THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 10.

When Jadeshola had left, Mary sat down on the ground, feeling frustrated. She quickly understood what was happening, the people outside cannot hear or see them that are inside. But they inside can hear and see them. She started having different thoughts. She was still sitted crying when Tina walked up to her angry.

Tina: I dont like you, since you came to this house things have not been the same, my sister and I have been in this place for thirteen years and nothing has happened to us. And just one day of your coming she is gone. I dont know how you did it but its your fault.

He was supposed to take you, he always takes the new girl. But somehow you managed to push him away from you to my sister. I do not know how you did it. And I do not care how you did it, all I know and I want to tell you is to stay clear off me in this house. If not, I’d be the one to kill you before he comes for you.

Faith: Tina stop it, why are you attacking her, its not her fault that it chose Lanna. We were all here when it happened did you see her say or do anything?

Tina: Yes its her fault! She did something, I dont know what but she did something, she pushed him to Lanna, she is the reason Lan is dead. And today didnt you see her mom knocking and screaming at the door? All this years we’ve been here, have you seen anyone come here? Am telling you there is something about this girl and we need to be careful of her before she drags us all to death with her evil.

Faith: stop it Tina, its not Mary’s fault. I know you are still upset about Lanna’s death but you can’t take it out on Mary, it’s not really her fault. And as for her mom coming over to look for her. I think its a good thing and we should be happy about that.

At this point Ola stood up.

Ola: Did you guys notice what I noticed today?..

The girls all turned and faced her.

Ola: her mom (she points at Mary) her mom came to this house, she touched the door, knocked on it, even hit it hard, she went behind the house. No one has ever done that, she climbed on the window, she shouted and called out her daughter.

Tina: so?

Ola: she didnt get trapped, she didnt fall into this house, she was not taken. No one comes close to this house, no one touches this house , no one dares go round this house.

The girls kept quiet. As they began thinking of it.

Tina: I said it, I told you, there is something about this girl and her mom. (Tina rushes to Mary and pulls her by the hair) what is it about you, tell me now, tell me now.

Ola and Faith ran to her and tried to pull her away from Mary but they couldn’t, as they kept shouting and screaming it suddenly appeared. Tina out of fear left Mary and ran to a corner. As the m0nster angrily went over to Mary, it wanted to pick her once more but something keeps pushing him away and again it left Mary angrily and jumped on Ola, who started screaming as the m0nster jumped on her neck, drinking and scratching her all over. It eventually dragged her away from their presence.

The girls were scared and terrified. It has never dragged anyone away before.

Mary: Where did it take her, what is it going to do with her?

Tina: This is all happening because of you. It has never taken anyone before, never, and it comes every fourth nights, only fourth nights, and today is the second night since Lanna died. Its not even up to four nights, since you came, everything has changed. And it is getting angry and angry and is ready to kill all of us. All because of your. (She paused and thought for a while and then suddenly she shouted) And come to think of it why has it not taken you? What is it about you ?

Mary ignored Tina and runs to Faith,

Mary: Where has it taken Ola? What is it going to do with her?

Faith: I dont know, I really dont know.

The young girl was shaking in fear and she held onto Mary tight as they wondered next what will be its next move.

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