Charity and Chinelo had just finished with their midnight prayers and had settled in bed, ready to sleep off but sleep didn’t seem to be coming their way any moment from now.

“I’ve really missed having to pray with a fellow believer.” Charity said, trying to strike a conversation.

“How? You don’t attend a church?”

“I do I do, but don’t have any prayer partner of my own. There’s this added faith and more trust in God that comes with having a prayer partner of your own.” Charity said as Chinelo giggled.

“I understand how you feel. No man is an island, so the race shouldn’t be run alone. Me I love having prayer partners around me because…..I don’t know how to explain it, but that feeling of you knowing there’s someone you can call upon to assist you in prayers over one assignment or the other is just heavenly. No wonder the Bible says we’re members of the body of Christ. The “members” there literally means we obviously can’t do without one another’s support just like the parts of our body can’t do without one another. The hand can do great things but needs the leg to transport it once in a while when it wants to reach out to something.”

“The leg too needs the brain to determine where it’d go…..wait, did that make any sense?” Charity said with a giggle as Chinelo chuckled.

“The point is we need each other. I’m sure when you continuously seek the ever present help of the Holy Spirit and also the assistance of a prayer partner, you’d succeed in your intercession ministry.” Chinelo said

“Intercession ministry kwa? Please o, don’t give me a mantle I don’t have the anointing for. It’s just one person I’m interceding for, and that’s because I genuinely care about her, plus I want to know what it takes to win a soul.”

“Hmmm…..why do you want to know what it takes to win a soul?”

“I meditated on the book of Acts six months and something struck me in chapter 2. The usual custom is to meditate on one chapter per day throughout the month, but I used 3 days to study chapter 2, reading various versions of the Bible on the chapter.

Peter gave a preaching, his first sermon, and won 3,000 souls to God that day. Just one day o. I wondered within me and asked myself: what does it take to win just one soul to God? It was then I took my prayers over Debby serious because at that time I had already been making prayers for her.

If it’s taking this long to win Debby to Christ, that means there was an awesome overflow of grace that came upon the disciples when they recieved the Holy Ghost.” Charity said

“Hmmm…..yeah that’s true, even the Bible confirms it in chapter 4 verse 33 that great grace was upon them all.”

“Hmmm…..I think I’m beginning to get what God is trying to teach me through this burden I have for Debby. It takes the Holy Spirit and His released grace to win a soul. There are many preachers with little effect because the grace isn’t in their lives…” Charity said conclusively.

“And the grace isn’t in their lives because they’re not solely depending on the Holy Spirit.” Chinelo added

“Hmmm….the grace to win Debby to God isn’t in my life because I wasn’t depending solely on the Holy Spirit.” Charity said like a loud whisper. She got up from where she was lying with Chinelo and grabbed her jotter.

“What’s this?” Chinelo asked as she stared at the big triangle Charity had drawn and was showing her.

“The Bible says a threefold cord is not quickly broken. I understand the verse better now. It’s not only in marriage a threefold is needed, it’s needed in ministry too. It’s no wonder nothing can come between God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, because a threefold cord isn’t easily broken.” Charity said as Chinelo listened carefully.

“In whatever ministry anyone has, no matter how little or insignificant it might look to a person, the ‘threefold cord’ is necessary because it determines how far such ministry can go. The carrier of the vision, a personal prayer partner and the Holy Spirit would make up the threefold cord for any ministry to ensure such ministry doesn’t die down.”


“I now understand where I was getting it all wrong in my intercession for Debby, I thought I could do it all alone without following the threefold cord principle…..I get it now.”

“Hmmm….. beautiful. The Holy Spirit has explained it to you already. Wow, wonderful.” Chinelo said in amazement as Charity smiled broadly.

“3:30am already? Jesus! We finished our vigil 2 hours ago and we haven’t slept till now.” Chinelo said on checking the time but Charity laughed

“Sheybi we waited for sleep for more than thirty minutes and it didn’t come. Ehn, we decided to keep ourselves busy now.”

“Babe if the Mohammed doesn’t go to the mountain, the mountain would go to Mohammed. Biko let’s beckon sleep.”


“By closing our eyes and not gisting. I’m sure slept would come.”

“Toor. Okay o.” Charity said as she put back her jotter and laid down to wait for sleep.


Fred got up as early as 5am to plan his day. This week was going to be a busy one, so he needed to have each day properly planned out to achieve his aim.

First, he needed to finalise his dealing with someone so his Visa could finally be approved; then he needed to meet up with Chief Jubril later in the day for a meeting. Although they had met last week and discussed, he requested through a phone call last yesterday that they see again.

Fred has no idea what else he wants to see him for, but he has no other option than to oblige.

“I just hope I’m making the right decision in my agreement with this Chief.” He thought to himself and turned to look at Debby who was lying beside him, sleeping peacefully.

“I hope I’m not endangering your life as well.” He whispered to her.


Mrs. Eunice sat up on her bed with a great yawn. It was time for her morning devotion.

“Thank you Father, thank you Jesus.” Ssh said in low tones, shaking her legs vigorously to avoid sleeping.

After her usual opening prayer coupled with the Praise and Worship, she brought out her jotter and pen, ready to receive from her maker that morning.

As soon as she was done reading her Bible and jotting down the insights she had recieved, she flipped through the pages of her jotter to the part where she had written down scriptural verses containing the rich promises of God which she believed would manifest in her life as she confessed them often.

“God, what promise do you have from me this week?” She asked her master prayerfully and silently.

After few words of prayer, she glanced through the verses she had previously written down and decided to open to some of them.

“The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak…… though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” She felt her spirit read to her the moment she opened to the verse.

She didn’t know how, but she saw herself going through the verse over and over again, with an unspeakable feeling of great joy flowing through her like she had just successfully mined gold.

“The vision will surely come, it will not tarry.” She heard an inner voice assure her.


Fred walked into an executively looking hotel in a careful manner.

As soon as he entered, he looked around for Chief Jubril. On looking by his left, he saw a hand wave to him. He concluding he was the one and walked up to him.

“Mr. Fred.” He said, extending his hands for a handshake.

“Good evening Chief.” Fred said, embraced the handshake and sat down.

“I called for us to finalise our meeting.” He began after clearing his throat.

“Like I said in our last discussion, my nights with your…..who’s she to you again?”

“My friend Sir…a friend in business.”

“Good. My nights with this your business friend one week ago was so amazing that I’ve developed a sudden kind of interest in her.

I don’t know but, have you thought of a way you can arrange for me to have another night with her again? Just one more night.” Chief Jubril said as Fred thought for a while.

“Is something wrong young man? Or have I asked for a hard thing? Remember you promised to think about it in our last meeting and give me a feedback.” Chief said on noticing his silence

“No Sir, nothing’s wrong….and yes, I can make arrangements for you two to spend one more night together.” Fred said and Chief gave a satisfactory smile.

“That’s more like it. I’m very grateful for your kind gesture. Like I said in the message I sent few days back, you’d be paid heavily for this kindness. Thank you once again.” Chief Jubril said in smiles as he extended his hands for a handshake.

“You’re welcome Sir.”

The threefold principle….hmmmm


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