THE DIAMONDS SEASON 2-By Faith Lucky: Episode 1-10

(He’s Cold – hearted,
but he’s mine?)

Episode 3

By: Faith Lucky

Cali’s Pov:
I yawned out of sleep and found myself still lying on the bed.

Hmm. I stretched and that was when it occurred to me – I was actually the only one on the bed.

Where’s Miquel? Where did he sleep last night?
Hmph. I couldn’t even remember anything.

I sat up on the bed and thought for a while. I needed to go for classes, huh?

But where’s Miquel?

I stood up and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. What do I even eat?

I decided to sort something out in the kitchen and getting there, I was shocked to find Miquel.


He’s been here all along???

He turned to give me a stare.

“Hey” he hushed and turned back to what he was doing.

I closed the door and walked in.

“Good morning”, I said with a shy smile as I got to where he was and stood beside him.

He was making scrambled eggs.

“Good morning, beauty. How was your night?” He asked and I felt my cheeks turn red.

Did he just….

Did he just call me beauty???

“Are you seriously blushing because of that?” He asked with a scoff, bemusing me the more.

How did he know I was blushing?

He turned to look at me and I twitched.

“Is that the first time you’re hearing that from a guy?” He asked, staring directly at me.

“What?? Of….Of course, not. I had a lot of boys that’s been crushing on me back then in school. I was a queen, you know?” I rolled my eyes and leaned on the counter.

“Really?” He turned back to the eggs.

“So, you dated a lot of boys, then?”

“Huh?? Of course, I didn’t. Actually, I usually got angry when boys chase after me and majority of them back then tend to avoid me in school. Only the determined ones persisted” I replied.

“So…’re trying to say you scare boys?” He asked.

“Well, yes. I’m actually a stubborn lady, you know? And I’m not scared of anyone. I just….”

“But you’re scared of me?” He looked at me and asked and I felt my heart skip.

G0sh! Does he really have to point out the fact that he’s my weakness???

I bit my lips and stared down at the table and he chuckled and continued with the eggs.

“Go get the bread from the fridge” he said and I quickly left to get it.

Hmm. A big cold loaf.

He turned off the gas, poured the scrambled eggs into a plate and we left for the room to eat afterwards.
Naomi’s Pov:
“Seriously Naomi? You think we’re betrayers?” Natalie asked as i stood in the room with all three of them.

“The h*ell, yes. One or all of you betrayed me. How else did Miquel get to know about the plan? Was he told by a ghost or what??” I snapped at them.
“I’m…I’m really sorry about that, Naomi. But one thing’s for sure – I had nothing to do with it. I’d never betray you, Naomi” Ivy also said and I rolled my eyes.

“Same here, Naomi. I’d never betray you” – chipped in Betty.

I fisted my hand and moved closer to them.

“One thing’s for sure” i said.
“The traitor’s right here – staring at me. And I want you to know this. I’ll definitely fish you out. And once I do, you’re dead. I swear with my life, I’ll kill you” I threatened and walked out on them.
Derek’s Pov:
I drove through the magic portal and found myself in a secluded area in the institute.

The white Diãmônds institute!!

Yes. I made it.

I stood up from the floor where I’d landed and looked around.

Just incase you’re wondering, I’m Derek, the guy sent by Mykel to get Cali.

Traveling through magic portals is a rare gift I posses. And as a matter of fact, I was the only one with such gift in the Black Diãmônd institute.

I could make portals to take me anywhere in the world without having to pass through the gate.

I held my bag properly and started walking.

I needed to acquire my target. The boss had only given me a short time. Where’s the banshee?
Cali’s Pov:
After eating with Miquel, I took my bath and while in the shower, I kept praying he doesn’t come in like he did last night.

I mean, it’s weird staying with a guy who could open locked doors even without touching them. I just feel like I’m completely vulnerable to him.

I successfully took my bath without any interruptions, dried my body with a towel and put on my clothes right there.


Then, I returned to the room and found him working on some papers.

I walked closer, but he didn’t lift his head to look at me.

“Um….I’ll be leaving now” I told him and he shot me a glance.

“Okay, then. Have a nice time” he said and focused on the papers.

What was he doing anyway?

I picked up my bag and left.
I got out of the apartment and started towards the lecture hall.

How would I be able to meet Nina and Diane? Could they be in the lecture hall already?

I sighed and continued walking anyway and decided to beguile the moment with blissful thoughts of Miquel and I.

I remembered how he kssed and touched me last night.
G0sh!! That guy was really a lover boy.

I could imagine how he’d be in…bed.

Oh! Cali!!! What am I even thinking?


I smiled and just then, got stopped by a guy who stood in front of me.

Huh? Who’s he?

I looked at his hand and discovered he had so many tattoos on it.

But I was able to figure out a name from the tattoos:


“Do you need something?” I asked him since he was standing on my way.

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