The Benefits of Using Facebook Ads for Your Business

The Benefits of Using Facebook Ads for Your Business

If you run a business, then you know how important it is to keep your customers engaged and coming back to you.

One of the best ways to do this is through Facebook ads because it enables you to target customers based on the information they’ve shared on their profile, like age and location, so that you can advertise only to those people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.

The Benefits of Using Facebook Ads for Your Business. Thingscouplesdo

Here are just some of the many benefits that Facebook ads offer businesses like yours, so if you want to take your business to the next level, read on!

1) Target Customers By Geographic Location

One of best things about Facebook ads is you can specify exactly who sees your ad. Want to advertise in your location Simply type the name of your location into an interest category and you’ll only pay to display your ad to people interested in that place.

Simple, right? Right. But if you want a little more control over whom you target, check out audience targeting based on geography, demographics, language and device usage.

2) Offer Discounts to New Customers

Not everyone is willing to take a risk on new brands, even if they’re offering something that you already use. If a customer hasn’t used your product before, you might want to consider offering discounts or free trials to entice them into trying your product or service.

Give them something substantial in return (like no shipping fees for their first order) and get them hooked on your brand in just one interaction. After all, word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the best ways to spread your brand’s message.

3) Optimize Your Campaign for Best Results

You may already know that you need to choose your targeting options carefully.

The more specifically you can target your campaign, the better. With Facebook, there are hundreds of ways to slice and dice based on every possible detail about your audience—from age, gender, location and interests to engagement with your posts or even which devices they use.

4) Run A Weekly A/B Test

Running a simple A/B test that compares two versions of your website to see which one performs better will give you real insight into what works and what doesn’t, and it won’t cost much.

Even if you end up making no changes based on these tests, at least you have actionable data moving forward.

Try testing different CTAs, messages, images, wording—even different colors (or design). This can be extremely effective for lead generation campaigns—test out landing pages with and without a form field or button, or even try changing up copy on your call-to-action buttons.

Remember: You want your ads to work as well as possible so people sign up! Be sure to monitor conversion rates and track them over time, too. You might find that certain types of ad content perform best at certain times of day, on certain days of the week, or when targeting particular audiences.

5) Include Multiple Images in Each Ad

It’s important to include images within your ads. These days, you can add up to 20 images per ad in addition to your headline, description and link.

And don’t just create a one-off image and upload it—create a series of images that are unique and interesting.

For example, if you run a dog daycare business with multiple locations, why not create at least five photos (all featuring different dogs) rather than just one?

Studies have shown that including more than one image results in an average click-through rate (CTR) increase of 15 percent—and CTRs are directly tied to your success as an advertiser. A higher CTR means lower costs per click (CPC), which means higher profitability.

6) Review The Data, Then Revise

When it comes to campaigns, data is king. Use it to guide your thinking; use it to make decisions about how you’ll spend your budget and what types of ads you’ll target.

Spend some time learning about which types of customers find value in your products, which geographic areas have high potential for sales and what keywords are most likely to convert into leads.

Once you learn more about your ideal customer, it will be easier (and more fun) to create an advertising strategy that brings new customers through your doors. And if you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry—the Facebook Business page offers plenty of educational resources for new advertisers.

7) Get Educated

Facebook ads are a great way to expand your business and increase its visibility online. But many businesses hesitate to utilize their power because they’re not familiar with how they work or they fear they will cost too much money.

Luckily, nothing could be further from the truth. Getting started with Facebook ads is easier than you might think, and there are many free resources available that can help you succeed with these social ads.

So if you haven’t already begun implementing them into your marketing strategy, it’s time to take action!

Read on for some important reasons why you should use them for your business today!

1) Use A Call-to-Action Button

Always include a CTA button on your ads, whether you’re selling a product or service. Ad copy with a strong call-to-action works better because it tells viewers exactly what you want them to do: click. Having more than one CTA offers flexibility in case your target audience reacts differently to different options.

In other words, don’t make your ad all about special offers when what they really want is a free consultation. Having both lets you show that these are two ways to get where they need to go—click on either or both and have them take action!

2) Learn from Others Mistakes

Facebook is one of those platforms that has a steep learning curve. There’s a lot to learn—how to properly set up your ads, how to create compelling images, how to generate leads or sales with minimal effort. If you’re new to all that and trying to figure it out yourself (or with help from Google), there’s a good chance you’ll make some mistakes along the way. We say don’t be afraid to ask questions.

3) Keep Learning New Things

Marketing and advertising are always changing, which means that in order to keep your business growing, you need to evolve with them.

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There’s no better way to do that than learn from experts, and one great place to do it is at seminars. And not just any seminar: They have a wide range of topics available and all types of pricing, so you can choose something that fits within your budget.
Having read through this article, am sure you have known the benefits of using Facebook Ads for your business.
