

At that moment, the doctor comes out of the ward. We all rush towards him.

“So, doctor how was it? How is my baby doing?” Elena asked anxiously, I rub her shoulder reassuringly.

The doctor doesn’t say anything, he just looks at us.

“Say something, is my niece ok?” Gabrielle asked.

He sighs and takes off his gloves. Then he shakes his head.

“We… We… I…”

My heart is beating too fast.
I’m scared to hear his answer.

“Why are you fucking stuttering, just say it!” I yelled at him.

“We tried our best, your highness. But we couldn’t revive her, I’m sorry”

What? Did I hear correctly?

Before I could process what’s happening, Elena has fainted.

Life if cruel…. To me… To Elena…. Life is not fair…



What a tragedy Our darling Peace died….??

She had to pay for a feud she knew nothing about.

But At least Stephano paid with his bl®©d… ??


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