THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End


Episode 12.

Jadeshola listened as Baba narrated the history of the cursed house to her. She was told how a young man had built a house in the city and how his best friend out of greed killed him and his entire family and claimed the house. And how the spirit of that man hunted the house and every body who ventured stayed in the house. How the spirit of the man had killed his best friend after making him mad for years.

She was also told how different families who have innocently parked into the house was destroyed one after the other and how the last occupants of the house one Mr Ade had managed to survive the house after almost losing everything he had, how he had lost their innocent daughter Lilian in the house and how through the help of another daughter Loveth and a powerful man of God they were able to survive the house. The Ade’s left the house, after doing a lot of damage to it with their prayers.

That same day, the house had suddenly disappeared from the city and suddenly appeared at this village. The village of the man who was the best friend that killed the owner of the house. It was believed the land was part of the property he bought from the money he acquired from the friend he killed. And that is why the house had settled on that land.

And since the day the house appeared in the village, people had disappeared without trace. Whoever goes close to it gets lost forever. No one knows if they are alive inside the house or dead. But the villagers have termed the place the cursed house. And has warned people not to go close to it.

Every year, they offer sacrifices of 7 v!rgin girls to appease the spirit in the house, but even at that they advice people not to go close to the environment.

Jadeshola listened to the story. And the more she listened. The more she was convinced that Mary was in there.

Jadeshola: But baba, I was at that house, I went close to it, I even knocked on the door, I went round it and I climbed and looked at the window. It was all so dark I couldn’t see anything. It was the human bones and fresh blood I saw that made me run away from there.

Baba: so I heard, and I am truly surprised that you went and you returned. It only means something, that there is something that prevented it from being able to take you.

Jadeshola: so baba what do you think I should do now?

Baba: well my child, it is your fight, its your daughter that is missing and since you are the only one that can get close to the house that means you alone can go. I will tell the villagers we can only stand at the street and watch you go there and try to rescue your daughter, we can provide you with guns and anything you need, but we cannot follow you inside. If you survive it, we will be glad, but if you dont then we will continue to live in the bondage of this cursed house.

Jadeshola: its alright baba, this is my fight and I will fight it. I will go there tonight and finish this fight.

Baba: Tonight? Why night? Why not in the morning. Many of the villagers are scared, they will not agree to go with you at night.

Jadeshola: Tonight baba, because spiritual battles are fought at night and this is one spiritual battle. Its alright if they dont come with me, after all they are not following me into the battle field.

Baba: You are so brave my child. I pray you are victorious in this. However I will still tell them of the mission, those who can will follow you and the scared ones will remain. I and my grandson will follow you because I wish nothing more than for this nightmare to end in this village. My child, tell me all you need for this battle and I will provide them for you.

Jadeshola: Baba thank you so much, but I dont need anything, I have all I need, I have Jesus, I have the Holy Spirit and I have the host of angels with me, I am not going alone. And dont you worry about me baba, I am coming out with my daughter alive.

Baba watched as she stood up and started singing war songs and moving around the compound. He left her there and went into the village to announce to them that there was a battle for tonight and they should be ready!

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