THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 7.

Faith came with a plate of rice for Mary and stretched it for her.

Mary: How do you get food?

Faith: He brings the food for us

Mary: Take it away, I dont want to eat

Lanna and Tina burst out laughing, Faith turned and looked at them, she ignored them and bent close to Mary and talked to her almost whispering.

Faith: Listen dear, you have to eat, because eventually you will be hungry. How do you intend to survive without food. You won’t survive more than three days highest. Besides when he comes to drink from you what strength would you have to stand. So please if you know you want to survive you have to eat, and gather the little strength you can.

Mary: Dont worry Faith, I will not eat, and dont worry about me, nothing will happen to me.

Faith tried as much as she could to convince Mary but she saw that the girl would not be convinced. And so she left.

Then Mary put her head down, and for the first time she prayed. The girls only heard her mumbling they didnt know what she was saying or who she was talking to. They just laughed at her.

Mary kept on praying until she fell asleep, she was already very weak.


It was exactly midnight and the girls were sitted trembling in fear. Mary was still sleeping. Suddenly the lights went off and an evil wind blew around the house, there was a strange and monstrous laugh all over the house, the lights started blinking going off and on.

Mary jumped from her sleep and looked around. She saw the girls sitted together, she could tell they were terrified.

Mary : what is going on? She shouted for them to hear her well.

Lanna: Its here, it has come for you.

Mary sat up immediately when she heard that, her eyes wide opened as she looked round the house. ”Blood of Jesus” she mumbled beneath her shaky breath. ”blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus” Mary kept on talking as her eyes went round the house. And the monstrous voice kept coming close.

And then she saw it! It looked like a man, but it was not a man because it had horns, its eyes were red as blood, it was dressed in complete black with teeths as long and sharp as knife. It has legs but it didnt move with them, it was flying in the air. There was evil smoke surrounding it as it flew close to Mary.

Mary was scared as she saw the monster coming towards her.

”Jesus, The blood of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus, the bible says at the mention of your name every knee must bow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” Mary kept on shouting Jesus.

And then it flew towards her, Mary closed her eyes tight as she kept on shouting Jesus, the monster got to where she was, looked her deep in the eyes then made an angry painful sound before turning away. It flew far away from Mary and moved to Lanna, Lanna screamed in fear, as the m0nster dragged her away.

The girls could hear her screaming in pains, as he dug its long teeths into her shoulders drinking from her. It scratched her all over leaving sore all over her. Lanna kept screaming and Tina was crying. All the girls were crying. Mary was watching in fear with her mouth wide opened. And after about 30minutes of continues drinking the wicked m0nster man finally left.

Lanna collapsed on the ground almost lifeless. The lights came back on, everywhere was quiet again. The girls rushed to Lanna who was still on the ground. Tina lifted her up crying as she held her.

Tina: sister please, please be strong, you’ve survived this many times, please dont die now please.

There seemed to be no blood left in Lanna as she struggled and managed to talk.

Lanna: Th…… .is is diff……afferent!

Ola rushed to get water and tried to give Lanna to drink, but she couldn’t. They tried to hold her and help her sit up. But she slumped in their hands and fave her last breath.

Tina screamed.. . as she cried. This was her twin sister and they’ve been together alone in that house for thirteen years. ”No….ooooooo” she kept on screaming, she cried and held tightly to Lanna.

Tina: dont leave me sister, please dont leave me, come back please.

All the girls were just there crying. Mary was still confused, she couldn’t place what was happening around her. She just stated from the crying girls to the dead girl, her heart beating fast and her eyes searching for someone to explain to her what was going on.

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