By Authoress Tee

Chapter 99

?Mystic Realm?

Lyra stood atop a mountain, feeling the cool breeze brush against her face.

The breathtaking view of the valley below stretched out before her, and she couldn’t help but spread her arms wide, as if trying to embrace it all.

She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh mountain air, savoring the moment, and feeling a sense of peace wash over her.

Despite the excruciating pain in her chest, Lyra refused to let it show.

She had made up her mind to enjoy this last moment, to have one final happy memory before her inevitable end.

The power that had once flowed through her veins was slowly fading away, but she didn’t care.

The only thing that mattered now was this moment of pure bliss.

As she gazed out at the stunning view before her, Lyra couldn’t help but smile.

It was the kind of smile that only comes from deep within, the kind that radiates pure joy and happiness.

She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh, knowing that this was the last happy moment she would ever experience.

Lyra knew that her time was running out. The pain in her chest was growing stronger with each passing moment, and her powers were fading fast.

But for now, none of that mattered. She was here, in this moment, and she was happy.

She opened her eyes and looked out at the valley once more, committing every detail to memory.

She knew that this was a moment she would cherish forever, a memory that would stay with her until the end.

As she stood there, soaking in the peacefulness of the moment, Lyra knew that she was ready. Ready to say goodbye to the world she loves so much.

All she needed to carry with her into the great unknown was one last memory.


?Draco’s Mansion?

Draco’s room was a complete mess. Broken pieces of furniture and shattered glass littered the floor, and the walls were scarred from the force of his anger.

Another jug crashed against the wall, shattering into a thousand pieces.

The maids flinched at the sound, and one of them let out a whimper.

Grabbing one maid out of the three there, he forcefully bent her neck and sank his fangs into her.

“Arggh!!!” She cried, trying hard to break free from his iron grip.

The other maids watched in horror as he drained her blood and tore her head from her body and threw it across the room.

He has become a beast, no one can tame. Fear now lives in everyone around him.

He was about grabbing another girl, but Jax appeared in time to stop him.

“It’s enough buddy, you have to stop” Jax said, obstructing him with his hands.

“Move,” Draco growled.

“I won’t!”

“Move!” He repeated in a roar and flung him to the wall.

Jax winced in pain but didn’t budge. He knew that Draco can’t be controlled neither stopped.

He’s no match for his normal strength, not to talk of his angry state.

“Master, young Miss’ location has been sensed” Tom announced hurriedly before he could cause more damage.

Hearing those words, Draco’s blazing eyes calmed down instantly.

“Where is she?” He asked with his fierce gaze on him.

“Raven just reported that she’s being kept at Erebus Realm”.

“Don’t follow me!” Draco warned Jax sternly and left immediately through a portal without having a second thought.

“You really need to make your reporting time faster Pal, a life could be saved someday” Jax said, tapping Tom’s shoulder while he held his broken waist.

?Erebus Realm?

The whole room was dead silent, except for the soft sound of Pearl’s breathing.

She’s laying helpless on the cold floor, her body wracked with pain from the to.rture she had endured at the hands of Vince.

It had been too much for her to handle, and she had passed out multiple times during the ordeal.

Opening her eyes felt heavy, but she had to open them anyway.

Embracing the darkness again, she felt pains all over her body as she tried her best to sit up.

It was a struggle, but she managed to prop herself up on one elbow, wincing as she did so. Her whole body ached, every muscle sore and bruised.

Suddenly, a beam of light shone down on her, and she had to close her eyes against the radiating brightness.

When she opened them again, a tear rolled down her cheek.

There, standing in front of her, was the person she had been longing for, her hero and man, Draco.

“Gem!” His voice came out cracked and pained, and Pearl could hear the pain in it.

He feels terrible to see her in such a state. Hair shattered, cloth equal to a rag, a body covered in bruises.

He bent down and cupped her cheeks and for the first time in his life, he began to shed tears, an uncontrollable one.

“I’m sorry” he mumbled.

Pearl couldn’t say anything, only tears expressed her emotion. she felt a glimmer of hope in her heart.

“You finally decided to join the party?” Vince’s voice cut through the moment, and both Pearl and Draco turned to see him standing there, a d’vilish smirk on his face.

Draco’s head went nuts with rage of what he had done. The fact that he had the guts to treat his woman in such a way is a de.ath paying debt.

With a great speed of annoyance, he sped to Vince and grabbed his neck. He used his body to break the wall, making them land outside.

Pearl tried using her magic to heal her legs and it worked, but it still felt wobbly when she got up.

Stepping out of the room, she watched them flght furiously. Their battle is a strong one because of their unmatched strength.

The two men continued to exchange blows, their strength and fury escalating with each passing second.

Vince’s strength is equivalent to Draco’s or a little bit stronger, and that’s thanks to Pearl’s bI.ood.

“If I knew your darling pet’s blood would give this much strength, I would have gone ahead and drained her to de.ath” Vince said wickedly with his d’vilish smile.

“How dare you?” Draco snarled and slashed him with his long nails.

He frowned at the sight of the cut on his arm and did the same to him.

Pearl had always known that the supernatural world was a dangerous one, but she never imagined that it would come to this.

Seeing the man she loves fight is nothing but the sight of ho.rror.

Despite her fear, Pearl knew that she had to do something to help. With a deep breath, she summoned all the magic she had left and directed it towards Vince.

The force from her magic h!t him so badly that he had to fall to his knees and bI.eed. Draco grabbed him immediately to end it all.

Before he could attack him, Vince made them disappear from there.


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