Protected: THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

?? Written by Joan lkponmwosa ??
? Episode 46?

? Skylar ?

I got home to meet uncle Noah and Maya sleeping already.

I tip toed to my room to avoid unnecessary questions.

I checked up on Maya and she was soundly asleep, then l went straight to my room.

Here in the palace we have our own rooms, the prince made it comfortable for us.

I got in the bed and slept off immediately.


*Next morning*

I woke up with a slight headache.
I stared out of the window, l can’t believe l slept this long.

I got out of bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly.
How come l slept this late, Clary is not home,and Maya is pregnant have to do all the chores alone.

I have to wake Maya up, l headed straight to her room, still yawning and rubbing my eyes.

I knocked but got no response, l thought she was being dramatic again, so l pushed the door open,but found the room empty.

“Maya! Maya! I called,.

“Maya! Maya! I yelled but got no response.

I walked to the sitting room and saw uncle Noah sitting reading a magazine.

“Good morning Uncle Noah” l greeted.

“Morning” he replied still focused on what he was reading.

“Uncle have you seen Maya?” I asked and that got his attention.

He dropped the magazine and stared back at me.

“She should be in her room” he replied.

“Her room? She is not in her room” l replied.

“Maya! Maya! I called again and got no response.

I ran to the backyard and checked everywhere inside the house but couldn’t find her.

I ran to her room and checked her wardrobe,but her uniforms were there,where on Earth is she.

Now am dmn worried.

“You still can’t find her” uncle Noah asked as he stood by the door.

“No” l replied as l started crying already.

“Stop crying, go check the maids quarters, maybe she decided to wake up early and help with the chores today” uncle Noah said.

“Yes that’s true” l said.

I ran to my room and put on my maids uniform,in the palace you are not allowed to enter the maids quarters without putting on a uniform and a badge.

I rushed out of the house and headed to the maids quarters.

“And why are you just coming, where are your sisters?” the head maids daughter asked and glared at me.

“My sister’s, is Maya not here?” I asked.

“Get to work immediately” she said ignoring my questions.

I got to work immediately.

I was working but my mind was far away.

I broke two plates at once and all the other maids stared at me in surprise.

I was expecting the headmaid to yell at me but she gave me a small smile and pointed at my finger.

Have injured my fingers and it was bleeding.

“You may leave, go treat your wounds” the headmaid said.

“Thank you ma’am” l said and bowed slightly.

I hurried out and ran to my house.

“Uncle! Uncle! I called panting……as l entered the house.

I met him in the living room glaring at a piece of paper.

“Uncle, l can’t find Maya”l said and he gave me the piece of paper.

“I found it in her room” he said patted my back and left.

I glanced through the paper in my hands and it felt like my world was collapsing.

It reads:

“Dear, uncle Noah, Clary, Skylar, am sorry l had to leave like this, my life is in danger and l have to protect myself at all cost to keep my baby.

By the time you see this note, l will have gone far away but don’t be sad, knowing that l will be safe is all that matters.

One day we will surely meet again and then l will explain better.

Missing you all already,I love you all and it’s so painful it has to be like this.

Please don’t be angry with me, l promise to return safely.”


My legs were like jelly fish, and my vision was blurry.

No Maya, Maya come back please, l screamed and slumped to the floor and everything went blank.




We got to the camp, and they were soilders parading.

We hid behind walls as they passed by us.

They all maintained a straight line, our plan was to Knock out the last two soilders.

Master dragged him to a corner using his hand to cover his mouth and knock him out, while l did same to the other.

After knocking them out we took there uniforms and rushed to join the soilders.

After entering the camp, all the soilders were assigned to different stations for the night patrol.

Fortunately for us, master and l were paired together.

We sneaked into the room the northern prince was kept.

The room was heavily guarded.

And most of them used black magic.

“Some of them are not humans, this is gonna be difficult” l whispered.

“Nothing is difficult” master said and they all fainted.

I gasped in surprise.

“Why are you gapping, search for the prince while watch the entrance” master said.

I searched the room looking for the crown prince.

The room had so many doors that lead to inner rooms.

I searched each and everyone one of them,where did they hide the prince?

“Be fast Dreyfus”master mind communicated.

I opened the next door and a blade came flying towards my direction,I dodged it quickly.

This must be the room,they are traps here.

And finally l heard whimpers.

I rushed towards the sound, and two blades came flying to my direction at once.

I jumped to the other side if the room and dodged it quickly.

Then l stepped on something, no on someone.

The prince!, He looked pale.

I bent down to untie him quickly.

Watch out he yelled as another blade came flying to my direction.

I dodged it quickly.

They placed so much efforts into setting traps here.

What a waste of time, l thought.

“Master l found him” l mind communicated.

“Teleport back to firmament, the soilders are all heading towards this place” he said.

“What about you?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about me, Take the prince and leave” he said.

I took the prince hand, and in a second we were already in firmament.

“Master” l called surprised as l saw him standing with Finn.

“Take the prince to the guest room,call a witch doctor, he needs to be treated properly” master instructed Finn.

“Yes master” Finn said.

“The state perspector is going to suspect us, make sure the guest room is well guarded, only witches should be assigned to guard him.”

“Yes master” Finn said and took the prince away.

“Clarissa!” I and master said in unison.

“Well, they are yet to wake up” master said.

“It’s just two days to the full moon, and she isn’t waking up, have never been this scared all my life” master confessed.

“We still have hope, two days is still a long way, l hope she wakes up before then” I said.

“The crown prince life lies in her hands, if she doesn’t wake up before the full moon,then he will die, and no power will stop it.

The emperor is gonna go berserk.
It shouldn’t happen, we can’t lose Lonrenzo,we just can’t.”

“Let’s be positive master, we won’t lose him,we won’t lose them.

“Master!” A maid came running in.

“Master” she called and bowed.

“Master, the young mistress is awake.”




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