

THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 11 to 20.

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??

? Episode Eleven ?

THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 11 to 20.

? Skylar ?

I opened my eyes slowly,l shut my eyes quickly as my head was pounding terribly.

“Are you okay” someone asked and l opened my eyes immediately.

I tried to sit up but he helped me lie back on the bed.

“Who are you?” I asked but words refused to form in my mouth.

“Don’t force it, you can’t speak” he said and my eyes widened.

“What are you saying?” I wanted to say but again words refused to form in my mouth.

Then it dawn on me, l really cannot speak.

I closed my eyes as a drop of tear came running down.

What happened to me?
Who is he?
Why can’t l speak?

These were the thoughts that ran through my head.

“Don’t cry” he said and wiped my tears with the back of his palm.

“Am Dreyfus, a friend, l helped you escape, l know you have lots of questions going through your head right now but trust me, l will never hurt you.”

How can l trust you, when l don’t know who the hell you are? I wanted to yell but again words refused to form in my mouth.

I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

The tears just couldn’t stop falling.

Uncle Noah must be very worried about me now, Clariss, Maya.

My goodness! I need to get outta here.

“Don’t even think of running, here is the safest place for you now, and moreover l will have to find a way to help you speak again.”

How did he knew l was planning on running?

This guy is wierd and handsome though.

“I will give you a book and a pen, write down anything you want to say” he said and l nod.

“Who are you?” I wrote.

“Dreyfus” he replied.

“Have we met before, why did you save me?” I wrote.

“Yes we v’e met before and l saved you because l had to” he replied.

“We really have met before! Why can’t l remember?”

“You are asking too many questions, you have to rest now, the state perspector is with your twin, he didn’t know you are a twin, he thought she was you,am afraid he is gonna manipulate her into doing something dangerous.”

Picked For You:  A HOWL IN THE NIGHT: Episode 6-10

“No! I need to live now, l have to save my sister” l wrote quickly.

“Don’t act rashly, l will help you do that but l still have to find out the state perspector’s real motive” he said

“Who really are you?why are you helping me?”l wrote.

“You need to rest now, l can assure you are safe with me, don’t think about running, l will know before you even think of it” he said.

“I will leave now,the maids will attend to you” he said then left.

? Dreyfus ?

I left the house quickly, l need to see Lonrenzo’s teacher.

Few mitres from the house, l started to percieve an unfamiliar scent.

Someone is tracing me.

“Come out now” l said as l stood still.

I could percieve the scent getting closer.

A va..mpire! Why will a va..mpire follow me?

“Come out vampire” l said again and l could feel him superspeed.

And in a twinkle of an eye he appeared in front of me, holding a da..gger to my neck.

Hahahaha! This is hilarious.

“You think this can kill me? You blood bag” I spat out angrily.

In a swift move,l collected the da.gger from him, and placed it on his neck.

He was taken unaware.

“You sent you?” I asked.

“I won’t say a thing a$$hole” he said.

“You are testing my patience va..mpire.”

“Who the he..ll sent you?”

“The firmament master.”

“The firmament master?”

“What does he have to do with a bl©©dy he.ll like you, l was on my way to see him.”

“Am a student of firmament, l have no intentions of killing you l was carrying out the Masters order.”

“The firmament master wants the bl©©d of the girl with you, so he asked to see you so l could sneak in and get her bl©©d.”

“Why does he want her blood? His he trying to fool me?”

“Master wants to check if her blood matches with his.”

“What? Do you know what the he..ll you are saying?”

“Master thinks she is his daughter!”




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