?????I’m your
Baby’s father ?????


Story by:- Racheal Dennis


Episode 19 ?

Prince Harry ???

I can hear the voices of the officials from ten feet away from the palace, from the sound of their voices I can tell they are protesting against something.

I hand Peace over to Elena and burst into the palace.

“A new king will rule our country in a modern and civilized wat”
“Your Majesty, prince Stephano will make a good King, he’ll rule wisely”
“Prince Stephano hasn’t brought shame or done that affects Peoria’s reputation”

These are their words as I enter. I shake my head at their blindness, I believe Stephano has bribe them because this court is filled with greedy officials.

If I become King which I know I will, first thing I’ll do is remove all these corrupt officials from the court.

“Who dares suggest Stephano as King while my father is still alive??!” I said loudly over their voices.

There’s silence as they turned their heads back, I walked with my head held high towards the throne. I stand in front of the throne, Elena stands in a corner with Peace in her arms.

They begin murmuring as they saw Elena.

“My father is still alive and you are planning of getting yourselves a new King, are you praying for my father’s death?!” I roared, I see some of them flinched back a little.

Stephano glares at me and step forward.

“Harry, you’re back! My son’s back!” I hear my father’s voice. It sounds very weak, I turned and see him resting his head on his hand, my mother stands next to him rubbing his back gently.

She passed me a small sad smile.

“Harry, stay out of this. You no longer have a say in this court, father has banned you from inferring in politics” Stephano said.

I turned back to him.

“Oh? I remember that, very clearly” I replied.

He smirks.

“Good, then you should know that father is old and not as healthy as before, he needs to make me King so that I can help him look after the country”

“Prince Stephano’s right”
“What we need is someone with great vision like Prince Stephano”

I laugh inwardly at their comments, they are so ignorant and blinded by money that they refused to see the truth.

“Well brother sorry to disappoint you, you ain’t gonna be King, not after all the evil you’ve done. Peoria doesn’t need you Stephano, cause you are an epitome of evilness”

“Harry, if I were you I wouldn’t get in my way” he threaten me.

“Sorry brother, I’m not you, I’m me and I’ll get in your way” I turn my attention to the officials. “Do you want a killer and a liar to be your King? Do you know making Stephano king is handing Peoria to damnation? You officials claim to speak for the people, you claim you are the voice of the people, but I don’t think you’re speaking for the people right now. You are speaking for your own selfish gains”

“Harry! You’ve spoke more than enough, leave now” Stephano warns me.

I ignore him and signal one of my men, he throws the gate open and everyone, both the rich and commoners troops in the courtyard.

I know these officials are Stephano’s men now, that’s why I made arrangements to get Peoria’s citizens here today to judge Stephano fairly.

I smile at the people and continue.

“Stephano you claimed that my wife is a wh©re and she slept with you in the club room, now I’m giving you a chance to speak the truth. Tell them what really happened, tell them how you drugged my wife and frame her of commiting adultery”

Stephano looked around and for a split second I saw fear in his eyes.

“You are lying, Harry. You just want to get the people’s sympathy” he said.

Where the fuck is Mark and Tom when I need their back up.

“Brother speak the truth and I might plead with father on your behalf to be lenient with your punishment”

“I don’t know what you are talking about”

Just then a light reflect from behind me, I turned back and see a very big TV standing behind me.

When did that got there? Maybe it had behind there all these while. Just then it begin playing, it’s the scene at the club.

Stephano is shown talking to a bartender, he adds something to two drinks and the drinks were given to Elena and Gabrielle. Elena and Gabrielle drank the drinks, Gabrielle fainted but Elena was still barely awake, then Stephano is seen carrying her upstairs to one of the rooms.

Inside the room, Stephano kisses Elena but that’s all. Elena falls asleep right away, it’s shown until I arrived at the scene later that night.

Then it’s show Stephano and Tom arguing, he tries giving Tom some money but Tom rejects it, we see Stephano brings out a gun from his waistline and shots at Tom, then it went blank.

The TV switch off. I turned back to everyone.

“As you all saw it, my wife is innocent, it was all Stephano’s doing. It doesn’t end there, Stephano also planned to poison the queen mother but failed, he…..”

“Shut up Harry! You are lying!” He shouts.

I shake my head and continue.

“We have both the evidence and witness” I said.

Just then, I see Mark, Tom and Harrison walks in. I see Stephano freeze for a second, I guess he’s surprise to see them.

Harrison walked towards me and stand next to me. He takes out a small bottle from his pocket and showed it to everyone.

“I’m Harrison Cruz, I was one of Prince Stephano’s men. On the day of the queen mother’s birthday, he asked us to poison her wine it would have killed her instantly and that would have been a perfect opportunity to frame Prince Harry. But somehow the plan was messed up and the queen mother didn’t drink the wine, so he asked some of his men to tie me up and kill me. But I think I might have done something great in my previous life, a man came by and saved me” he paused and glared at Stephano. “This is the poison Prince Stephano gave to me that day”

“You all are lying!”

I nod at Mark, he whistles and two men were brought in by my men.

“The day I returned to Peoria, some a$$assins came after me and I narrowly escaped them. But later I sent my guards after them and these two were caught, after much interrogation they said Stephano sent them after me. I had kept them in my secret room for three years, waiting for the perfect opportunity to expose Stephano’s deeds” I told everyone.

Stephano turns to the officials.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s lying. He’s accusing me falsely”

Tom steps forward.

“Prince Stephano tried to kill me to hide the truth, but I was smart and fast enough to remove the flashdrive in time. Is this the kind of person you want to be your King?”

Murmuring arouse among the crowd.

“No, he can’t be King”
“He must be punished”
“Justice must be served”

I turned to my father, I bowed before him.

“Father, please judge this fairly” I said.

Everyone knees down.

“Your majesty, please judge this fairly” they chorused.

I take a peek behind, even the officials knelt down. My guess is, they regret their actions.

My dad sighs weakly.

“You are useless” he shouts at the officials. He falls on his knees “Dad, don’t listen to them, they are lying. Please, investigate this properly, they are framing me”

“They are lying?” Dad asked and Stephano nods. “So the maid you sent to my mansion to poison me is also a lie?”

“It might be Harry’s doing, he did it to frame me”

Dad scoffs.

“Prince Stephano is wicked and has done many evil things, he tried to murder the queen mother of Peoria, frame princess Elena of commiting adultery and tries to murder good citizens. He tried to obtain the throne in many crooked ways, he’s hereby stripped off his tittle as prince and reduced to a commoner, he shall be be.headed and buried as a commoner…..”


“Father, no…no, father…I’m not guilty…”

“This is my order, pass it on all over the country” dad said.

Is be.heading not too much?

Stephano stands up and laugh sinisterly.

“I’m not going down alone, if I lose you, Harry must lose too” he said.

Like a lightning speed, it all happened within the twinkling of an eye. He takes Peace from Elena and throws her across the room and she lands on the other side of the throne room.




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