THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2!

Episode 11.

The girls have waited all through the day for Ola to return but there was no sign of her. Faith was pacing up and down the room. Mary sat down screwing through her mothers phone trying to find a network. Tina sat on the floor rolling her eyes around the house.

Tina: she’s gone Faith, Ola is gone.

Faith: No, I dont think so, she will return. I believe she will return. I have a feeling in my heart that she will return.

Tina: When? (Tina burst out crying) When is she going to return? We’ve been waiting for man than 15hours and there is no trace of her, no sign of her existence. Keep quiet and listen, its like a grave yard. Do you hear anyone calling us for help? Do you hear anything? If she is alive somewhere we would know. I am telling you that she is gone. That blood sucking b@stard has killed her.

Faith: No Tina, I refuse to believe it. 4 days ago we were 5 in number and then it took Lanna and just today it will take Ola? No, I refuse to believe it. Maybe she’s injured somewhere, she will be back. Am sure she will.

(Faith kept on pacing around the house, Mary soon joined her but she was searching for network on the phone. Tina was still sobbing silently.)

Tina: (silently) it will come for us, Faith, it will come back for us, maybe you or me and it will take one of us and kill us just like he did Lanna and Ola. (She starts crying loud) its coming for us, its coming from us.

Fear gripped Faith when she heard Tina talking like this. She ran to her and held her tight as Tina continued crying.

Tina: What do we do Faith, it’s coming for us. Its obviously afraid of her (she said referring to Mary) but its not scared of us and so its either you or me, its coming for us Faith.

Faith thought for a while and then stood up and held Mary and looked her in the eyes.

Faith: What is it about you? Why is it afraid of you? Why can’t it hurt you?

Tina also stood up and walked up to Mary.

Tina: I dont want to die, please tell us why that thing is afraid of you, and why he can’t hurt you. Please tell us please Mary. Am sorry if I’ve been rude to you. But please dont let me die.

Mary looked at the two girls, she wasn’t even sure if the m0nster was really scared of her or if she was just being lucky. But now that the girls have mentioned it, she began to think it might be possible that the m0nster is afraid of her.

And then her eyes spotted the king James Bible app that was in the phone, she quickly sat down and opened to the book of proverbs 18:10 and she read it loud to the girls.

”The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs to it and they are saved”

Tina: If we run under this name, are we going to be protected too?

Mary: Yes Tina, but first you have to surrender everything to him and dedicate your life to him.

Faith: We are ready to do that, how do we go about it?

Mary quickly searched the Bible and saw another verse. Repeat after me she said.

Psalm 57:1

Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in you I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until this disaster has passed.

The girls quickly repeated after her as she led them to make a confession and accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and saviour, and then she taught them about the power in the name of Jesus.

Mary: At the mention of the name of Jesus every knee bows. Every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. That day the beast came to take me, all I did was keep pleading the blood of Jesus and calling on His name, I believe that’s the reason he was unable to take me.

Faith: So what do you say we do when he comes back to take us.

Mary: Its time to fight back, we can’t just sit and watch him come and take us one after the other. He can’t come and drink from us and then kill us as it likes. And we cannot remain captives in this house. Enough is enough.

Tina: But even if we can do that, how do we open these doors? They’ve been locked for years and no one knows how to open them.

Mary: The Bible says there is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain, I also believe that the power in that name can break this door down.

Faith runs to the kitchen and gets a long knife, and a shovel. She stretched one of the knife and gives it to Tina and then she gave the shovel to Mary.

Mary: What is this for?

Faith: I thought you said it is time to fight back. I am ready, we are ready!

Mary smiles and drops the shovel.

Mary: you cannot fight the spiritual with the physical, the Bible says in the book of

Corinthians 10:4 King James Version (KJV)
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.

Tina: I do not understand, how do we fight then.

Mary: Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We fight with the word of God! We fight with this.

She raised the phone up.

Tina: But that’s just one phone. How can we fight with one phone?

Mary: Not the phone, but the word of God in the phone.

Faith: But we are not familiar with the Bible verses.

Mary: Then sit let’s prepare for battle, let us prepare ourselves for this war.

The two girls quickly sat down as Mary took them verse by verse studying the word of God. Non of them remembered food or water, they just focused their hearts on the word. And indeed they were ready for the final battle!

Mary: Even if God will not save us today, we will die here with His word, we will die fighting, we are not giving up easily for that blood sucking bastard. Are we of one spirit?

Faith and Tina: Yes we are!

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