?????I’m your
Baby’s father ?????


Story by:- Racheal Dennis

Episode 14 ?

Prince Harry ???


The sound of running water woke me up from my slumber, I bet this is the best sleep I’ve had in years and I believe it’s because I had Elena in my arms last night.

I reach out my hand to hold Elena, closer to me but caught nothing. I open my eyes and see the space next to me empty.

I guess Elena’s in the bathroom then.

Just then my phone chimed. I reach out for it and see a text from Mark.

*It’s done, your highness*

I nod and keep the phone back on the nightstand. This text reminds me of the text Elena’s friend sent her last night, I clearly saw the text but pretended I didn’t.

Elena walks out of the bathroom, dressed in her yesterday jean and cardigan sweater. Her hair put in a high ponytail and a small almost invisible earrings on her ears.

She sees me on the bed and walks towards me with a smile.

“Hey, you’re awake. Good morning” she leans in and pecks me.

I hold her hand and pulls her close to me, she sits on my laps, straddling me.

“Good morning, Angel. How was your night?”

“Peaceful, yours?”

I trail ksses along her neck and jawline.

“It’s the best sleep I’ve had in years, baby”

She smiles and runs her fingers through my hair.

“You’re up early, are you going somewhere?” I asked.

“Y-yeah…. I’ll be back later”

“Where are you going?” Even though I know where she’s going, I still want her to say it.

“Erm…I..” she does a little thinking. “I want to take some stuff from my apartment and also go to the grocery store, you know your kitchen is empty”

I smile. Is it safe for me to call my wife a liar? Cause she does lie to me a lot.

“Hmm, is Peace coming with you?”

“Yeah, I’ve already bath her and got her ready” she replied.

I shake my head.

“No, she’s not coming with you”

She frowns a little.

“Why? I can’t leave her here alone, you’ll be at the restaurant then there’ll be no one to care for her”

“Don’t worry, I will take her with me to work. I’m her dad, I can take care of my daughter”

She narrows her eyes at me.

“Why don’t you want me to take along with me?”

It’s not as if I don’t want her to take Peace with her, but I don’t trust her friends, one of them can be Stephano’s spy. If I let her take Peace and something happens, the two of them will be in danger and I don’t think my little heart can take that.

I know that no matter how hard I try I can’t stop Elena from going, so the least I can do is stop her from going with our daughter. That way I will have only her to worry about, and besides we just got back together, I don’t want any thing that will make us fight.

I feel her holds my face in her hands and looks me straight in the eyes.

“Harry, why don’t you want me to take Peace?” She asked.

“Because I don’t trust your friends” I blunt out before I could stop myself.

Elena quickly stands up from my lap. I gritt my teeth and pump my fist, I said I wouldn’t tell her. Then why did I just told her?

“Harry, you can suspect anyone but my friends. Do you know for how long I’ve known them?” She glares at me.

I knew it. I know she wouldn’t believe me and she would rather get angry.

“Baby…. people are not what they seem like, you know what they say; don’t judge a book by its cover. They might…”

“Please, Harry” she interupts me. “My friends are loyal and they won’t ever betray me. They’ve been there for me all these years”

I sigh.

“Fine. I’m sorry, I was wrong to think that” I apologise.

It’s no use arguing with her, I’ll just let her go and send a secret guard to protect her.

“You can go but don’t take my daughter with you” I kissed her cheek and head to the bathroom.

I hear her scoff behind me.

“Whatever! Your daughter is holding me back anyway, now I can hang out with all the hot guys in Seattle today” she huffed.

I chuckled and turn to face her.

“I dare any guy to come five feet closer to you, I’ll make him regret the day his mama brought him to this world” I pause and removes my shirt. “And besides, look at this. No guy is hot enough to compete with me” then I winks at her.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself. Anyway, I’ll see you later” she heads to the door.

“Take care, love” I enter the bathroom.





“Your highness, the princess is crying for her mother” Mark said with crying Peace in his arms.

I drop the report I was reading on the table in front of me and carries Peace from him.

Right now I’m in my office, going through the investigation report.

I coo Peace in my arms, she quiets down and leans her head on my chest, then she closes her eyes.

“Your highness, that thing you asked me to look into is done”

I raised my head quickly and looks at him anxiously waiting for him to continue.

“The queen didn’t kill your mother”

I’m shocked.

“She didn’t? Then who did? It was only the two of them in the room” I wonder.

“No. There was a maid too, the maid was pregnant with her lover’s child, but because she had one drunk night with the king, she planned to pin the baby on him. The queen found out about it and threatened to destroy her family, your mother heard the argument and entered the room. She tries to reason with the maid, but the maid panicked and acted recklessly, she points the gun in her hand at your mother and shot her straight in her forehead. The queen called for help but before help came it was already too late, the maid had ran off and your mother had lost too much blood, so she died on the spot”

So the queen was never the killer, I had always accused her when she’s infact innocent. I thought she was feeling guilty that’s why she’s been so nice to me, but I was wrong all along.

“What about the other one?”

“Well, we found the spy”

“Who?” I asked.

“Rufus!!” He replied.

Ha! Why am I not surprised…. I knew it was him, the moment I saw him I knew he was a snake.





Elena (Katie)??

I enter limelight Star and look around, looking for Ariana with my eyes. Finally my eyes settled on her and I approach her.

“Hey, girl” I greets her and pull out a chair.

I sits down and noticed someone sitting on the other chair. I turn and see Rufus.

“Rufus… You are here too” I said feeling surprised. In the text Ariana sent she didn’t mention anything about Rufus coming, not that I don’t want him here, I’m just surprised.

“Yes, I can’t say no to free food” he joked and we laughed briefly.

“So…. Ari, what’s up. I got your text”

She glares at me.

“Don’t what’s up me, Miss!” She drops her milkshake on the table. “Where have you been since yesterday? I can back from work and your apartment was locked”

I sighed.

“Ari, it’s a long story”

“Really?” She claps her hands together with a pretentious smile. “Well, fortunately for you, I’ve got time” she said.

I glanced at Rufus, he isn’t paying attention to us. His attention is on his food, I lock my lip as I watch him devour his food.

“Ca-can I at least order my food first?” I asked Ariana.

“No. Start talking…. Is the rumor true? Are you Mr Marcella’s long lost wife? Did you sleep at his place last night?”

I guess I have to tell her everything then.

“Yes, I’m Mr Marcella’s wife and yes I was at his place last night..”

She huffs and stare at me with her her widen in disbelief.

“B-but…. The reason I went to his place is very justified”

“Katie…. No, I guess it’s Elena now, right?”

“Ari….. ”

“No, don’t Ari me. Why didn’t you tell me about any of this Katie, I’m your best friend and I had to hear it from other people?”

I know I should have told her earlier… But I had thought Harry wouldn’t find me and I’ll totally forget about Peoria.

“Believe me, Ari. I was gonna tell you yesterday, but something big happened so I had to leave with Harry… I never wanted to leave with him without telling you about him”

Rufus screech his chair back and turns to me looking at me all over as if he’s looking for any sign of injury. Genuine concern in his eyes.

“What happened? Are you ok?” He asked.

I smiled at his caring nature. He’s being caring for Peace and I for the past two years, had it been Harry didn’t show up now, I would have thought of settling down with him here in Seattle.

“Katie, are you ok?” He asked.

I nod.

“Yes, I’m fine. Thankfully Harry was with me” I told him.

I see him clenched his jaw when I mentioned Harry’s name. And I can’t blame him, because Harry kinda insulted him the last time they met.

“What happened, Katie?” Ariana asked me.

“Well, someone is threatening me”

Ariana frowns, but from my perherial view I see Rufus tense in his chair, he holds his glass of milkshake very strong that I’m afraid the glass would break.

I guess he’s worried about me.

“Someone’s threatening you?” Ariana asked and I nod. “That’s bad, Katie. Have you reported this to the police?”

“No, I can’t”

“Why?” She asked.

“It will only cause more trouble”

“Katie” Rufus called me and I turned to him. “I’m your neighbor, I live across the street. Something as big as this was happening why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you come and spend the night at my place?”

I sigh. What a caring guy he is, always worrying about me.

“I would have thought of that, but I wasn’t alone. Harry was with me so he suggested we go to his penthouse, I couldn’t say no. After all, he’s my husband, it wouldn’t look good if I reject him and go over to another man’s house”

“Oh, so I’m another man now”

“Rufus, that’s not what I meant…. ”

Ariana groans loudly and frown.

“But Katie, your are so sweet. Who would threaten you and for what reason?”

“Ari, things are more complicated than they look” I paused. “There are some people who doesn’t approve of Harry and I, that’s why I came to Seattle two years ago” I told them.

“Well, since they don’t want you and him together, why not come with me instead, nobody is gonna oppose us. I can give you a quiet, peaceful and happy life”

Huh, what is he talking about? Maybe if Harry hadn’t show up, I would’ve consider his offer. But now it’s different, Harry’s here, he didn’t hold a grudge against me. He put behind everything he went through because of me, the least I can do now is stay beside him.

“Rufus, I can’t leave Harry. I ran away before because I was a coward, I thought I could run away and leave everything behind me. But I was only deceiving myself, I’ll stay with Harry now, for all entenity”

“But…. ”

“That’s enough, Rufus. You and I aren’t a good match”.

Ariana looks between us and shakes her head.

“Ari, sorry that I didn’t tell you earlier”

“I’m good, Katie” she leans in and whisper in my ear. “But I don’t think he is” she points at Rufus.

He is just staring at his food, his eyes red and his face red from anger.

I guess he’s hurt, it’s not easy to chase after someone for two, doing everything you can for them without hesitating and gets rejected at the end of the day.

“I have something to do” he said and leaves before I or Ariana could say anything.

“He’s hurt” Ariana states the obvious.

I simply nod in affirmation.






I gave her a choice to be with me and be saved, her staying with Harry will only bring harm to her. And besides I’ve been in love with her for two years, don’t I have the right to be with her?

Boss is ruthless, he kills without any regrets. If he knows I fail to convince Katie to leave Harry, then he’ll kill her Aunt or worse come for her.

Well, she can’t blame me if that happens. I tried to save her.

My phone rings, I reach for my back pocket and take it out.

It’s boss.


“Did she agree to leave?”

“Ermm… She… No”

“No?!” He laughs sinisterly. “Then we’ll have to send her a gift”

He hangs up.

Maybe with this gift, she’ll come to her senses and agree to leave with me.

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