Protected: THE FIVE COLORED STONES: Episode 41 to The End

The Five Colored Stones

Supernatural Story

? Phoenix high school ?

? Episode 49?

(The palace)

?The martial arts teacher ?

“Your majesty” she said and prostrated.

“The kid is no longer in my custody” the emperor said and she widened her eyes in surprise.

“A few days ago, Azeez rushed in here to rescue her, at first l didn’t know why, but now l know.

The crown prince is unwell, after he recovers, he will investigate the matter,take care of the school child, that should be your priority now that Chloe is no more” he said.

“As you wish your majesty” she replied.

“The school will appointment a new principal soon.”

“Yes your majesty” she said and left.

A guard came running in.

“Your majesty! Your majesty!”


“The empress is missing, he said as he wanted heavily.

“What?, How could that happen?”

“Your majesty, a maid said she saw the empress leaving the palace yesterday with Alvin her personal guard.”

“And why are you still here?”

“Am sorry your majesty.”

“Go, find her, l want her back home before before Dawn.”

“Yes your majesty” he said and left.

“Report!” A guard said.


“Your majesty, the crown prince is here.”


“Yes your majesty.”

“Tell my son to come in quickly.”



? Lonrenzo ?

“Your majesty” Lonrenzo greeted and prostrated.

“Lonrenzo!”the king called and stood on his feet.

“Come here my son” the emperor said and Lonrenzo walked up to him.

“Arrrgh! Lonrenzo screamed as two hot slaps greeted him.

“Father!” Lonrenzo cried out.

“Do you know the Azeez almost lost his life because of your waywardness.”

“Am sorry father,l won’t ever be disobedient again” he said and rubbed his hurting and now reddened cheek.

“Oh shut up, you are just too strong headed, and now your mother is missing.”

“Father, mom is safe, she is in firmament” he said still rubbing his cheeks.

“How did she get there, l told her not to leave the palace for heaven’s sake, now l know were you took your attitude from, like mother like son.”


“Shut up, you are gonna be grounded in the palace for a month And don’t you dare disobey me.”

“As you please, your majesty” Lonrenzo said in sarcasm.

“Get out.”

“Well father……”


“Father, Fine! Am sorry okay, am really sorry for everything that happened this time, but l can’t stay grounded for a month and you know it, so don’t let it come as a surprise if l disobey you again.”

“Lonrenzo” the emperor called sternly.

“Am sorry father, but mom isn’t fine, she got a cold that was why she is still in firmament,they were ambushed on there way and Alvin managed to escape with mom and took her to firmament leaving their carriage behind.

Alvin sustained lots of injuries, we tried to save him but he died and mom got a fever out of shock, l want to let father know that mother is safe with me,l will send her back once she recovers.” I finally finished my lies.

This are the lies that were perfectly arranged by Dreyfus and I, lf father gets to know the truth then Clarissa’s life will be in danger, so we rather came up with lies.

“Well that serves her right, she is lucky to be alive, it’s very inappropriate for the empress to leave the palace, prepare a carriage and send her back” father said after his long silence.

I almost thought he knew l was lying.

“Tell the minister of finance to reward Alvin’s family for protecting the empress and he should be buried among the Patriots and will forever be remembered.”

“Yes your majesty, l will leave now” l said and made to leave.

“Wait and were do you think you are going?” He asked as expected.

“Firmament” l said simply.

“I will give you three days to return to the palace, because l want you to take good care of Azeez, transfer some internal energy to him, yesterday l noticed that almost all his energy were drawn from him, that isn’t simply, l will need explanations when he recovers.”

“Thank you, your majesty” l said and bowed slightly.

I arrived firmament, and rushed to see master.

“Master”l called as he struggled to seat up.

“Lonrenzo, you are finally awake” he said and coughed slightly.

“Am sorry master” l said quickly.

“Shut it, will you? Am tired of hearing countless of unremorseful sorry from you.”

“Am sincerely sorry this time, l mean it.”

“Where is the empress, l saw her barge in before l fell unconscious.”

“She is fine now, the emperor request l send her back.”

“That’s good, that’s good.”

“Where is Dreyfus?”

“Dreyfus is at home, he have been really distant since l woke up, l don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

“Let him be.”

“Master, am sorry for all what l caused” l said .

“Those that mean you are willing to kill her now?”master asked and my eyes widened in shock.

“Master l……”

“Answer me Lonrenzo.”

“No master, it’s unfair, we can’t just take advantage of her,we made her like this, her third and fourth seal have been broken” l said.

“What?”master exclaimed surprised.

“Yes master, the Phoenix book broke her fourth seal, now it’s just one seal left, and you except me to kill her, use her and kill her? ”

“This is bad, really bad,after her fifth seal is broken, then the prophesy will be fulfilled, the world will be doomed forever.”

“Lonrenzo, you have no choice, you gat to kill her, kill her Lonrenzo.”

“No l will never, never, ever.”

“Did you really fall for her?”

“Yes l fell, l fell so deep, that l can’t find my way out,l love her master.”


“Yes l love her, l love her so much, l tried to fight it but there is really nothing l can do about it.”

“Have you read the Phoenix book?” Master asked.

“Not yet, am scared that what’s inside won’t be so good to know.”

“Have you ever wondered why the Phoenix book belong to you and only you?”

“The answers you seek may be right there.”

Why haven’t l thought of this?

Maybe to read the book is just what l need, maybe l can find the answers to this mystery and be with the one l love forever.




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