THE HUNTED HOUSE 2: Episodes 1 – The End

The Hunted House 2

Written and composed by Excelrhymez
Aka Mummy E

Episode 8.

Jadeshola and the old man moved from door to the other checking for Mary. Jadeshola had cried her eyes out. As they approached the last house, they saw that boy who had spoken to Jadeshola and Mary on the first day they entered the village.

Boy: (to the old man) Grand PA, where are you off to? Why have you come this far from your place. (Then he turns and sees the young woman with him) wait! I know you. I recognise you!

Jadeshola: I know you too, it was you we saw the day we entered the village. My daughter and I, you told us the way to go and you also told us to go and not look back.

Boy: oh yes! I remember now. And what are you still doing here? Why are you still in the village? I thought you said you were lost, what are you doing with my grand father.

Jadeshola starts crying. As she narrated all that happened to the young boy. ”Since then I’ve not set my eyes on my child, my only child”. She concluded.

Boy: But I warned you, I told you to go straight without looking back, you were stubborn.

Old man: Wait did you say you rested at the front of a house?

Boy: Yes papa, they did, they rested at the front of the cursed house. That was where I saw them.

Old man: oh my!

Jadeshola: cursed house? What do you mean cursed house?

Old man: Young woman just go home. Your daughter is gone.

The man turned as be began to walk away.

Jadeshola: Baba wait! Wait! What do you mean by cursed house. Where is my daughter gone to? I dont understand.

The old man didnt wait, he just turned and left. And so Jadeshola turned faced the boy, with tears in her eyes.

Jadeshola: please tell me what I need to do. I dont understand. Is my daughter inside that house? Why is the house cursed. Please explain to me please.

Boy: I can’t help you woman, nobody can. You see that house, rumour has it that people disappear when they go to that place. More than 80girls and boys have disappeared from this village over the years and we strongly believe that the house has something to do with it. The last person to disappear was the princess of this land. Princess Ola. She disappeared 5years ago and up till now nothing has been heard from her. We believe she is dead already and so are the other persons who have disappeared.

Jadeshola: unbelievable! But if you all believe it has something to do with the house why not just go there and break down the door. Who knows they may be alive inside the house.

Boy: That’s not possible, how will one survive years without food or water.

Jadeshola: Then let’s go and break the door down. Only then can we be sure.

Boy: Its like you dont understand what I am saying, nobody goes near that house. Whoever tries it disappears without trace. There is a line you can never cross. Dont you get it?

Jadeshola: sorry but who owns the house, who built it?

Boy: That’s the mistery sister, we just woke up one morning and it was there. Nobody knows the owner or how it got there. It just found its way there.

Jadeshola turned and starts walking away.

Boy: Where are you going to?

Jadeshola: I am going to get my daughter from that cursed house.

Boy: Are you mad? Didnt you hear what I said? I just told you that nobody goes close to that house. If you go there you will be lost forever.

Jadeshola: I dont care, wherever my daughter is that’s where I will be, if my daughter is dead, then let me die with her.

Jadeshola walked away from the boy and moved into the bush towards the house.

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