STRANGE BEAUTY: Episode 11 – The End

Episode 16

?Strange Beauty ?
?[Diary of a beautiful she dev!l] ?

By: Blessing D writes
?Barry’s POV ?
I carried her carefully from the ground and turned to look at the founder still battling with the unseen dem0n.

The porter in which I came in with is still open so I got in and appeared at a strange place.

Okay, what’s happening? Where am I and why did the porter bring me here? I thought and looked around.

There weren’t other porters there and the one I got in with is not even here. I think its disappeared.

I gently kept Dana under the shade of a tree and looked around.

“Anyone there?” I yelled sighting a small house from afar.

The place looks dry, just like an abandoned place.


I really need to save Dana, I need to get her to dream world.

They all can put their heads together and save her, I seriously don’t no what to do.

Should I just transfer some of my energy to her, maybe she can get up with little energy.

Is she even alive at this point? I thought and decided to go act on what I thought of.

I squatted beside her and stretched forth my hands to her and started transferring energy to her, she could get warmed up too that’s if she’s not really dead.

I shut my eyes close and concentrated fully on it, recalling everything I’ve been taught over there in dream world.

This is the first time I’m actually trying to save someone tho I have a lot of mano’s over there.

I have a lot of friends so when I’d gotten the book I gave them all to look at it.

I never knew its contained such powers and its took me a while to realize it was actually that book when changes started in us.

I almost even dumped it in a trash can but later didn’t and decided to keep the book.

Then the founder came to me, yes he came to me personally and explained everything that was happening so I decided to follow him.

My friends refused and said I should firstly confirm if what he was saying was real so I followed him and confirmed it.

After a whole year I returned to get them but found out that 3 of them had died.

I don’t really understand how its happened but its made the rest whom has been in hiding to follow me back.

I suddenly started becoming weak after transferring a lot of energy and powers to her but she wasn’t moving an inch.

G0sh, I hope she is not really dead.

Lemme check her pulse, I thought and held her wrist to confirm that she still had but in matter of minutes or seconds she was gonna truly die.

Ah geez, f**k, this is real f**k.

I can’t let her die, what should I do? I thought helplessly.

Geez Dana, please just wake up.

I wonder why I met her on the floor.

Perhaps something happened to her when that dem0n wanted to vacate her body, yes, that’s what happened.

I think he made her like this while leaving her body.

But how will or what will I do now? I continued thinking then an idea struck me.

Hold on, since her tiny white light helped me, they can also help her right?

Yes, they can help carry her to world of wishes or even save her.

With that thought I started searching around her, if I can just see one of those light.

Just one, then Dana will be saved.

I lifted her head up and checked in between her hair to be sure.

Nothing, no light.

Where could they be? I thought helplessly then stood up and walked to the place we appeared from in hope of finding anyone there.

I continued searching using my supernatural eyes until I saw two different lights on the floor, as if they were dying.

Huh, I bent and immediately use my abilities to put them both on my palm.

Are they dying too?

Ah d@mn!

I continued starring at them wondering what I should do next.

Right now, they are Dana’s only hope.

I covered my palm then warmed them up, I then gave them my remaining energy and then they became vibrate and flew to the air.

“Hey, Dana is dying, you guys should do something about it before she dies” I told them weakly.

They turned and started multiplying and soon got up to a million.

They went to where Dana is and surrounded her.

I sat on the floor and watched as they lifted her up from the floor where I kept her and then they disappeared with her.

Aha! Finally.

Thank goodness they were able to take her, now how on earth I’m I gonna leave here now?

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