THE CONGRUENCE Episodes 18 – 21

The man went ahead to explain the different dimensions of God’s love and how we didn’t need to do anything to qualify for it. How it’s freely given to all that would accept it.
How it’s wide enough to accommodate us…regardless of what we’ve done, even when we can’t love ourselves. How it’s deep enough to reach down and pick us up from inside our mess. The man then told his personal story and how God saved him when everyone else had turned their backs on him…even his family.

He also quoted Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool”
The message resonated with me so much…then out of the blue, the Pastor said there was someone watching him from a hospital bed and had just lost a pregnancy. That God was ready to forgive the person for the things she did and heal her, spirit soul and body.
Long story short, right there on the hospital bed, I repeated the prayers on the TV and gave my life to Jesus. The preacher advised anyone that said the prayers to find a Bible believing church and fellowship with them.

I felt a rush of peace within and knew something had happened to me although I couldn’t explain it. I was crying but it was different this time…they were tears of joy, like a burden was lifted off my head. Even the pain I was feeling went away just like that.


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