THE GOVERNOR’S SON: Episode 21-30


(? What my heart wants)

By Authoress Naomi

? Episode twenty-nine ?

? Stanley ?
I opened my eyes faintly and studied my surroundings, I’m definitely in an hospital, I remember having a stinging stomach ache after eating the fruits salad Krystal made, what the h.ell happened?

“Stanley you’re up” a voice I recognize said….what’s she doing here?” I asked myself as I spranged up and saw its truly her, Rihana, two more people are in the ward, Dad and Steve

I tilted up and faced them

“Can someone explain what’s going on to me?” I asked in confusion as I felt a small pain on my stomach, I raised my clothe and saw my stomach has been stitched

I looked up at them again

“You were poisoned, Elvira and your d@mn Hellen poisoned you” Rihana said

“What are you talking about right now!, What nonsense are you spewing!” I screamed

“Just show him the audio and he’ll stop shouting” dad finally talked and Rihana brought out her phone, she played an audio and I couldn’t believe my ears at what I’m hearing

The two people I love most in this world are planning evil against me, Elvira planned with Krystal to poison me cos of Gold empire!’, it’s definitely their voices and the fact that I was actually poisoned confirmed that

How could they…. how could Krystal do this to me, how could Elvira plan evil like this?, Tears streamed down my face as I replayed the audio over and over again

“I disowned Elvira already and I’ve told Hellen to vacate your house” dad said but I don’t care, I don’t even know what to do

“I want to see them both” I finally said

“Why would you….

“I only want to let them know how disappointed I am” I interrupted sharply

? Elvira ?
We were both called in and we both rushed in but we were prevented from getting close to him .

“Stanley please don’t believe them, it’s all lies, you know I love you right?, You know I can’t possibly do that right?” Hellen said with a broken voice

“Krystal, you!, You betrayed me with Elvira, I thought you loved me, I gave you my truth, my love my everything but all you could do is try to hurt me” he ranted in tears too

“Stan I swear it, I’m not involved in this, I’m innocent” she defended

“So I should believe the voice is another person’s voice, I should believe a spirit added the poison to the fruits salad” he said disgustingly

“Stanley I’m….

“You disgust me, just get out, get out!” He shouted and when Hellen refused to do so, dad called his guards and they threw her out

Stanley faced me

“And you, I thought you’re my sister, I thought you were the most loving sister in the world, I loved and cherished you, why did you do it why….

“Stanley you need to believe me I’m ..

“You know what?, I know you’re gonna deny it too, just get out of my face and never come back again, you’re no more my sister” he shouted in tears

“You know what Stanley, so far I know I and pinky are innocent, I have no guilt, you act before you think, I’m not surprised, but by the day you’ll find out the truth, know that I won’t forgive you easily…. and dad, you’re not exceptional, you’re a m©nster!” I shouted as I rushed out, I didn’t find pinky and Helga in the reception again, just Tyler

I walked out briskly and he followed behind

I entered my car and just drove off

I got to the house and picked a few of my things, I can’t even stay in the house again

I rushed back out and met Tyler

“Where are you going?” He asked

“Anywhere except this place, it’s suffocating, especially with people who don’t trust me” I snapped back

“Elvira, I trust you, it’s just that the voice looks…..

“See?, Even till now you don’t trust me” I said and entered the car

“Are you going back to your house?” He asked

“No!, Even that place won’t be a good idea, I’m going to another place” I said in tears

“But Elvira, we just came back from our honeymoon yesterday, we’re just married, this shouldn’t be happening” he said

“Well, I don’t want to stay with someone who doesn’t trust me, let’s cool off for now, bye!” I said and drove off…I’m actually going to Helga’s place cos I know pinky will go back home

? Hellen ?
Immediately I was thrown out of the hospital, Helga held me, my heart is bleeding, how could Stan not even spare me a little trust, how could he throw me away cos of a voice note, how could he say I disgust him?, How could all these be happening to me, no, what in the holy moly is happening to me, I thought our relationship will be sweet, not knowing it’s be mixed with bitterness soon

I Ieft the car I brought to the hospital and boarded a cab with Helga, I was crying throughout the drive back to the mansion where I picked my belongings and left the mansion after looking at it intently and nearly crying my eyes out

I was dragged out by Helga as the cabby drove us back home… home, the place I left six months ago

I ran in and hugged dad who’s sitting on his favorite cushy chair

He looks shocked to see me in such a state

I couldn’t even explain to him cos it’s as if I’ve been chocked, it’s Helga who explained everything

Dad gave me a comforting hug and Pat my back

“Hellen, you know I’ve always told you not to cry wherever I am, it brings tears to my face too” he said and I broke the hug and looked at his face, he’s crying already and I hate seeing him cry

I quickly cleaned my tears and cleaned his too

“I’m not gonna cry again” I said and he gave a sad smile

“Now that’s my girl, I trust you and I know you won’t do such, I know the daughter I have, the truth will come out, you don’t have to worry or cry” he said and hugged me again, Helga just looked on

Then the door opened and Elvira entered with her bags

My eyes widened

“Did he really mean it?” I asked

“You don’t know governor Armstrong, he’s strong headed and he acts before thinking, that’s the only thing Stanley inherited from him, I can’t believe he threw you away, and I can’t believe he’ll throw me away too” she said and sat

“I don’t blame him, anyone will believe it after listening to the voice note and getting poisoned” I said

“You’re right, but it still hurts……can I stay here?” She asked

“What of Tyler?” I asked

“He doesn’t trust me” she answered

“I don’t blame him too, the voice note is just too exact, I wonder how they copied our voices….

“I wonder who did it” she said

“Who else but Rihana, but don’t you suspect Steve’s weird expressions too, he wasn’t saying anything” I replied.

“Yes!, You know I told you he’s behaving weird when I came to give you the strawberries yesterday, but how the poison got into it is what I don’t understand and it’s driving me nuts” she replied

“I dunno too….well, you can stay here” I said and managed to give a faint smile

“I know I should have gotten another apartment but I just want to be around people who trust me” she said and I smiled

“You’re highly welcomed here” I said again and she hugged me

“We’ll fight this together” she consoled.

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