By Authoress Tee

Chapter 101

?The Flghting Ground?

Pearl’s eyes dazzled with tears as she watched Adonis’s dust disperse into the air, marking his departure from the world.

She still couldn’t believe that his once beautiful body was reduced to nothing more than a shimmering dust to be witnessed.

The weight of her grief pressed heavily upon her, threatening to consume her entirely.

As she sat there, lost in her sorrow, a rolled paper on the floor caught her attention amidst the tears.

She picked it up slowly, her trembling hands unfolding it with caution.

To her surprise, it was a painting, a depiction of herself standing in a meadow, adorned in a beautiful gown, surrounded by vibrant flowers and fluttering butterflies.

Pearl looked closer and noticed that atop the majestic painting was a heartfelt inscription: “My Favorite Painting.” The words brought a faint smile to her tear-streaked face, a reminder of the memories she had shared with Adonis.

As the tears continued to flow, the weight of her heartache became unbearable.

It was at this moment that a hand reached out to her. Raising her face up, she saw Draco’s.

Pearl placed her hand on his and he pulled her up slowly. He gently tucked away the strands of her shattered hair,

Touching her tears, Draco released a weak smile, his own sorrow evident in his eyes.

“It’s okay,” he reassured her softly and she quickly hugged him. “He doesn’t want you to cry. So grant his last wish.”

“I didn’t want him to die,” Pearl cried out loudly, her voice filled with anguish. “I don’t want anyone to die.”

“I know you don’t,” Draco mumbled, his hand gently patting her hair as if to soothe her broken spirit.

In the midst of their shared grief, Vince, who had been lying unconscious, finally stirred awake.

His eyes furrowed his brows as he beheld the scene before him.

Harnessing the power of Raven’s bI.ood, Vince manipulated the BI.ood moon overhead, causing its crimson glow to intensify.

A searing pain shot through Draco’s body, forcing him to his knees.

“Ahhh!” He groaned with his hand clutching his chest in agony.

“Dra!” Pearl’s voice trembled with fear as she quickly lowered herself to his level, her heart pounding in her chest.

The once familiar Draco was no longer himself, his body now marred by pulsating red veins, a manifestation of the torment consuming him.

The struggle he faced became increasingly unbearable and worse.

“Vince!” Pearl growled and swiftly turned with blazing blue eyes and an angry face.

Forming a big blue fireball, she threw it at him.

The force of the magic went in at an unavoidable speed, but instead of htting the target, someone else took the hit and that person turned out to be Daira.

She went down instantly and spat out a large amount of blood. Vince eyes widened while Pearl smirked.

Enraged by the interruption, she seized Daira in mid-air while keeping Vince trapped.

With a malicious grin, Pearl began to use her magic to tear Daira’s body apart, her legs, hands, and head were being forcefully pulled in different directions.

“Argghhh!” Daira’s agonized screams echoed through the air, the pain of the torture was unbearable.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Pearl unleashed another surge of power, and Daira’s body was torn apart, bI.ood spraying in every direction, even splattering Pearl herself.

The gruesome sight jolted something inside Vince, a surge of rage.

Breaking free from the lock spell, he dashed towards Pearl, fueled by anger.

Pearl summoned the power of the wind immediately and sent Vince flying miles away. Undeterred, Vince refused to give up and got up.

Meanwhile, the Terrors appeared instantly, joining the brvtal battle, adding chaos to the already chaotic scene.

Draco watched the fight weakly and decided that it’s time to put an end to everything.

Summoning his last strength, Draco succumbed to the darkness within him, transforming into a mo.nstrous being.

He grew in size, his hair darkening and his nails elongating.

His fangs became even more menacing, and his red eyes gleamed with a malevolent light that spelled certain death.

“No, no, he can’t become Dracula” Vince growled as he saw Draco’s horrifying transformation.

Abandoning Pearl and the others, Vince focused his attention on Draco, determined to stop him.

But this time, Draco was the one delivering bone-crushing blows and relentless attacks.

After giving him enough of his fist, Draco sent him sprawling to the ground, bI.ood filling Vince’s mouth. He grimaced, gritting his teeth as he clenched his fists in anger.

“I won’t let you defeat me. I’ll make sure you die today, you bastard” Vince muttered, his eyes burning with fury as he regained his footing.

Before he could make a move, Draco caged him and Pearl made millions of pins appear, releasing them to rain on him.

“Argghhh!” Vince groaned loudly as the pins were sent into his body.

Draco raised his hand up, revealing his long sharp nails and his eyes widened.


His “No” was cut off as Draco sliced him into multiple pieces and he burned to ashes instantly.

The dust settled, revealing the aftermath of the intense battle. Everyone returned to their calm state and sighed.

Draco released a deep breath and fell down unconscious. Pearl and the others rushed to him.

“We need to take him back” Blaze said and they left hurriedly.


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